Spooky P3!

Our new topic this term is Materials. We have been discussing different types of material and what they are used for. We will soon move on to recycling material.
On Monday nearly all of the class had a great time at the school Hallowe’en disco. Some of us were dressed up as cats, vampires, witches, skeletons,zombies and pirates. There was also a pumpkin, Cleopatra, a werewolf, Frankenstein and a corpse bride! Very scary!!!
We are now looking forward to Bonfire Night

5 thoughts on “Spooky P3!”

  1. Well done with your Inky’s P3 you all worked really hard and i hope you all enjoyed the experience I did.

    Not long till Christmas now so exciting.

    Well done Mrs. A!

  2. I am loveing p3 it is amazing + it is the best clss in the world and the TEACHERS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD who else like there teachers like me?…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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