Category Archives: 2.1 Curriculum

Please Mind The Gap…

Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Asteroid Belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Kuiper Belt Objects- it’s the solar system!

But what’s wrong? I’ve included the belts of comets, I’ve even included downgraded dwarf-planet Pluto but there’s still something missing…

The same thing that’s missing from this picture of the solar system… But what is it..?

The gaps! We’re missing the masses of space between the planets which make up space. (funnily enough…) Planets are like grains of sand spaced out in a large outdoor stadium.

When teaching children about the solar system and using images like the one above it is fundamental to ensure you also teach about the gaps between the planets.

But how do we teach about the gaps between planets when it would be near enough impossible to fit them all on a page? its all about scale and proportion.

One way I found to be effective was to line the planets up in a setting I knew (this also links to the CfE principle of relevance). For example, when explaining to a room full of confused-looking student teachers, Dr Simon Reynolds used Dundee and the surrounding areas. If, scaled down, the sun was at the Dundee Science centre, the furthest away planet (that we know of), Neptune would be way past St Andrews and into the Scottish waters. (See below)

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This image shows how difficult it is to show the planets and gaps between them in a single picture. With the planets proportionally sized and spaced out you can barely even see the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) which are all scattered across the Tay Road Bridge.

Another activity Dr Simon Reynolds engaged us in was using different balls to show the difference in size between the different plants. For example, if the sun was the size of a beach ball, the Earth would be a small bouncy ball and Neptune would be a football.

So, even if using pictures like the first one in the blog post to teach children about the planets in our solar system, it is equally important to teach about the gaps and sizes of each of the planets using a number of different activities.

Languages- Scary or Intriguing?


Did the language change scare you away from this blog post or intrigue you? Did it make you want to hide, never to hear another language again or did it make you want to continue and learn more? What if you were a young child in school- then how would it make you feel?

This is a subject brought up during a recent German workshop. How should children be welcomed into a modern foreign languages classroom? Should they be welcomed with a cheery “Guten Tag!” or “Bonjour!” or just a simple “hello”?- What do you think?

Before being in a room of completely mixed ability German speakers I would have said “yes! Use the language as much as you can, it can’t do any harm, right?” I believed hearing a language regularly, even something simple such as hello, would help children feel more comfortable with learning and speaking the language. I would have thought; if they hear and see it regularly they’ll be able to pick up the pronunciation and see which letters make which sounds.

However, the tutor of our German class decided not to welcome us all in the language, instead opting for a simple “good morning”- why? She didn’t want to scare anyone. At first I thought the idea of being ‘scared’ by language to be silly but maybe that’s because I spent six years learning German. Through discussion within the group, I soon learned that not everyone had such an extensive background and some had none at all. This made me think back to when I first started secondary and first walking into a German classroom, after having spent three years at primary studying French and hearing my teacher welcome us in a language I had never heard, did it make me feel anxious? Yes. So imagine how it could make a primary 1 child feel.

With the introduction of the 1 + 2 modern foreign languages scheme, I feel it is even more important not to scare the children with language. With children starting learning languages at a younger age than ever before, I believe it is important to settle them in. Begin by having words in the language dotted around the classroom, beside their English translations and images or real life objects of the word. For example, labelling the scissor box with both the English and foreign language word for ‘scissors’. This way the child will begin word association and may become curious about the language. Continue to work your way from there, insuring differentiation so that every child is able to take part. I believe it is the role of the teacher to ensure no child is ever scared of learning, no matter what the subject may be. It is the teacher’s responsibility to encourage positive learning throughout the class and ensure progression and depth- two of the main principles of Curriculum for Excellence.

So I ask you again, is learning a new language scary or exciting? And what do you think we, as teachers, could do to make it less scary for children?