
In the technology workshop with Richard we discussed the crossing of curricular areas.  This was something that I hadn’t put much thought into in terms of lesson planning however after this workshop I can’t wait to try this more often.  We discussed food textiles and how one of the experiences and outcomes could be chosen and then applied with another of our choice.  For this task Danielle, Erin and myself all worked on picking two experiences and outcomes and designed a lesson which would fit these.  We chose a food textiles E&O and paired it with a mathematics E&O.  When looking at these we had multiple different ideas which we thought may work.  We decided that there would have been previous lesson which would have introduced the mathematics more and possibly a lesson after this one to discuss and go over what was actually learnt within this lesson.  This made me very excited as the school I’ll be in for my placement has a cooking room which I could book out for a whole afternoon to spend with the children therefore this may actually be possible depending on their stage of mathematics.  Here’s our lesson plan without the timing and assessment as we found some flaws with them and I’m working on improving them.

Individual Lesson Plan Format (Primary)


Class/Group: P3…………………      Lesson: …………………………        Date: ………..…


Previous Experience


Introduced to foods and be exposed to different foods, had their lessons on measuring before hand i.e been introduced to measuring different materials etc.  


Working towards outcomes of a Curriculum for Excellence


· I can estimate how long or heavy an object is, or what amount it holds, using everyday things as a guide, then measure or weigh it using appropriate instruments and units.


· I experience a sense of enjoyment and achievement when preparing simple healthy foods and drinks.



Literacy/Numeracy/ICT/HWB (where appropriate):


Numeracy, HWB

Learning Intentions

Success Criteria

·       We are learning to use standard measure and non standard measure to investigate and compare the different cakes.

  • ·       I understand how to use non standard measure and standard measure
  • ·       I can follow instructions carefully and successfully
  • ·       I can compare the different cakes



Flour, caster sugar, eggs, milk, butter, bowls, spoons, whisk, cake tins, oven, baking sheets, power point of each step on a separate slide



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