Virtues of Teachers

As part of a TDT we were given a list of the virtues of teaching and told to pick five of the list. The five that stood out to me was; patience, fairness, respect, empathy and compassion.

I feel patience is such an important virtue to have in teaching. From my own personal experience at school I used to hate having to ask the teacher for help over and over again as I felt that they became less patient each time I asked. However for me I feel that you should not lose patience with a child because they do not get something correct first time. Your there to teach them how to do something and not every child is going to get it first time; there may be times were you have to keep going over something; however I love the feeling you get when you see  that they are beginning to understand. You also are dealing with a large number of children everyday and they all want your undivided attention so your patience will be tested!!

Another virtue I thought was important was fairness. Every single child in your classroom should be treated the same. When you start to make divides in the classroom I believe this is when problems can be created. I believe a mutual respect is created when everyone is treated the same which creates a much more happier classroom.

Respect is an important part of teaching. As a teacher you have to be respectful of everyone you work with from the pupils, to the parents, canteen staff, janitors and headteachers. You all are a team and no one person is better than the other. Respecting people’s opinions is also important. As a teacher you hear different opinions regarding the way you teach and you have to respect these opinions and take on board what they are saying.

Being able to empathise with a person is important as a teacher. In teaching you meet people from all walks of life and you have to be able to see different perspectives. Empathy is essential for building bridges between individuals and the ability to understand other people’s emotions. Empathy is important for creating relationships for progress.

The final virtue I chose was compassion. You are seen as a “parental figure” at school. The children are with you everyday and you have to care for them. They rely on you so much, when they  are hurt or have a problem you have to show compassion and that you are there to help them.

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