Personal audit & transferable skills

Personal Audit – Consider the important skills and abilities for you from the ‘Personal Transferable Skills’ table

Skills well developed – Highlight Green

Skills to be further developed – Highlight Yellow

Skills not developed – Highlight Red


Personal Interpersonal Communication Technical Intellectual
Take Risks Participate in a team Contribute to discussions  Driving a car  Think Critically
 Self Confidence  Give Instructions  Construct a C.V  Be Creative  Reflect on own learning
 Work/Study Balance  Give/Receive feedback  Speak informally to people  Search the web  Work on own initiative
 Work under pressure  Manage time  Listen to the views of others  Use a keyboard  Organise and plan



Where are the opportunities to use/develop/learn these skills? (Transfer from the grid above)

Lectures  Self Confidence, Participate in a team, Reflect on own learning, Speak informally to people, Approach others,Think Critically
Workshops  Self Confidence, Participate in a team, Contribute to discussions, Think Critically, Risk Taking, Listen to views of others,Organise and plan, Integrate with others
Tutorials  Give and receive feedback, Reflect on own learning
Discussions with tutors/DOS Give and receive feedback, Integrate with others, Contribute to discussions
Reading Think critically, Work under pressure, Manage time, Work/study/family balance
Writing Think critically, Manage time, Work under pressure, Work/study/family balance
Using Technology Use a keyboard, Search the web, Construct a C.V
Library Search the web, Use a keyboard, Organise and plan
Professional Practice Be creative, Work under pressure, Participate in a team, Self confidence, Work/study/family balance, Give and receive feedback, Reflect on own learning, Work on own initiative, Manage time, Give instructions. Risk taking
Other (Please specify)


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