Why teaching?

I can’t really remember ever wanting to pursue anything other than teaching, and I’m sure if you were to go back in time and ask five year old me, I would say the same! I loved learning as a child, especially in primary school. My teacher(s) were a big reason for this, as was my mum, and as cliché as it sounds, I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for them. So in a way, I guess part of the reason I’m so interested in teaching stems from wanting to give children a similar experience to the one I had as a child.

Teaching is such an incredibly rewarding profession, and I think children actually teach us as much as we teach them. Every day is different, and although challenging, packed full of fun. I can’t wait for that moment of realisation on a child’s face when they finally ‘get it’.

I hope to become a teacher who has children excited for what their school day has to offer, to have children inspired and eager to learn. I want to ensure they feel supported and challenged. But most of all, I hope to have children who have as fond memories as I do of my time at school.

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