
Reflection is such an important thing in all aspects of life. It is used throughout life, from when we are a child learning what is right and what is wrong, when we go to primary school, and when we move on to higher education we really start to reflect on our studies. Even after university we are encouraged to reflect in our workplace, especially as teachers.

Reflection allows you to analyse what you have done well on in your work, and what needs improved on. It is important to look at both  the bad and the good points of your work so that you can not only improve in the areas you are weak on but continue to include the good aspects in future work.

As a student, we must aim to reflect on all pieces of work we submit. This will help us improve throughout the year and meet the ongoing goals we set our self. Ways to reflect include:

-Highlighting where you went wrong, or areas that could be improved upon.

-noting ways in which you could improve these aspects.

-planning to implement these new strategies.

-asking someone you trust to evaluate your work and advise areas you can improve.

As teachers, it is your duty to constantly reflect on your practice so that you can better it. This is the only way you will continue to meet the needs of all children under your care. Reflection can be a hard thing to do as not everybody is confident pointing out their flaws, but in the larger scale it is too important to miss. Without reflection we can’t improve and realize where we are going wrong. Reflection is a wonderful thing that people of all ages and professions should actively engage in on a regular basis.


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