Category Archives: Recommened reading

I know the caterpillar is hungry but do I need to know why?

Another fun filled expedition with my Ruby to delve into the world of science. This time it was another impromptu discussion brought up by the world around us. The location was the cycle path along by Barry Buddon (army base), a lovely contrast of environments: golf and a train track on one side and gunfire on the other with a wildlife rich walk slap bang in the middle. We often walk along here to watch the trains, identifying the company names and cargo we think they might be carrying and to where. Ruby’s keen eye spotted something large and furry as she rode her horse Star (bicycle) along the path. I was welcome of the break as her four wheels move much faster than my two legs.

The following video is of her recalling knowledge, the catalyst for this being the presence of the caterpillar. Ruby appears to be hanging like a cocoon in this video and Ollie the dog is a bit out of puff (it isn’t me). My mini scientist then went on to discuss the different appearance of the cocoon and caterpillar in relation to whether the insect would be a moth or a butterfly. The brighter or greener the outside then it was more likely to be a butterfly. The darker or hairier the outside it was more likely to be a moth. Every day is a school day! Ruby deduced that our fluffy caterpillar would most likely become a moth but we would have to come back to see because it would be unfair to take it home.

As a child I learnt about the butterfly life cycle, read the Hungry Caterpillar, was able to dig and explore outdoors whenever I wanted at home and was amazed by their delicate but intimidating presence on a trip to Butterfly World in primary 1. Considering that was 24 years ago I believe this shows what a profound effect the whole topic and the teacher had on my love of creepy crawlies. Spiders are even included in that. I understood we were much bigger than them, we should care for them and they have very important jobs to do. Within the science benchmarks for early years, SCN1-01a discusses consideration of growth and sorting organisms by features. I find this a tenuous link really, which made me question why the humble butterfly’s life cycle is one regularly taught, what children gain from this and why did this work so much better outside.

Instruction from Education Scotland in the Science Benchmarks is to allow children to develop understanding and skills in a practical manner(Benchmarks, pg2). My memories are vivid due to hands on experience outside of a classroom. But does real life experience in the outdoors engage learners? Currently the Association for Science Education, a UK organisation, champions the need for outdoor education in the field of Science education. In Scotland specifically, Education Scotland have the Curriculum for Excellence Through Outdoor Learning document, that encourages “planning for spontaneous local visits when weather is favourable.”(pg13) Slightly confusing terms: having to organise something spontaneous and only head outdoors if it is sunny?! We live in Scotland. Furthermore, science education is explicitly mentioned once (pg8) in the outdoor education document and the outdoors are mentioned only once (pg2) in the benchmarks. Consider also that a recent (2016) paper by the University of Edinburgh, Outdoor Learning in Scotland:Issues for Education, identified that not enough was being done beyond policy making to insure children had true engagement in outdoor education. This was due to a lack of training, provision, awareness, facilities and accountability (pg3).

I am just doing as I am encouraged at University and questioning the didactic methods in the hope that this will help me be the teacher I want to be within the Scottish education system. I know, from experience in classrooms that last minute trips do happen whether it is a trip to the playground to read a book or wandering in the local area to discuss homes. I can’t however, help but think that maybe more teachers would feel more confident in utilising the outdoors if they felt wholly encouraged and at times told. Theorists such as Pestalozzi and Froebel championed outdoor education, an area I am passionate about. However more recently and most succinctly, Priest (1986) established outdoor education as a system that was dependent on six factors: it was a method; it utilises the wealth of knowledge from experiential theorists like Dewey and Pestalozzi; it is essential for learning; it provides learning opportunities across cognitive, emotional and physical development; it highlights that our curriculum is naturally cross-curricular and a key component is that many relationships contribute to a child’s education (Watchow, Brown, 2011, pg18). This encourages me to pursue my pedagogical stance whilst teaching science.

How could the butterfly engage children in outdoor learning? How can it not? The butterfly is just so magical! The charity, Butterfly Conservation have an interesting breakdown of the scientific and educational value the butterfly and moth hold within the UK, all under the heading Why Butterflies Matter. This got me thinking of a stimulus for a topic about extinction, migration and adaptation in the natural world. The butterfly is a prime candidate.

The gems are probably the best-preserved fossils of any butterfly  photo credit New Scientist

Imagine the conversations and investigations that could occur from placing this image or even better an imitation of this in a small wooden crate surrounded by shredded paper and handled with white gloves delivered with a stamp from the Scottish Museum? Or bury it in the play ground or shallow trough for children to excavate. Taking the children butterfly spotting in spring, can we find any? Why not? What can we do to bring them here? You could possibly explore life cycle, adaptation, extinction and most importantly conservation. The E&O being SCN2-01a the survival and adaptation of a species. I would be interested as an adult, let alone a child.

Whilst meeting Es and Os is important and guaranteeing progression enables life long learning I cannot help but feel a prescribed curriculum could occur if sole focus of meeting E&Os is stringently followed. I understand it is discouraged within the Benchmarks and that they are not for assessment but I had to scour the Experiences and Outcomes to shoe-horn the butterfly life cycle in when I know it is covered so frequently and how exciting it can be. There is no doubt that science lends itself to inquiry-based learning, in the outdoors with field work and that is aided by interest, opportunity and passion. Not ticking of boxes.

As Ruby and I discussed her bike may well have ended that caterpillars hurried journey to safety and food. Being outside, being aware of the human role and responsibility in the world of nature is one that is dear to my heart. An area I believe science in the Scottish Primary can really uncover and have lifelong impact upon.



Learning a new skill is sometimes daunting. Applying the skill gives you that wee bit more confidence then showing others gives a degree of confidence in the skill.

This week I learnt how to upload a video from my iPhone to YouTube then to my eportfolio, in a somewhat seamless manner. Although I am not scared of technology I think that I truly lack enough knowledge to say I’m an expert. Put it this way, I’m not scared to crash a few computers and reboot a couple more in my quest to become a techno master.

The video I chose was my daughter’s first ever book review. She is 5, an avid reader and I tend to buy her books from charity shops (Oxfam often have children’s books for 49p), eBay or TKMaxx. The book she picked for this review seemed to fit nicely with my current elective, Science. The book was Albie’s First Word by Tourville and Evans. The book is about Albert Einstein and how for being the father of relativity and scientist extraordinaire he did not speak till late into his childhood. It is an interesting read for children and adults alike, with a short biography about Einstein at the back. I feel it would encourage children to question the world of science and allow them to imagine they can be the next Einstein. No matter what. There is an undertone of Autistic behaviour described but in such a nonchalant way. Ruby picked up that, although he did not speak, he was trying. He communicated in his own way.

The way my own daughter reads has made me question the language I will use in a classroom. Why should I aim low or underestimate the children’s comprehension or grasp of language. Adams (1999) discussed that teachers aim to use words they believe the children will easily understand but that if they are not stretched or exposed to more subject specific language and a  wider vocabulary then teachers are doing them an injustice(pg37-38). In saying that Moyles (2003) argues that in order for children to feel confident attempting and using newly acquired vocabulary they must be put into comfortable situations where trial and error are embraced (pg40). When a challenging word is said by the teacher, it has to in turn be explored and the children’s connotations of word meaning addressed for it to be beneficial. I find reiterating the word, adding a sing song voice to it, pretending I have forgotten the meaning, using a visual prop and also parroting the word helps it sink in.

Personally, I feel that books are the door into extension, experience and engagement with new exciting words. As a teacher I hope to provide the chance to engage with the written word as often as possible and in as many medias as possible. I understand that reading a book (even if that’s make believe), is a very personal and private experience. Reading aloud to peers is daunting and often detrimental. I want them to be Charlie Cook in the Julia Donaldson novel where all they needed was to “curl up in a cosy nook to read their favourite book.”

Adams, R., Ali, S., Bassi, K.L., Hussain, N. & Brock, A., 1999. Into the enchanted forest. 1st ed. Wiltshire: Cromwell Press Ltd.

Moyles, R.J., 2003. Just playing? The role and status of play in early childhood education. 1st ed. Suffolk: St Edmundsbury Press Ltd

symbiotic is not the name of a yoghurt

Mathematics or Science, Mathematics and Science…. Mathience

For Mathematics and Science to be dictionary defined as symbiotic it would mean both subjects formed a mutually beneficial relationship due to their close proximity. (I love google dictionary)

But are Mathematics and Science symbiotic subjects? This is university so I cannot use the word Mathience and my nosiness won’t allow me to accept that both subjects were that needy of the other.

When I think of Mathematics I think of sitting in Math and wondering why the answers were all at the back of the textbook but I had to show my working out? Why could no one catch the train on time? And why did Jane need my help to buy a doll at 3p when she clearly had enough with her giant 50p? Math is everywhere and in all honesty I’ve never needed to find the negative point on a curved axis or even drawn a long division calculation on a bit of paper, but I do use math daily without even thinking. I feel I would have gained from learning about what APR is and what the dow jones is in the pretty pink newspaper but I suppose I shall just have to google that and wish for the best.

Science to me was purely a High School experience, or so I thought. Physics, Chemistry and Biology were all a muddle of periodic tables, bunsen burners and wearing super cool protective eye gear. The beauty of my childhood primary experience of science was that it was never explicit, never a set point of our week. Experiments, building bridges, growing plants, the solar system, even concocting our own flower petal perfume with just the right amount of rose petal all occurred naturally. I needed to use my Math skills to explore these things but there was never the overwhelming feeling of the right answer being no where near my conclusion. I also feel super clever when I see the O2 sign and know it stands for oxygen or an MG car and think oooh that’s the same as magnesium and it burns bright like that experiment I did in Chemistry once. It’s the little things.

For me now, as I continue on my journey to become a teacher, I see the benefits of integrating Mathematics and Science. I think this stems (no pun intended) from my experience in Early Years where there were no set subjects, the children’s interests in the world around them led to the use of mathematical calculations, language and use while also engaging in scientific processes and constant exploration. The amount of times I’ve had to prove the answers I give my daughter shows me how often I use Mathematics and Science in tandem. How do you know that puddle will freeze mum? Well Ruby…. Also who am I to tell a child the way they are scooping that mud into the bowl is not the most efficient way to get the most mud in, unless I get in that dirt and at their pace, show them another way, we can then compare and they can decide. How can they be sure that if I half the biscuit the pieces would be fair? Experiments and collecting data are such an engaging way to explore questions and make Mathematics and Science the subjects our children are enthralled by.

Curriculum for Excellence lends itself to cross-curricular use. Mathematics and Science is a perfect example, as is currently shown by STEM Central on the National Improvement Hub. There are a number of projects there that can be downloaded, showing ways in which Science, Mathematics and even Literacy can be intertwined. Does this make the subjects symbiotic in nature though?

Symbiotic relationships can be described in three different ways; Mutualism where both parties benefit, Commensalism where one benefits but the other isn’t harmed and Parasitism where one benefits at the others cost. So as Math and Science go I’d say they share a Mutualsim style symbiotic relationship. Many scientific breakthroughs could not be achieved without the logical aid of Mathematics. Calculations, data, evaluating, equations, relationships between matter, velocity required to land a rocket on the moon. Mathematics helps. However, they do differ in a way that made Science the more appealing of the two subjects to myself. In science when a theory gains supporting evidence from experiments the theory becomes true till disproved or new evidence surfaces. Mathematics is the search for the one true answer and can be done so in abstract manners. So, for all the science jargon I had to read I always thought I could add to that and explore it and naively even disprove it. There is no arguing with numbers and if I couldn’t master where I was at and was unwilling to be constantly wrong then how could I build upon it? Just like the mathematician Hankel said-

Image result for hermann hankel quotes

In short Mathematics does not rely on the tactile, real world of Science but it becomes more tangible when objects and play become part of it, especially for younger children. Science does however, rely on Mathematics as the tools of it’s trade but can lend itself to make Mathematics come alive. The world would be a boring place if we could not create, explore and engineer around us and that takes the symbiotic relationship between Mathematics and Science.



And the Oscar for best film goes to…..

In the short time frame from first semester to second semester I already feel a lot more at ease when I see ICT on my timetable. I am basically guaranteed to have an interactive and productive lesson. Experiences I can pass on to the children I hope to teach one day.

The most recent has topped the tables and is the fore runner for ‘most fun day’ at university yet! Sharon introduced us to the impact of simple animation and the ease with which we could then implement that in the classroom. We were shown the software programmes Pivot and Zu3D.

Within the curriculum for excellence,  TCH 3-09a – using appropriate software, I can work individually or collaborativey to design and implement a game, animation or other application. Above and beyond that, throughout the activity I felt I gained confidence and skills that I could then apply to different concepts and it could open onto a discussion about the power animation has in adverts and the consumer world around us.

The software could be broken down into digestible steps dependent on age group. Communication and active listening would be needed but I feel that if the children can be shown by example on a larger scale, that support coming from not only the teacher but their peers would help cement the steps. Being able to make mistakes and then shown that there are ways and means to correct them would also be beneficial.

We were able to collaborate and bring our ideas together to create what I can only describe as Oscar-worthy, Crash-Mash

Hold your applause… I found the activity fun and there was scope for so many different ideas! We got to add music and could have delved further if spaced out over a few lessons.

I believe the lesson could be approached in a constructivist manner like Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development. Utilising the skills of their peers and working with the teacher to build on those skills and develop them further. This would then lead them to feel confident enough to complete a group task and voice their opinions. The cognitive constructivism would need to be addressed individually and this could mean going round the class, possibly writing down the steps or making that information visual with a step by step guide opposed to just verbally relaying the information. The outcome itself is something that could be kept for evidence and a point to build upon through further steps. But watching the groups work would be an insight into their communication and delegation skills. Opening up the chance for a field trip to a computer programming base within Dundee.

Sharon also gave us helpful advice about how to keep the children’s attention and I would like to open a lesson like this with a visual and audio stimulus. Getting the children to close there eyes and listen to a piece of music then possibly watch a short animation with no sound. Being able to then make the link between the two and the co-dependency of these stimuli in the world around us.

I look forward to trying to integrate this animation lesson into my placement school as I have seen they engage heavily with twitter and coding. It’s definitely an area I need to research and I have got copies of a couple books I feel will help. Hopefully I can read myself a bit more savvy but hands on experience will be better to reflect upon and grow from.