Let the blogging bonanza continue!

I have just spent the past half an hour or so reading posts from many of my peers.  These posts were extremely interesting and really demonstrated that they have fully submerged themselves into the life of reflection. Looking back at posts you can see progression throughout and how their authors have developed the way they write about lectures, books they have read and personal experiences.  For me, I especially love the posts where there is some kind of personal link to the post. I feel it is really important and enjoyable to get a sense of what kind of personality the individual has. We might not necessarily know the face to match the name but sometimes reading posts make you feel that by the end of it you really know what kind of person they are.

Writing a blog post enables those who may have reservations about sharing their thoughts and feelings face to face with others to get their opinions and beliefs heard. I feel that through reading one and others ePortfolios that actually as a year group we can become much closer.  Having the engagement with those whom you don’t know very well can help brake down any boundaries you feel may still be there, because after all  we are still getting to know everyone! Not only does it help with our personal communication it opens up a window for us to establish our own place to begin professional dialogue.

We are all still learning. In fact, nobody ever stops learning. This is why I believe that even if you feel insecure about that what you are writing or worry people will make judgments – don’t! We can’t expect to be perfect and everyone is entitiled to make mistakes. That’s how we learn.  Everyone has their own opinions so express them! I know for me I worry what people will think about what I write. However, I want to take the opportunity to thank my peers and other glow users for feedback they have given me online or in person about things I’ve written. It’s really helping to build my confidence in sharing feelings and opinions with the wider online community.

Let the blogging bonanza continue!

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