Study Skills Introduction

From reading the ‘Study Skills Handbook’ by Stella Cottrel any student would have the basic understandings of what to expect in the initial stages of University. The lead up to starting and the possible ways in which they will grow and develop throughout the duration of their University career.  Preparing for University is endless. You have to prepare yourself for the independence in the decision making for how you’re going to live your life each day. So many other factors, like whether or not you want to/can stay at home, preparing yourself mentally for the newly found independence and how not to abuse it and also the drastic change in the work regime and how you’ll adapt to that.

Preparing for University requires an open mind to change. For me personally I was looking forward to the change whilst being apprehensive of what I was letting myself in for! Starting out at University means many factors have to be considered. As a student you have get comfortable in your surroundings and settle in.  Added pressure of getting to know your peers and your peers getting to know. Whether you’re in halls or staying at home finding friends is just as important as they are the ones that will be there to help you through your studies and experience exactly what you’re going through. Not to forget when you’re starting out the endless forms to be completed and the wide range of societies and clubs that can be joined. The book also reminds us how  important it is to  think about money and whether or not we’ve put a budget in place.  There are also the general expectations the University has for you. Making sure that you try to interact with as many people as possible, making connections, ensuring communication with staff through emails and portals is consistent, keeping up to date with reading and lectures- making sure you’re organised for them and submitting work when due. Furthermore, not being afraid to seek help if unsure about anything!

What makes University Education different? start with class sizes are now drastically bigger which can be extremely intimating at first. University is a lot of self directed independent study which has to keep up with the fast pace of lectures and tutorials. Not forgetting that with University you are there by choice and selection which means that those who accepted you must think you demonstrate the ability to succeed at your chosen course.

Finally the Study Skills booked reminded me of the  graduate skills and attributes University is hoping to see you develop. Firstly, self development, to show that you can then stand up with confidence in front of people, take risks and show a great understanding of people skills. Moreover, being able to get the life balance between socialising and studying. Secondly, communication – written, visual and verbal – all extremely important in a profession to ensure that you can cooperatively work with people, whether that’s part of a team a leadership role. Being interactive with people requires you to be able to communicate clearly and easily with others.

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