Giving blogging another go…

I feel that I have neglected my e-portfolio a little throughout MA2; I enjoyed writing out my notes and when it came to writing in my e-portfolio, the thought of it seemed like such a chore. However, the elective module Expressive Arts requires me to document some of my TDT’s electronically so I thought “Why not?”

The first TDT I’ll be sharing on my blog is one that I enjoyed taking part in with a group from Expressive Arts. The task was to make a silent movie, which meant that there was no dialogue whatsoever, only music to tell the story.  In first year, Sharon showed us this video which was made by the Spanish Lottery. It is such an emotional video and this is because the powerful music emphasises the emotions felt throughout.

Our take on ‘silent movie’ was a little different than this advert and we instantly thought of old black and white movies. We could have been a bit more creative with the story line but we opted for a simple change of emotion so that we could easily display the different music used for such contrasting emotions. If this was a lesson that I was doing with an upper years class, I would definitely spend a lot of time with them thinking of a story and then replacing whatever dialogue they had in their role-play with music which they created.

In our silent movie, we chose to use piano as our main instrument as one of our group members was confident in playing piano, and we also used different percussion instruments. We kept it simple and just used two people as actors and the other three (myself included) played the instruments and also recorded it.

watch here



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