Category Archives: 2.2 Education Systems & Prof. Responsibilities

Visit to Flexible Childcare Services

On Monday my group visited the Flexible Childcare services in Dundee. This organisation runs a day-care centre for children ranging from babies to sixteen year olds. However there is no set price per child, the cost of the child care depends on the parents income. Therefore this makes this organisation unique from others as it can support families of every social class by making childcare accessible and affordable for all. The centre therefore does depend on funding from charities and the government to operate and pay the staff. The staff also go to different schools in Dundee and pick up children to bring them to the centre. I think this is great for working parents who cannot do the school pick up, or the after school clubs is too expensive. There was a lovely sense of inclusion in the centre and all the staff are viewed as equals not in a hierarchy form. During our visit everyone we asked questions too were lovely and gave us very honest answers about how communicating with other agencies can be difficult. As the centre does take social work referrals they need to try work with social work closely to ensure they are getting it right for every child. However they have had some difficult cases where social work have not passed on detailed information about a child and receiving the essential information can be hard. I really enjoyed the visit, I feel like I took a lot from it and I am looking forward to the presentation about it.