Category Archives: Professional Studies

My Passion for Teaching

I have had the ambition of becoming a primary school teacher since the first day I can remember. My original reasoning was due to the simple fact that I loved my time in primary school and adored each and every one of my teachers, hoping I could be like them one day. Now that I am older, my reasoning is a little more deep rooted.

I have a sister with severe special needs, and to see the positive impact that great teaching has had towards her overall development is incredible. I would love nothing more than to give back the same quality of education given to my sister, so that I can help children thrive and be the best possible versions of themselves. Similarly to this, while on placement in a nursery during my HNC college course I noticed the varied different abilities of children of a very similar age. I soon came to notice the differences in children across the attainment gap, yet saw no extra help given to those needed. This quickly motivated me to do my part in helping to close the attainment gap in a bid to create a fairer education for all.

To be able to watch each individual child grow and flourish to their best potential through the knowledge, advice and friendship I have given them, makes this one of the most rewarding jobs in the world.