Making a Difference

Throughout my life I’ve probably been asked about a thousand times “What do you want to be when you’re older?” And although my answer to that question has often changed, I’ve always, without a doubt, found my way back to the same answer: “I want to be a teacher.” I want to be a teacher because I want to make a difference in society. I want to be someone who can positively impact another being’s life through the means of education. I want to inspire, inform and enlighten young individuals and guide them in the right path in life; with as much wisdom, knowledge and understanding that I can possibly share with them. I want the next generation of children to feel at ease in the classroom and not feel the unnecessary pressure I often felt as a child. I want education to be fun, interactive and something that’s looked forward to, not something that’s dreaded. I want each teaching day to hold a new challenge and be full of new opportunities, especially for those who wouldn’t typically get to experience such a thing. Most of all, I want to be a teacher because I never want to stop learning and I want the next generation of children to feel the same way too.

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