The history of IB; Educational Trends.

The first trend which I believe to be present in both curricula is ‘child centred’. This along with ‘Education of the wh.ole child’ relates to the CfE as in the CfE, the learners themselves are at the centre of everything that goes on within the classroom. This is inline with ‘getting it right for every child’ (GIRFEC); a legislation which ensures each child receives the best possible education that suits their needs and abilities.

Similarly, the progressive trend of student choice links to CfE as children are encouraged to have personalisation and choice (curricular principle) in their education, again, to ensure they are getting an education which is suited to them. Both of the aforementioned trends confirm that both curricula are very pupil orientated.

Transdisciplinarity is another progressive trend which links closely to interdisciplinary learning which can be seen in the CfE. This is whereby cross-curricular lessons are taught, enhancing learning, by adding either numeracy, health and wellbeing or literacy to each lesson. This is done through the introduction of the Responsibility for All E’s and O’s. I believe this to also link to the curricular principle of relevance. Learners are taught things which are not only useful in the classroom, but also in the wider world.

In relation to classroom teaching, Criterion References, means testing a child’s knowledge on a specific subject area in relation to a set of standards. In the CfE, we do this through the use of Experiences and Outcomes(Es and Os), and by setting clear Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for our pupils. Using the Es and Os helps teachers plan their lessons and set relevant Learning Intentions, and Success Criteria which are achievable and realistic. By doing this, it ensures consistency for our learners.

Lastly, I understand the trend of critical analysis is something which is also embedded within the CfE. In CfE children are encouraged to reflect on their learning, often by setting SMART targets.

The ones mentioned above are those which I believe to be most similar. Many have loosely related traits, and a couple I personally do not see any links to. For example ‘open plan rooms’ is something which I  haven’t seen often in Scotland, potentially something we will see more of in the near future.

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