Values Workshop Reflection Post

We all took part in a Values Workshop where we were split into 4 groups and asked to complete the same activity; create a new student resource for students coming to UoD.

One group was given an array of useful materials such as paper, pens, scissors, tape, post it notes, and bluetac. One group was given slightly less, another group given less that before and the final group being given 3 paperclips, a post it note, a small amount of bluetac and a pencil.

I quickly caught onto the meaning behind the activity: that each child doesn’t have the same resources available to them however they are all frequently asked to complete the same activity.

When we all completed the activity, we were made aware to the fact that the groups with the least amount of resources noticed that the other groups had more resources during the task and the groups with the most resources assumed that every group had the same amount of resources.

This showed us that we all need to think carefully about how we address our pupils and what tasks we give to them as some children are able to access the internet on all of their many electronics whereas some students don’t even have someone that’s able to take them to a library to access the internet.

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