Personal audit & transferable skills

Personal Audit – Consider the important skills and abilities for you from the ‘Personal Transferable Skills’ table

Skills well developed – Green  Skills to be further developed – Yellow   Skills not developed – Red

 Personal  Interpersonal  Communication  Technical  Intellectual
 Organised  Encouraging  Confidence  Drive a Car  Critical Thinking
 Flexible  Motivating  Partake in discussion  Organise Files  Evaluating Info
 Determined  Responsible  Work accurately  Manage a database  Researching
 Reliable  Caring  Construct a CV  Create a word document  Analysing
 Independent  Team Work  Take mins of meetings  Produce Graphics  Collecting Data
 Cooperative  Display loyalty  Active Listening  Handle Data  Reflecting
 People-orientated  Manage Time  Speak formally and informally  Use formulae in a spread sheet  Working on own initiative
 Hardworking  Communicating

Context Grid – Where are the opportunities to use/develop/learn these skills? (Transfer from the grid above)

Lectures Confidence                           Partake in discussion

Active Listening                   Critical Thinking

Workshops Confidence                           Partake in discussion

Active Listening

Tutorials Confidence                           Partake in discussion

Active Listening

Discussions with tutors/DOS Confidence                           Partake in discussion

Active Listening

Reading Independent                         Critical Thinking
Writing Independant
Library Independent                         Flexibility
Professional Practice Confidence                             Partake in discussion

Active Listening                     Critical Thinking



Name Caitlin Kerr Date 07/10/2014
Internal Factors (My Attributes)

– enthusiastic


– considerate


– friendly


– music


– organisation


– dance


– ten-pin bowling


– piano

Ways to capitalise

– continue to engage with others and to influence others

– think of others/the children’s best interests as well as your own

– remain friendly to all, as your colleagues may be more challenging

– continue to improve on my skills to be able to pass down to others

– continue with to-do-lists and keep up with note taking/tasks

– keep active as this with impact on your capability with the children

– continue with this as it give me a work-life balance, allows me to relax

– continue with learning piano as this proves your brain to work actively


-taking on too much


– not assertive


– sciences




– afraid of dark


– over thinking


– lack self-confidence

Ways to overcome

– tackle one task at a time, complete a task before moving on

– learn to say no – too willing to help others rather than myself

– try to research into topics, watch inspiring videos to motivate myself

– try tasks independently first before asking others

– overcome frightful thoughts, to reassure myself

– learn to focus on what’s being asked, don’t doubt myself

– become more open about things, initiate conversations more

External factors (My Environment)

– changes in technology


– learn wider aspects of the curriculum

-acquire knowledge of teachers experiences

– chances to learn through professional development

Ways to exploit

– take the chance to enter new ideas to keep up-to-date

– continue learning music, drama, dance, as I can pass this down

– if unsure, ask people who have experiences in the field

– go on placements/trips to widen my own experiences


– quick moving technology

– economic situation


– changing society


– geography

Ways to reduce

– keeping up to date as possible so I don’t fall behind

– learning to adapt to situations with what you have at the time

– accepting that changes occur and to tackle them effectively

– keep informed with the world to teach about the wider world

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