my life has been invaded by mathematics

The Discovering Mathematics module has enabled my brain to be extremely mathematically reflective on life. Over the course of this module I have had to keep notes of anything that has sprung to mind as I have had constant spur of the moment ideas.

I didn’t realise how mathematical my brain could actually be until I began to think of the relations to my every day life. I have really surprised myself!


I came across this picture last week and it made me laugh! Setting an alarm in the morning isn’t as easy as some people make out! When setting my alarm I have to think through my whole morning routine before I can do this. My method is to start with the time I need to be ready for then work backwards. For example: 8am is my leaving time so I subtract each routine; 15 mins for breakfast = 7:45am, 30 mins for showering/getting ready = 7:15am, 10 mins to get my things together = 7:05. This informs me I have to set my alarm for 7am (I need those extra 5 mins to moan about having to get up!)

Shampoo … Who would’ve though buying and using shampoo would be so difficult?

The shampoo my hairdresser recommended to use (Paul Mitchell) was rather expensive at £22.50 for one bottle therefore I had to use my mathematical skills to convince myself it was worth the money. To do this I had to take the price (£22.50) and to divide it by the amount of shampoo (1000ml) which gave me that it costs £0.02 per ml. On average I use 10ml per wash then I could calculate it was only going to cost me 20p per wash. That seemed reasonable enough to purchase. I forget the initial £22.50 and just think of the 20p!

Finally, on my 18th Birthday I was presented with a bottle of Grey Goose Vodka from my boyfriend. The only calculation to make was how many glasses can I have before I need to get another one! The bottle held 350ml of vodka and a single shot of vodka is 25ml. By dividing the two I discovered I could have 14 glasses before I would run dry … or should I say … run to the supermarket!

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