Category Archives: 2.2 Education Systems & Prof. Responsibilities

I want to help you, but you need to tell me how.

When facing social injustices, such as a child failing due to their family life/background, or due to them not having a good support system out with the school environment, as a teacher, you cannot give up on the child whatsoever.

I am fully aware that what I have just stated seems like the complete obvious, however, you will be surprised at how easily you find yourself simply giving up or backing down when dealing with a particular difficult child because they have pushed all your buttons. However, there is always a reason behind ones actions or behaviour and getting to the core of it is so unbelievably important.

I believe, from experience, that by just simply asking the child ‘why’ they are acting the way they are and ‘how’ we, as the teacher, can help them will make a massive difference in the way the child perceives the punishment for their behaviour. By giving them the option to be in charge of the way their actions are dealt with and how it can be prevented in the future allows them to believe that they are valued and being listened to.

Thus creating a more tolerable environment for them and their fellow peers to learn in and enjoy school.