Category Archives: 1.1 Social Justice

Society expectations do not define your identity.

This week, we discussed a very important topic in our ‘values’ lecture. RacismWe looked deeper in to the sociological aspect of patriarchy. From a very young age, society has socialised children into gender roles. Girls should be pretty. Boys should be strong. This plays a vital role in the way the children are nurtured as they believe that this is the only way they can behave and when they go against this, they are ridiculed and bullied.

It is amazing to see how far we have come in terms of diversity and equality: Women’s rights, same sex marriages and The Equality Act are all evidence of going against the norm and having the majority say. I think it is commendable that these rights have been fought for and now recognised.

Social media plays a crucial part in influencing our thoughts. With the media sensationalising the news, we absorb the information to think it is true. We discussed Islamophobia and looked at a headline where there was an image of a muslim news reporter with a headline that had no relation to the article itself. This is important as a future teacher, where I will need to make sure children are respectful of each other’s faith and backgrounds despite their differences.

This lecture taught me to be open minded. As a diverse culture, we need to be accepting to children’s beliefs. If a girl wants to play football, she can willingly do so. If a boy wants to paint his nails, nothing should stop him. Whilst watching an advert produced by the company ‘Always’, the expectations of women and men were stereotypical. When adults were told to imitate actions of women e.g. run like a girl, they were portrayed negatively as if women were fragile. However, when children were told to do the exact same thing, they portrayed women as strong and beautiful. This was heartwarming to watch and to see children so open minded at a young age. I want to teach children that it is okay to be who you want. Your gender does not define who you are, nor does your ethnicity. I want them to create their own identity, not the media. Having these rights legalised will help children become whoever they want, rather than be suppressed under society expectations.

Inequalities should not prevent any child from reaching their potential.

This week, we took part in a very interesting task within the values module. We were split into 4 groups, each given an envelope of materials. We were instructed to make a useful resource for a student’s first day at university.

When we opened our envelope, we were puzzled due to the limitation. Our team had constructed a map of the Dalhousie building from paper clips, sticky notes, pencil and blue tac. When we looked around, we observed other teams and realised that some had coloured paper. We assumed that either the other teams used products out with their pack or they were given additional resources. We were then judged on a scale of 10, our team scoring 3 out of 10. We all took it light heartedly however the lesson learnt was an eye opener.

As teachers, it is vital to understand the inequalities amongst the children you are teaching. When you are praising one child for their effort, the child sitting beside them may have the skills but cannot put them into practice due to the lack of assistance they receive at home. We can sometimes be very quick to judge and ‘assume’ children have the resources they need to complete their homework. On multiple occasions I have seen during Christmas time, children take part in a competition where the ‘best looking’ Santa receives a prize. However, there are children who may wish to put their creative mind into practice but may have no resources at home or their parents may be too busy in their work that they put together a simple piece. Those disadvantaged children may look up to the advantaged child and feel discouraged and isolated as they are praised. This in fact increases the gap of inequalities rather than reducing it. As future teachers, it is important to realise that children should always be encouraged to do their best and never feel like there is a barrier preventing them to accomplish their goals.

When I thought about this lesson, I was really inspired by it. Our team received the least points despite our efforts of working together and taking time to figure out what to make. Yet, because the winning team had more resources they were able to construct their piece more quickly. Of course, we felt a little disappointed because we tried our best with what we had. I am extremely privileged to have gone to school, college and university. Not every child has equal opportunities from the beginning but as teachers, we can create an equal learning environment.

Welcome to your WordPress eportfolio

Welcome to your ePortfolio. This is where you will document and share your professional thoughts and experiences over the course of your study at the University of Dundee and beyond that when you begin teaching. You have the control over what you want to make public and what you would rather keep on a password protected page.

The ePortfolio in the form of this WordPress blog allows you to pull in material from other digital sources:

You can pull in a YouTube video:

You can pull in a Soundcloud audio track:

You can upload an image or pull one in from Flickr or any other image sharing site.

Teacher, Lorraine Lapthorne conducts her class in the Grade Two room at the Drouin State School, Drouin, Victoria

You can just about pull in anything that you think will add substance and depth to your writing.