IB Reflective Task IV

Since undergoing the tasks from the PowerPoint, I have learned a lot about the IB, in terms of both its origin and similarities to our own curriculum and ideology in Scotland. It is clear to see that a lot of the core values that the CfE has incorporated has been, at the least, inspired by the ideas that IB implemented back in the 1960s. This is a testament to the quality of teaching that IB presented, with it still be incredibly relevant over fifty years later. However, the CfE is not a carbon copy of IB and this can be seen in the differences between CfE and the IB’s Primary Years Programme (PYP). This post will reflect on the similarities and differences between the two.


The abundantly clear objective that immediately jumps out between both programmes is their focus on student’s learning and right to have a say on decisions that affect them. A holistic approach is evident throughout. This outlook is an essential part of the schooling process as learners are the quintessential purpose of school so their interests are paramount to every decision that is made, opposed to the previous approach that essentially existed to tick boxes on the school and curriculum’s behalf.

Additionally, the PYP and CfE are similar because they both encourage transdisciplinary learning so that students have aspects of relevant skills for them to take in the wider world, both in real-time and upon leaving school. This type of education can be seen in the CfE when teaching STEM subjects that encourage outside-of-school scenarios and learning. This is incredibly beneficial as it meets the principal ‘relevance‘ of CfE as it is a skill that transcends being exclusive to school learning.

Another similarity that IB and CfE share is their concentration on making the school environment a positive one through a shared ethos and community, another asset of their education that can translate to the outside society. Learning how to conduct yourself in school through your behaviour and interactions is a vital aspect of day-to-day learning and this is evidently recognised by both institutions. From my own experience, having a shared ethos within the school is incredibly beneficial to the pupils as they usually have a say on the contents of what is included in it, thus not only does this add responsibility to their actions but also pride as they realise their voice is heard and that they are accounted for.


However, as mentioned above, the CfE is not a direct copy of the PYP programme. From the videos provided from the PowerPoint, it is noticeable that whilst the IB focuses a lot on a wide array of results, the CfE has specific experiences and outcomes that the learning should be catered towards so that the subject has a reason for being taught. I believe this approach is better suited to Scottish schools as it allows for a certain level of learning to be met and so that lessons can have a reference of learning so that every class is relevant to the curriculum. Meanwhile. the PYP is better suited to individual achievement and how their learning improves the student’s overall education opposed to building on a specific subject’s foundation and meeting objectives. PYP appears to swear more towards linking all of the subjects together to have a base level of learning that is interconnected, more evidence of the transdisciplinary learning, rather than just being identified as a particular subject.



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