Primary 3a1 Numeracy and Maths

We have been learning about numbers in school.

Today we can use the BBC Bitesize activities to compare and order numbers up to 1000.

All of the packs can be found:

We can order the three-digit numbers on a number line to 1000 activity so use this fun 2 player game to practise ordering three-digit numbers on a number line. This game asks you to choose three-digit cards and then create a number with them before placing it on a number line.

You will need to use your place value knowledge to tactically create the best numbers for your game. Who will win?

You can print of the cards from the website above or why not

  • create your own 3 digit cards and tell the adult at home what the number is, ask them to write some too and see if you can correctly identify the number
  • go on a number walk and see what 3 Digital numbers you can find and use them to build your own number line, you can take photos to help you remember.

If you enjoyed this activity and can do more, please look at Activity 2 on the BBC Bitesize page.

If you have any questions, get in touch via the comments or via our class seesaw page.



School TaskMaster Challenge Day 1

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are all well and excited to see what today brings.

Here is today’s School TaskMaster challenge which you can do at home:

Can you throw a (recycled) piece of A4 paper into the bin... most creative throw in your house wins.

If you can, why not reply with a comment on this blog to let us know how you complete the challenge or you can post a video of you trying to our Twitter/ClassDojo/Seesaw account. Remember to be as creative as you can be! If your grown ups want to watch a clip explaining the challenge a bit more they can view it here.