Numeracy across learning provides essential analytic, problem solving and decision making skills across the curriculum. The numeracy across learning experiences and outcomes are a subset of those found in the mathematics curriculum area.
Principles and practice: Numeracy across learning
“All teachers have responsibility for promoting the development of numeracy. With an increased emphasis upon numeracy for all young people, teachers will need to plan to revisit and consolidate numeracy skills throughout schooling.”
Building the Curriculum 1
All schools, working with their partners, need to have strategies to ensure that all children and young people develop high levels of numeracy skills through their learning across the curriculum.
These strategies will be built upon a shared understanding amongst staff of how children and young people progress in numeracy and of good learning and teaching in numeracy.
Collaborative work with colleagues within their own early years setting, school, youth work setting or college and across sectors will support staff in identifying opportunities to develop and reinforce numeracy skills within their own teaching activities.
Word file: Numeracy across learning: Principles and practice
PDF file: Numeracy across learning: Principles and practice
Word file: Àireamhachd thar ionnsachaidh: prionnsapalan agus cleachdadh
PDF file: Àireamhachd thar ionnsachaidh: prionnsapalan agus cleachdadh
Experiences and outcomes: numeracy across learning
Numeracy across learning provides essential analytic, problem-solving and decision-making skills across the curriculum.
The numeracy experiences and outcomes are a subset of those found in the mathematics curriculum area.
Word file: Numeracy: Experiences and outcomes
PDF file: Numeracy: Experiences and outcomes
Word file: Àireamhachd: eòlasan agus builean
PDF file: Àireamhachd: eòlasan agus builean