Raspberry Pi


The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, allowing people of all ages to explore computing, and to learn how to program in languages such as Scratch and Python. The technology does most things a desktop computer can do, from browsing the internet and playing high-definition video, to making spreadsheets, word processing and playing games.

Why choose Raspberry Pi?

The Raspberry Pi is extremely useful for introducing young people to the potential of programming. They can then learn how to program the computer as a:

  • Media Centre
  • Productivity device;
  • Web Server or;
  • Device that controls a range of peripheral hardware.

Getting started

The Raspberry Pi kit consists of the following:

  • Raspberry Pi;
  • USB keyboard and mouse;
  • VGA to HDMI adapter (depending on your requirements)

Additional parts can be purchased for the Raspberry Pi include:

  • Case
  • Breadboards
  • LED’s
  • Cameras
  • Motion sensors

Using Raspberry Pi in the classroom

The Raspberry Pi can be used to allow learners the opportunity to create programs and electronic projects.

The software ‘Sonic Pi’ allows students live-code music using both musical notes and sound samples sequenced together. Alternatively, a Raspberry Pi can be used in many different types of projects such as creating a stop motion camera to tell a story, a ‘badgercam’ for outdoor learning or even using Scratch to tell stories.

Minecraft Pi is very good at capturing the interest of learners. They are able to program in Python to create things in the Minecraft world. This allows learners the opportunity to express their creativity whilst allowing the practitioner to offer learning experiences which are personalised to meet the learners needs.

Raspberry Pi Network on Glow

Education Scotland has developed a Raspberry Pi Network on Glow (Glow log-in required). It’s a dedicated site where both teachers and learners can create, collaborate and innovate. Some of the features available on the site include:

  • Newsfeed – Discuss approaches to teaching with colleagues from across Scotland.
  • Announcements – Keep up-to-date with Raspberry Pi events throughout the year.
  • Useful resources – Share your own resources and access those created by other teachers and learners.
  • Calendar of events – Find out about events in relation to the Raspberry Pi.
  • Raspberry Pi Notebook – Using OneNote to explore relevant discussion themes.
  • Web links – Explore links to find out about other related Raspberry Pi Projects.
  • Video Discussions – View and discuss relevant videos aimed at promoting some of the projects which can be carried out using the Raspberry Pi.

[Content for this article was sourced from Innovate my School

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