Interdependence- Learning Log

Over the last two weeks we have been learning about interdependence. Interdependence is the way that two or more living species, things or organisms rely on one another to grow and flourish (Phalhelke,2009).

This topic was delivered and taught very different that usual to us. For this input we had the opportunity to visit two very different farm in Mauchline and Tarbolton. The first farm we visited was a farm that was recently developed/built with very modern features. The second was an organic farm that used more old school methods to look after the cows. Both farms were similar in the sense that the cows are kept indoors and that they were both ethically and positively involved involved in the farming process, the organic farm

Farm 1- Stranhead Farm (modern farm)

This was the first farm the group visited. The farm is very modern with robotic machines carrying out the majority of the work. The cows on this farm are not allowed outside and are fed the same diet every day. The cows do live comfortably and have a rather luxurious life because they get to choose when they eat, sleep, lay down, get milked and so on. The state of the art technology allows the farmers to detect any problems straight away with the cows. This technology allows the farm to be less hands on while still generating a great profit and still be sustainable. The other farm is a lot more hands on as it doesn’t have any fancy equipment. The cows are milked at certain times of the day.I liked this type of farming better from a personal opinion because I think that the cows have a better quality diet and lifestyle.

Here is some of the pictures of the first farm.


Here is some of the pictures of the second farm.




It was interesting to see how different these two farms are but yet they still make great profits and are both sustainable with the way they run and operate their farms. I thought that this was a great way to introduce this topic as it was very hands on and actually getting to visually see for ourselves. I am now beginning to see where the topics link instead of thinking of them as all separate issues.


Directed study task

This week we were asked to read about Sustainable Seas. I was very shocked to find that there is so much over fishing going on in the seas. I found this topic very interesting and something I would never have really thought of engaging with.

We created a info graph as group surrounding this topic. Here is the link below.

I found this activity very engaging as it allowed us to work together where we haven’t had to really before in this topic. I would love to do this sort of activity with a class of my own in the future. Perhaps with p5-7 ages. I think that this software/programme could be used with almost any topic and it is a fun way for children to work on in groups or on their own.

I think it would help develop skills such as communication,confidence within themselves and with using technology, teamwork skills,patience and many more.

Overall,a great two weeks and I look forward to learning more about this topic in my own time.



Pahelke, R. (2009) Introduction to Sustainable Development: Globalization, Interdependence and Sustainability. UNESCO ELOSS [online] Accessed 26th October 2017


Continue reading Interdependence- Learning Log

Sustainable development -directed study Task (week 4) Climate Change

Over the past 2 weeks in the module,we have been learning about climate change and the impact that this is having in the world we live in. For the directed study Task, we had three tasks to complete. Here they are below.

Task 1- Carbon Footprint Task

I found this task very interesting and engaging as I had never actually thought about my carbon footprint before, or even knew what it was in great detail. I was very pleased to see that I have a low score in my carbon footprint.

I also found that the breakdown of my carbon footprint was useful as I can improve on what I am doing in my everyday life to lower my score even further. For example, I will try to use more locally source food when I can and try to use more sustainable ways of energy, such as energy saving light bulbs.



Task 2- Carbon Footrpint Toolkit

I found this task excellent as it shows many resources that can be shared with children to improve their knowledge of the issues of climate change and carbon footprint in a child friendly way. It is an excellent way to incorporate different subjects such as science and maths but also how to incorporate other subjects such as geography and business studies together. It was brilliant to see such an interactive website for both teacher and pupil that is pitched at so many levels for children and so is easy to niavigat around it whilst providing children with knowledge that is important. It is also an interesting and fun way to deliver this information to children.


Task 3 – Antarctica on the Edge

After watching the video, I picked out the key facts and points.

1)Antarctic and Southern Oceans influence the whole of global weather systems and currents. Antarctica is the largest source of new water in oceans.

2) Merts glacier 2010- around 75×35 km ice chunk broke off knot the ocean and dramatically changed the flow of ice and exposed ocean floors to study for the first time.

3) The scientists discovered a huge underwater cavern underneath a glacier where the sea water was warmer than expected Anderson there was unusual evidence of melt(rotten) which was not expected.

4)warmer currents are no where flowing further towards Antarctica. Melt seen here will contribute more than a meter to sea level in this century and 13m over the next 500 years.

5) unexpected bubbles were found 7m in the glacier school contained salt water. Meaning that warmer ocean currents are weakening glaciers underneath.

6)in the Balloney Islands further east, It was discovered that animals store carbon dioxide in their shells and end up getting buried in rocks/mud/sea bed when they die. Entire skeletons of some creatures are made up totally of carbon. These creatures are providing small amounts of balance when fossil fuels are burned.

7)over the last 100 years, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have risen dramatically, mostly because of execesive burning of fossil fuels.

8) creatures found will be preserved and their DNA will be analysed to give detailed data about their distribution in diversity.

9) explored sea floor at 900m, found strange activity between sea star and fish, sea stars ate fish which is unusual. 10 examples of Thisbe behaviour logged which is important for understanding climate change.

10) all the carbon which is contained in the fish is transported to the bottom of the ocean and buried there.

11) On scott Island, lychen and moss grow in cracked volcanic rocks. The scientists discovered a mite never seen there before which suggests species are travelling and evolving.

12) less than 1% Antarctica is ice free.

13) on Mount Siple, there weer a colony of Adeli penguins found. This colony were flourishing but to the east of this colony it is a different story. The area I see warming faster than any place on Earth Andy the penguins are moving south for colder habitats and there breeding habit such are upset.

14) there is dramatic evidence of climate change as the sea ice is changing in distribution and pattern, sea ice is warming, glaciers are retreating and optic sea ice is at its lowest yet known.

15) we need to be concerned about the future and global warming. We need to act now as there is  not much time to postpone action The the future.

16) there is overwhelming evidence that the planet is warming and that climate change isn’t posing a threat to the sustainability of life on earth. We all need to accept the problem and take action.


My own answers and realisations.

1) I knew that climate change was a thing and that carbon dioxide was causing many problems for the environment but I never realised how much it was causing problems to our wildlife and eco systems. As well as our waters.

2) I could do a bit more for the environment, for example I could stop leaving my to in over night before I go to sleep and I couldn’t recycle more, I don’t normally bother to recycle and I have now realised how much this is affecting the environment through my small part of laziness. This would in turn stop a small part of global warming which leads to the effects that I seen in the video, which in turn effects not only places around the world that are no where near me but my hometown aswell.

3) some of the tips I have learned is to be more effective with thing a I am buying and places I go to. For example, I should think before, I buy certain products, if I really need them or am I just buying them for the sake of it. I could also walk to certain places rather than get the bus or train if it is within walking distance which would help reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

4) as a society, we all need to do our part and thing not just of the wider community but of the wider world and the effects that our actions now are affecting people all over the world. We also need to change our actions for the future generations as we are destroying our own planet for future generations. If we don’t improve as a society, things will only get worse for ourselves, others around us and the environment. We need to start thinking of the people and things around us another just ourselves anymore.