
Today we were introduced to the topic of energy. The first thing we explorer was Fossil Fuels. I did not realise how much of my life depended on fossils:

  • Generation of Electricity -coal, oil or gas
  • Transport Fuels – petrol, diesel, kerosene,lpg
  • Cooking and heating – natural gas
  • Plastics – polythene, pvc, polyurethane

We did a quick activity of things that morning that we used that would have needed fossil fuels and everyone in the class was stunned t the amount. This would be a good activity to try with a primary class, most likely upper to ensure understanding.

We then went into  a debate about wind energy and wind mills. We all did our own research and brought it together. We were then split as a class and asked to debate against each other.  The debate, I feel, is a really good task to try in class, for any subject. I allows children to practice their researching skills, team work skills, presentation skills and debating skills.

Then in Andrew’s workshop, we looked at the electrical side of energy. Various experiments included solar power, hydrological power,static energy and battery power. 

All the experiments I attempted would be suitable for the classroom, however not all suitable to be left to the children. The battery experiment involves a small flame which would not be suitable however that does not stop the teacher from showing the class and letting them set up a circuit.

The skills I gained here were rather different to the skills I thought I would gain. I gained technical skills, learning how to set up a circuit  and how to use water to create power. Again all these activities promote team working skills.

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