Monthly Archives: November 2017

Welcome to our online learning opportunity!


This online learning opportunity has been developed in partnership with Education Scotland, Glasgow City Council and SCILT (Scotland’s National Centre for Languages) following the success of the Bilingualism Does Matter workshops which were delivered across Scotland as part of the New Scots: Integrating Refugees In Scotland’s Communities Strategy.

The workshops were well received with feedback suggesting that more teachers would benefit with the opportunity to engage around the topic of supporting bilingual learners. This online learning opportunity provides a sustainable approach and a national platform which is available to everyone in education in Scotland and beyond.

We hope this will support:

  • teachers with EAL learners in their classes
  • student teachers
  • support for learning workers
  • practitioners in early learning and childcare settings
  • headteachers and school leaders
  • practitioners in community and adult learning settings
  • practitioners in community language schools
  • anyone who wants to learn more about or has an interest in bilingualism

The course is divided into modules. The module titles are at the top of the page. Click on the module title and work through the activities on the page then answer the reflective questions and complete the quiz at the end. The modules are designed to be independent self-study therefore work at your own pace and feel free to re-visit any content or activity as you wish.  You may find it helpful to take notes as you work through the activities.

You will have the opportunity to post comments and respond to others on this page. When posting comments, please ensure a) anonymity and b) select the category from the list on the right e.g. Module 1 – comments. All comments will be moderated. Remember to keep comments professional and relevant to the tasks and activities as this page can be read by anyone who visits this site.

There is also a page on policy and legislation for background information and another page of useful resources and links to other sites.

Start Module 1 here