Head Teacher’s Blog

Session 2023-24

Week ending 26th June 2024

Extraordinary Week 

A huge thank you to Mrs Tyler for coordinating a fantastic Extraordinary Week.  The activities enjoyed by the children were fun and engaging.   

Thank you for your attendance and cheering at Sports Day. The children had so much fun and a huge well done to St. Joseph who were the winning house. 


Our class lists were issued on Friday and the children had the opportunity to meet their new teacher on Monday morning. 

We look forward to welcoming them back in the new term for an exciting year ahead.  At the present time, we are still awaiting confirmation of the name of the teacher for Room 4.   

Many thanks to the staff, children and parents/families for the support, hard work and commitment to our school community over the past year.  It has certainly been a very busy year and has flown in!  

Our thanks also to our Parent Council and PTA for supporting the many fundraisers and events across the year.  The PTA have raised an incredible £10,065.70 this year and we thank them for all their hard work in organising the events.  Thank you for supporting them and contributing in various ways. 

Also, thanks to our many parent helpers who have assisted this year, particularly our librarians.   

A massive well done to all our 113 Reading Certificate winners who have read an incredible number of books across the school year when accessing our library.  Some photographs of our winners are in our Photo Gallery.  If you have any library books at home, please can these be returned in the new term.  

Farewell and best wishes to our P7s!  We wish them lots of success and happy times at secondary school.  We are very proud of all your achievements and know that you will embrace all the opportunities that will come your way. 

We also say farewell to Mr McBride, Miss Dunsmore and Mrs Russell and thank them for all their work and help over the past year.  We wish them lots of luck in the future.

We hope that you have a restful and enjoyable summer.



Week ending 14th June 2024

Star Workers  

Room 1 – Mairead for Star Writer  

Room 2 – Lily for Star Reader 

Room 3 – Callie for Star Effort 

Room 4 – Noah for Star Worker 

Room 5 – Caelan for Star Attitude 

Room 6 – Layla and Darcie for Star Effort 

Room 7 – James, Caoimhe, Aiden and Murron for Star Effort 

Room 8 – Somto for Star Effort 

Room 9 – Nathan for Star Effort 

Room 10 – Nathan for Star Helper  

 Extraordinary Week 

Next week we are holding our Extraordinary Week with activities around Health, STEM, Outdoor Learning and other curricular areas. Children are asked to wear their school gym kit (polo shirt and shorts/leggings) every day to school in case they are taking part in movement activities. On Tuesday, your child can wear a t-shirt in the colour of their house if they have one, if not then the school polo shirt is sufficient.  No football colours are permitted.  

Children require a jacket and water bottle daily, as many activities may be outside. Sunscreen may be required too, should the weather improve. 

With regards to Sports Day, parents and carers are welcome to observe the event on the rugby pitch adjacent to the school. Please note that no dogs are permitted as is always the case on school grounds. 

If the weather is not favourable on the day, then we may need to cancel Sports Day. We will advise of this via ParentsPortal.  


Our end of year reports will be issued prior to the end of term. An email will advise when these are ready for viewing. Please note that as previously mentioned, these will be issued via ParentsPortal and not in a paper version. You must have a ParentsPortal account in order to view the report.  


Well done to St. Bernadette who were the winning House this week for the lines.  

Tidiest Classrooms this week are Room 4 and Room 6. 

Tidiest Cloakroom this week is awarded to Room 3&4 and Room 5&6. 

Diary Dates  

A polite reminder that we close at the earlier time of 1pm on Wednesday 26th June. 

 A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section.  Please take a note of any events that involve your child or their class.  

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  

 Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 7th June 2024

Star Workers 

Room 1 – Oliver S for Star Values 

Room 2 – Amelia for Star Maths 

Room 3 – Max for Star Effort 

Room 4 – Lily for Star Worker 

Room 5 – Rory for Star Effort  

Room 6 – Toby for Star Effort 

Room 7 – Emily, Thomas and Erin for Star Effort 

Room 8 – Lewis for Star Maths  

Room 9 – Lauren for Star Attitude 

Room 10 – Aaron for Star Friend  


Well done to St. Bernadette who were the winning House for the lines.  

Tidiest Classrooms this week are Room 3 and Room 7. 

Tidiest Cloakroom this week is awarded to Room 3 and 4 and Room 5 and 6. 

Summer Fayre 

A huge thanks to our PTA and all the helpers for organising such a fantastic fayre on Saturday. We were blessed with a good weather day, and it was lovely to see everyone having a great time and enjoying a cuppa and chat outside. 

Thanks to the boys and girls who also helped set up on Friday and either helped at stalls or entertained us with their football skills. 

Thank you also to the many staff who supported with the organisation, set-up and on the day.  

We very much appreciate all the help and many thanks to all who attended and supported the event.


A further thanks to the PTA for organising Wednesday’s disco. It was very well attended and P7 also loved their Boogie Bus beforehand.   A few photographs have been uploaded to our gallery.

Diary Dates  

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section.  Please take a note of any events that involve your child or their class.  

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  


Week ending 31st May 2024

Star Workers

Room 1 – Aanya for Star Writer 

Room 2 – Aiden for Star Reader 

Room 3 – Stirling for Star Maths 

Room 4 – Evie for Star Worker 

Room 5 – Connor for Star Effort in Maths 

Room 6 – Ava-Marie for Star Effort 

Room 7 – Josh, Lexi, Andrew and Leo for Star Effort 

Room 8 – Emily for Star Effort 

Room 9 – Karol for Star Maths  

Room 10 – Mercy and Naomi for Star Workers  


Well done to St. John Ogilvie who were the winning House for the lines.  

Tidiest Classrooms this week are Room 2 and Room 9. 

Tidiest Cloakroom this week is awarded to Room 3 and 4 and Room 9 and 10.  


Well done to our P4 Mini-Vinnies who have led us in praying the rosary twice per week during the month of May. They have done a fantastic job. 

A photograph has been uploaded to our Gallery.

Room 5 Parental Engagement 

Room 5 parents/carers are invited to attend on Tuesday 4th June at 2pm for a Parental Engagement Session.   

Summer Fayre 

Many thanks for the donations to the Tombola and offers of help. The Summer Fayre is on between 10am and 1pm on Saturday and we look forward to welcoming you along. 


A polite reminder that there is a disco on Wednesday 5th June which is organised by our PTA. Places must be booked for in advance.

SAMH Parent/Carer Workshops 

Please note the following SAMH workshops for parents and carers. These can be booked directly with them via the link below.  

3/6  Mental Health Awareness  1pm – 2.30pm 
4/6  Managing My Wellbeing  10am – 11.30am 
5/6  Understanding and Managing Stress and Anxiety  6pm – 7.30pm 
6/6  Listening to and Supporting My Child  12pm – 1.30pm 
10/6  Managing My Wellbeing  6pm – 7.30pm 
11/6  Understanding and Managing Stress and Anxiety  1pm – 2.30pm 
12/6  Listening to and Supporting My Child  10am – 11.30am 


Please book your space on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/samh-lets-connect-east-kilbride-69531939193 

Diary Dates  

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section.  Please take a note of any events that involve your child or their class.  

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 23rd May 2024

Parents’ Evening 

Many thanks for attending Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 22nd May. Your support in attendance is very important. 


Well done to St. John Bosco who were the winning House for the lines.  

Tidiest Classrooms this week are Room 3 and Room 10. 

Tidiest Cloakroom this week is awarded to Room 3 and 4 and Room 5 and 6.  

Room 3 Parental Engagement 

Room 3 parents/carers are invited to attend on Wednesday 29th May at 9.15am for a Parental Engagement Session.  

Diary Dates 28th May. 

A polite reminder that we are closed on Friday and Monday. We re-open on Tuesday  

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section.  Please take a note of any events that involve your child or their class.  

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 17th May 2024

Star Workers 

Room 1 – Blake for Star Effort  

Room 2 – Harris for Star Reader  

Room 3 – Addison for Star Effort 

Room 4 – Jax for Star Worker 

Room 5 – Jude for Star Maths 

Room 6 – Emily for Star Effort  

Room 7 – Alexandra for Star Worker 

Room 8 – Macie Leigh for Star Writing  

Room 9 – Nicole for All Round Star 

Room 10 – Daniel for Star Effort in Maths 


Room 1 – Skander for Faith 

Room 2 – Ada for Faith 

Room 3 – Caitlin for Respect 

Room 4 – Noah for Honesty 

Room 5 – Zayn for Respect and Kindness 

Room 6 – Ava Marie for Faith 

Room 7 – Cameron for Respect  

Room 8 – Max for Kindness 

Room 9 – Sofia P for Kindness and Respect 

Room 10 – Isabella for Kindness and Respect 

Extra-Curricular Clubs 

Monday – P7 Football 

Please note that this is the final week for the football club.   

First Communion 

Congratulations to the boys and girls who celebrated their First Holy Communion on Saturday.  A photograph has been uploaded to our gallery.  


Well done to St. John Ogilvie who were the third week in a row winning House for the lines. We have seen a marked improvement in lining up quickly and quietly, and increase in points for all houses. Maybe next week another House will win! 

Tidiest Classrooms this week are Room 1 and Room 6. 

Tidiest Cloakroom this week is awarded to Room 1 and 2 and Room 9 and 10.  

Legion of Mary 

The Legion of Mary are visiting our Sacrament children over the next few weeks. They spent Tuesday afternoon praying the Rosary with our P3 Reconciliation children and we were delighted to receive this email from them below! 

We loved coming into St Leonards Primary, yesterday – everyone from office staff to teachers were so kind and welcoming!  

The class that we were with were lovely! and what a great teacher they have – so young, friendly and very kind.  I could have taken many of the children home with me!  

One lovely wee boy came up to me at the end, as I was packing Our Lady’s statue up, and asked “if there was anything that he could help me with” so kind and mannerly! they all wanted to pray for their Grand Parents, who have gone to the Lord, and we were also praying for dogs which was just lovely! 

God bless St. Leonard’s Primary School. 


Parents’ Evening 

Our Parents’ Evening is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 22nd May.  Appointments are live for booking and this can only be done via ParentsPortal. If you are not yet signed up to the Portal then please phone the office who will assist with this, ensuring that you have an appointment.  

Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section.  Please take a note of any events that involve your child or their class.  

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  


Week ending 10th May 2024

Star Workers  

Room 1 – Adrianna for Star Attitude 

Room 2 – Emmanuel for settling in well to his new school  

Room 3 – Reinette for Star Respect  

Room 4 – Louie for Star Maths 

Room 5 – Aria for Star Artist 

Room 6 – Chloe for Star Attitude 

Room 7 – Isla for Star Writer 

Room 8 – Scott for Star Poetry 

Room 9 – Ryan S for Star Numeracy  

Room 10 – Ryan R for Star Writer  

Extra-Curricular Clubs 

Monday – P6 Football 

Tuesday – Tennis  

First Communion 

We look forward to celebrating First Holy Communion Mass tomorrow. Please keep the children in your prayers.  


Well done to St. John Ogilivie who were this week’s winning house. They also won last week! Every house has had increased scores this week and are trying very hard. 

The tidiest classrooms this week was awarded to Room 3 and Room 8. Tidiest cloakroom awards go to Rooms 1 and 2, and Rooms 7 and 8.  

Guide Dogs and Police Horses 

What a busy week! We were thrilled to welcome volunteers from The Guide Dogs Society on Wednesday to assembly. They brought three dogs with them, Arthur, Rocky and Peppa and shared information on how guide dogs help people and how the volunteer system works.  

 We were also delighted to welcome Lanark and Strathaven, the police horses to school today. Thanks to Mrs Nelson (P1 parent) for organising this and sharing information with the children on the role of the horse in helping people stay safe at large events.  

Some photographs have been uploaded.

Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section.  Please take a note of any events that involve your child or their class.  

A list of summer event dates was issued via ParentsPortal earlier in the week and is also contained in the diary section. 

Parents’ Evening 

Our Parents’ Evening is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 22nd May. Next week we will issue a message to advise when bookings are open (they are not set up yet). Appointments must be booked via ParentsPortal.  Most parents are now on ParentsPortal and we urge you if you haven’t done so to please organise this. This will be the only method of booking an appointment. Should you require any assistance then please contact the school office.  

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 3rd May 2024

First Communion 

Congratulations to 11 of our P4 pupils who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday. We are very proud of you and blessed to have shared in this celebration with you. We look forward to the next First Holy Communion Mass on 11th May. A group photograph has been uploaded to the Photo Gallery.  


This week our children have been fantastic at quickly becoming familiar with lining up in their Houses. Every Friday the winning House will be announced and be awarded with an extra 10 minutes of play. Well done to St. John Ogilvie who were this week’s winning house.  

Library Helpers 

We are seeking volunteer helpers to help with our school library on a Wednesday from 9 –12.30pm. If you can assist, please contact the school office on gw14stleonardsoffice@glow.sch.uk 

Carfin Grotto 

A Google Form was issued this week (link via ParentsPortal) in relation to our school leading the Rosary at Carfin Grotto on Monday 13th May at 8pm. If your child can participate then please complete the form. This is open to P1-P7, and staff will be at Carfin to assist. Ideally, we are looking for parents/carers to transport to and from and of course are invited to stay. This is our first year doing this and so far, we only have two children signed up! Please consider this opportunity during the month of Our Lady.  


Next week we are being visited by The Guide Dog Society on Wednesday and on Friday by the police horses. If your child has allergies to these animals and requires an antihistamine, then please administer this before school. Also, if an allergy is severe and they should not meet these animals then please email the office to advise. Many thanks! 


Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section.  Please take a note of any events that involve your child or their class.  

A list of summer event dates was issued via ParentsPortal earlier in the week and is also contained in the diary section. 

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 26th April 2024

Star Workers for week ending 26th April  

Room 1 – Aanya for Star Writer  

Room 2 – Elliot for Star Effort  

Room 3 – Rory M for Star Effort  

Room 4 – Callan for Star Maths 

Room 5 – Aidan for Star Maths 

Room 6 – Oscar for Star Effort 

Room 7 – Dominic for Star Effort 

Room 8 – Luis for Star Effort 

Room 9 – Ethan E for Star Effort 

Room 10 – Ben for Star Participation  

Extra-Curricular Clubs 

Monday 29th April – P7 Football 


Thank you for supporting our SCIAF fundraiser last week.  We raised £195.01.

Also, for donations to the PTA Dress Down Day yesterday.  An update will be provided on funds raised soon. 

First Communion

We are looking forward to the first of two, First Holy Communions tomorrow.  Please keep all of our Communicants in your prayers.

Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section.  Please take a note of any events that involve your child or their class.  

A polite reminder that we are closed to pupils on Thursday 2nd May due to it being an Inservice Day. 

We will issue a  note of end of term events next week once these have been confirmed. 

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 19th April 2024

Star Workers 

Room 1 – Karleigh for Star Effort 

Room 2 – Sam for Star Reader 

Room 3 – Murron for Star Effort  

Room 4 – Lily for Star Effort 

Room 5 – Ciaran for Star Friend/Helper 

Room 6 – Paisley for Star Effort 

Room 7 – Alexandra for Star Worker 

Room 8 – Ellie for Star Helper 

Room 9 – Marsella for Star Attitude 

Room 10 – Ryan R for Star Effort in Writing  

Extra-Curricular Clubs 

Monday 22nd April – P6 Football 

Lenten Fundraisers  

Once again, thank you for your generosity towards all our Lenten Fundraisers.  

Monies raised are as follows: 

Mary’s Meals –£174.75  

MISSIO – £501.33 (2 weeks of events) 

Kilbryde Hospice – £163.92 

Guide Dogs – £114.00  

Loaves and Fishes had an amazing number of items donated and were very appreciative of these.   

Educational Excursions 

Please note that all trips have been booked for this session.  Dates are in the diary section.  Room 7 and 8 have already attended their trip. 

All permission slips and payment has been uploaded to ParentPay.  It is essential that permission is granted.  We will not be issuing paper letters to reduce cost and wastage. Please ensure you are signed up for ParentPay and ParentsPortal.  

We will be in touch in due course with those who have offered to assist us on the day trips. Thank you so much! 

Let’s Connect Parent Workshop 

A reminder that we are holding a parent/carer workshop with SAMH/Let’s Connect on Thursday 25th April at 1.30pm in the school. All are welcome to attend.  

Let’s Connect External Workshops 

Please find below details of upcoming free online parent and carer Mental Health workshops. Each workshop provides you with the skills and knowledge required to support not only support your child’s mental health but also your own, which is particularly important when looking after others. This is your chance to connect with other parents across South Lanarkshire in a safe and supportive environment. If you have any questions, please contact Catherine.knox@samh.org. Spaces are limited so please click on the link below to book your space. 

22/04/2024  Understanding & Managing Stress & Anxiety     1.00pm 

23/04/2024   Mental Health Awareness                                     10.00am 

24/04/2024   Managing My Wellbeing                                       1.00pm 

25/04/2024   Listening to & Supporting My Child                    6.00pm 

30/04/2024   Managing My Wellbeing                                       12.00pm 

01/05/2024    Listening to & Supporting My Child                    1.00pm 

02/05/2024   Understanding & Managing Stress & Anxiety   10.00am 

02/05/2024   Mental Health Awareness                                     6.00pm 


Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section.  Please take a note of any events that involve your child or their class.  

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  


Week ending 28th March 2024

Have a lovely Easter and we look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday 15th April.

Easter Services at St. Leonard’s Church

Thursday 28th March –

Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.00pm
Night Prayer at 9.00pm

Good Friday 29th March

Stations of the Cross for children 12pm

Solemn Passion 3.00pm

Shorter Passion 7.00pm

Saturday 30th March

Easter Vigil 6.00pm

Easter Sunday – 31st March

Mass at 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm

Let’s Connect Workshops

Throughout the Easter break, Let’s Connect are providing  parents and carers with the opportunity to learn about how to support their child’s mental health. There is a series of free online workshops available to sign up to.  Details can be found via the link:  Let’s Connect Easter Workshops (1)


Congratulations to our P3 children who received The Sacrament of Reconciliation on Monday evening.  Many thanks to Mrs Russell for preparing the children and to Father Dominic.

Lenten Fundraisers and Stations of the Cross

Thank you to our children and families for contributing so well to all the Lenten Fundraisers.  We will provide a breakdown of funds raised per charity when we return.

We will be hosting a Dress Down Day on Friday 19th April for SCIAF, to assist with the Israeli, Palestinian and Gaza Appeal.  Anaya in P7 will be delivering an assembly on this appeal during our first week back.

Many thanks also to our P6 and P7 PFFA children who have led us in Stations of the Cross during Lent.

School Meals Update – Reminder

Please note on return from the Easter holidays (Monday 15th April) the school meal price for Primary 6 & 7 pupils will increase to £2.17.

Please note the price of milk will also change to 30p.

Diary Dates

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section.  Please note that dates have been updated to include next term.  We will update it further as more information becomes available.

Week ending 22nd March 2024

A polite reminder that we close at the earlier time of 2.30pm on Thursday 28th March.  We will re-open on Monday 15th April. 

Extra-Curricular Clubs

The only club operating this week is Dancing.

Tuesday 23rd March – Dance Club

PTA Bingo Night

The Bingo Night last Friday was a huge success!  Thank you to our PTA members for organising the event and to all who attended and contributed to it.  An update will be provided by the PTA on funds raised.

Cross Country

A huge well done to our 13 athletes who competed in the Cross-Country Festival on Tuesday.  All did exceptionally well and competed with great enthusiasm.  A special well done to Vaila who will compete in the finals this coming week after placing fifth in her race, out of an incredible 107 girls!


Many congratulations to our P7 children who received The Sacrament of Confirmation on Wednesday evening. We are very proud of you!

Next Monday, our P3 children will receive The Sacrament of Reconciliation.  Please keep these children in your prayers.

Photo Gallery

Photographs of the cross country and Confirmation are in the Photo Gallery.

Lenten Fundraisers

Once again, thank you for your donations to today’s Lenten Fundraiser for Loaves and Fishes.  Next week, we will be holding a raffle for an Easter Hamper.  Tickets cost 50p and will be on sale Mon-Thurs. The prize winner will be announced on Thursday afternoon at our end of term assembly. Monies raised will be donated to The Guide Dogs Charity.

School Meals Update

Please note that on return from the Easter holidays (Monday 15th April) the school meal price for Primary 6 & 7 pupils will increase to £2.17.

Please note the price of milk will also change to 30p.

School Trips

A polite reminder that payment for school trips can be made via ParentPay. Current trips live on the system include Room 7 and Room 8.

Forthcoming trips for other classes will be updated shortly.  If you are available to assist on a trip, then please advise the office on:  gw14stleonardsoffice@glow.sch.uk

Booked trips so far are:

Room 4 – Edinburgh Zoo on Friday 26th April

Room 6 – Vikingar on Friday 3rd May

Room 9 and 10 – Hampden Football Stadium on Friday 17th May

Diary Dates

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section.  Please note that dates have been updated to include next term.  We will update it further as more information becomes available.

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church


Saturday Vigil – 6pm

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm


Week ending 15th March 2024

Star Workers for week ending 15th March  

Room 1 – Travis for Star Reader 

Room 2 – Ada for Star Writer 

Room 3 – Harley for Star Effort 

Room 4 – Abbey for Star Effort 

Room 5 – Lily-Rose for Star Maths  

Room 6 – Megan for Star Reader 

Room 7 – Dylan for Star Worker 

Room 8 – Lewis M for Star Helper 

Room 9 – Oliver for Star Effort in Maths 

Room 10 – Arthur for Star Writer  

Extra-Curricular Clubs 

Monday 15th March – P6 Football Club 

Tuesday 12th March – Dance Club  


Netball Tournament

Huge congratulations to our netball team who won silver yesterday at the tournament. This was out of 30 schools. All of the children have shown great commitment to attending the after-school club training sessions and festivals. Many thanks to coaches Miss Phimister and Mrs Rigg! 


Many of our P7 pupils will receive The Sacrament of Confirmation on Wednesday 20th March at 7pm. Please keep them in your prayers.  

World Book Day 

Some photographs have been uploaded to our Photo Gallery section. 

Lenten Fundraisers 

Thank you for your donations towards this week’s Kilbryde Hospice Dress Down Day.  Next week is a donation of toiletries/household items for Loaves and Fishes. Some examples are toothpaste, shower gel, deodorant, toilet rolls, wipes, cleaning products.   

Diary Dates 

 A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 8th March 2024

Extra-Curricular Clubs 

Monday 11th March – P6 Football Club 

Tuesday 12th March – Dance Club  

Thursday 14th March – Cross Country (please ensure appropriate kit for Brancumhall pitches) 

Please note that the netball after school club is now finished. 

World Book Day 

We have had two days of fun filled learning experiences as part of our World Book Day celebrations. Some photographs will be uploaded next week in relation to this.  Thank you to our Reading Ambassadors, Mrs Parrett, Mrs Rigg and Mrs Doherty for organising the event.  

Lenten Fundraisers 

Many thanks for the generous donations to today’s Cake and Candy. A huge amount was donated and the children left school full of sugar! 

Today’s monetary donation is for MISSIO. 

On Friday 15th March, we will have a dress down day for Kilbryde Hospice.

Let’s Connect Parent/Carer Workshops 

Please note the following information with regards to online parent and carer Mental Health workshops delivered by Let’s Connect.  

Each workshop provides you with the skills and knowledge required to support not only support your child’s mental health but also your own, which is particularly important when looking after others. This is your chance to connect with other parents across South Lanarkshire in a safe and supportive environment. If you have any questions, please contact Catherine.knox@samh.org. Space is limited so please click on the link below to book your space. 


06/03/2024   Managing My Wellbeing                                                   6.30pm 

07/03/2024   Understanding and Managing Stress & Anxiety    12.30pm 

11/03/2024     Listening to & Supporting My Child                                6.30pm 

12/03/2024    Understanding and Managing Stress & Anxiety       10.00am 

13/03/2024     Mental Health Awareness                                                 1.00pm 

14/03/2024    Managing My Wellbeing                                                   12.30pm 

19/03/2024    Understanding and Managing Stress & Anxiety      1.00pm 

19/03/2024    Mental Health Awareness                                                 6.30pm 

20/03/2024   Listening to & Supporting My Child                                10.00am 

21/03/2024    Managing My Wellbeing                                                   10.00am 



Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  


Week ending 1st March 2024

Star Workers

Room 1 – Cillian for Star Friend 

Room 2 – Annais for Star Maths 

Room 3 – Ivy C for Star Effort 

Room 4 – Chloe for Star Worker 

Room 5 – Oliver Mc for Star Maths 

Room 6 – Hannah for Star Worker 

Room 7 – River for Star Literacy 

Room 8 – Patrick for Star Maths 

Room 9 – Gary for Star Maths 

Room 10 – Aimee for Star Attitude  

Extra-Curricular Clubs 

Monday 4th March – P7 Football Club 

Tuesday 5th March – Netball Club 

Tuesday 5th March – Dance Club  

Wednesday 6th March – Cross Country (please ensure appropriate kit for Brancumhall pitches) 

World Book Day – 7th and 8th March 

Please refer to the attached flyer in relation to our plans for World Book Day.  This was emailed earlier in the week via ParentPortal.

World Book Day

Lenten Fundraisers 

Thank you for supporting Loaves and Fishes with donations for today’s Lenten Appeal.  A vast amount was donated today and will be uplifted on Monday. Loaves and Fishes have emailed their thanks and to say that they are very short of food just now, so perfect timing!  

Next week, is our Cake and Candy on Friday for MISSIO.  Donations of cakes, biscuits and sweets are most welcome.   

Brancumhall Recreation Car Park  

We have been advised that Brancumhall Recreation car park area is being resurfaced and will be closed for the duration of the works on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th March 2024.  This should not impact on the school; however, we are notifying you of the local works.  

East Kilbride Family Support Hub 

Please note the following information with regards to an Open Day at the EK Family Support Hub.  

Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 23rd February 2024

Star Workers  

Room 1 – Kian for Star Helper 

Room 2 – Elisha for Star Effort 

Room 3 – Olaedo for Star Literacy 

Room 4 – Laci for Star Effort 

Room 5 – Clara for Star Maths 

Room 6 – Amber for Star Effort  

Room 7 – Jackson for Star Effort 

Room 8 – Riley for Star Effort 

Room 9 – Shaun for Star Mathematician 

Room 10 – Ellie for Star Respect  

Values Winners 

Room 1 – Blake for Friendship 

Room 2 – Lily for Friendship 

Room 3 – Finn for Respect  

Room 4 – Lucas B for Respect 

Room 5 – Ellie for Respect 

Room 6 – Megan for Kindness and Respect 

Room 7 – Cameron for Respect 

Room 8 – Oscar for Kindness 

Room 9 – Lauren for Respect 

Room 10 – Isabella for Kindness and Respect  

Extra-Curricular Clubs 

Monday 19th Feb – P6 Football Club 

Tuesday 20th Feb – Netball Club 

Thursday 22nd Feb – Cross Country (please ensure appropriate kit for Brancumhall pitches) 

Please note the change of originally planned Cross Country After School Club date due to the P7 Transition Sport Event on Wednesday.  

Lenten Fundraisers 

Thank you for supporting today’s Dress Blue for Damu Day in relation to fundraising for our sponsored school with Mary’s Meals.  Next Friday, 1st March we are asking for food donations for Loaves and Fishes.  Children should wear school uniform.  


We welcomed the Caritas students from St. Andrew’s and St. Bride’s today.  They worked with P7 children and delivered a fantastic collaborative lesson in relation to the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Some photographs have been uploaded to our Photo Gallery section.


This week some of our P6 and P7 children represented the school at football and netball festivals.  The footballers were delighted to wear the new strip, kindly sourced and purchased by the PTA.  Thank you! 

Stations of the Cross 

Thank you to our P6 and P7 Pope Francis Faith Award children who are leading us in Stations of the Cross on a Tuesday and Thursday morning during Lent.  

Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  


Week ending 16th February 2024

Extra-Curricular Clubs 

 ****Please note that netball and cross country have swapped days this week due to a visiting Netball specialist****

Monday 19th Feb – P6 Football Club 

Tuesday 20th Feb – Cross Country (please ensure appropriate kit for Brancumhall pitches) 

Wednesday 21st Feb – Netball club 

Lenten Fundraisers 

Thank you for supporting today’s Dress Down Day in relation to fundraising for MISSIO. Next Friday, 23rd February the theme is Dress Blue for Damu, in honour of our sponsored school in Damu. 


 Thank you to our PTA and other volunteers for coordinating last night’s disco. Another successful evening! 

 Let’s Connect Parental Workshops 

 Please find details of upcoming free Let’s Connect online workshops below. These mental health workshops are exclusively for parents and carers in the South Lanarkshire area.  


19/2/24  Understanding and Managing Stress and Anxiety  1pm – 2.30pm 
20/2/24  Listening to and Supporting My Child  6.30pm – 8pm 
21/2/24  Managing My Wellbeing  10am – 11.30am 
26/2/24  Managing My Wellbeing  1pm – 2.30pm 
26/2/24  Understanding and Managing Stress and Anxiety  6.30pm – 8pm 
28/2/24  Listening to and Supporting My Child  10am – 11.30am 
29/2/24  Mental Health Awareness  1pm – 2.30pm 

 Please book your space on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/samh-lets-connect-east-kilbride-69531939193 

 There are also a few tickets left for our final in-person parent/carer workshop at Duncanrig Secondary School. If you’d like to come along, please sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/managing-my-wellbeing-in-person-tickets-796768545167?aff=ebdsoporgprofile&keep_tld=1 

Diary Dates 


A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  


Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 9th February 2024

Extra-Curricular Clubs 

Thursday 15th Feb – Cross Country (please ensure appropriate kit for Brancumhall pitches) 

Lenten Exhibition 

St. Columbkille’s Parish in Rutherglen have organised an exhibition on Blessed Carlos Acutis.  This will be running as follows in their church hall: 

Ash Wednesday 14th February – 2pm – 6.30pm  

Thursday 15th February – 11am – 6.30pm 

Friday 16th February – 11am – 6.30pm 

The exhibition includes a video.  The 10am and 1pm Masses from Thursday to Saturday will involve a talk and blessing with relic. 

We recently had a visitor to speak to our Confirmandi children in P7 about Blessed Carlos Acutis.  You may wish to visit the exhibition with your child at some point in the week. 

Further details can be found via:  https://www.stcolumbkille.org.uk/ 

Lenten Fundraisers 

Please refer to the attached letter for information on our planned Lenten fundraisers. 

Lenten Fundraisers 2024


As advised before, we were not renewing the App thus saving nearly £600.  ParentPortal will be the only form of communication and we require all families to sign up to this.  ParentPortal will be used for messages, also class and year group event information, updating personal data, checking attendance levels and reading school report cards.  Should you require support then please contact the office.  

School Closed 

A reminder that we are closed for holiday on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th February.  The school is also closed to pupils on Wednesday 14th February.  Please note that this is Ash Wednesday.  We hope to see some of our pupils at 10am Mass as we will be attending as a staff.  


A consultation is being undertaken by South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture in relation to possible closures to services including libraries and community halls. 

You can express your views via the following link:  https://online1.snapsurveys.com/interview/2cfb2095-2a8d-483b-9497-8b14edac71d4? 

Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 2nd February 2024

Star Workers 

Room 1 – Skander for Star Effort 

Room 2 – Olivia K for Star Reader 

Room 3 – Chidimma for Star Writer 

Room 4 – Rian for Star Maths 

Room 5 – Macie for Star Effort 

Room 6 – Harley for Star Poet 

Room 7 – Kalli for Star Maths 

Room 8 – Caleb for Star Maths 

Room 9 – Bella for Star Maths 

Room 10 – Faith for Star Helper  

Extra-Curricular Clubs 

Monday 5th Feb – P7 Football Club 

Tuesday 6th Feb – Netball Club 

Wednesday 7th Feb – Cross Country (please ensure appropriate kit for Brancumhall pitches) 

Glen Esk Event


Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  


Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  


Week ending 26th January 2024

Star Workers for week ending 26th January  

Room 1 – Hayley for Star Helper 

Room 2 – Eva for Star Effort 

Room 3 – Andrew for Star Friend 

Room 4 – Matthew for Star Effort 

Room 5 – Mila for Star Maths 

Room 7 – Zara for Star Worker 

Room 8 – Michael for Star Helper 

Room 9 – Michael for Star Maths 

Room 10 – Nate for Star Manners  

Extra-Curricular Clubs 

 Monday 29th Jan – P7 Football Club 

Tuesday 30th Jan – Netball Club 

Thursday 1st Feb – Cross Country  

 P7 Hoodies 

Thank you to our PTA for organising the P7 hoodies which were delivered this week.  P7 are permitted to wear their hoodie on a Friday and are aware that hoods must be always down.  


NSPCC Parent Workshop 

NSPCC have organised on online event for parents to help increase their knowledge and skills around the gaming world to help keep their children safe.  Details can be found via the link below.

Gaming Festival poster – webinar 

Diary Dates 

 A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 19th January 2024

Welcome back to a brand new term and apologies as I only realised on Monday that I forgot to post a blog last week!

Football Colours and Toys 

A polite reminder that no football colours should be worn to school, this includes gloves, hats and scarves.  I think Santa was busy with his football clothing deliveries! 

Furthermore, children are not to bring in any games/toys from home. Problems often arise if they do, e.g swapping/returning toys, distracting from learning time.  

Extra-Curricular Clubs 

Monday 22nd Jan – P7 Football Club (P7 and P6 will continue to rotate week about due to indoor practice) 

Tuesday 23rd Jan – Netball Club 

Wednesday 24th Jan – Cross Country (Time Trial) 

P7/S1 Parent Information Session 

A reminder that on Wednesday 24th January at 6.30pm, P7 parent/carers are invited to attend a Parent Information Evening at St. Andrew’s and St. Bride’s. Two seats are reserved per family and children are not to attend.  

SLC School Transport Consultation 

Statutory Consultation Proposal: to alter the qualifying distance for free secondary school mainstream transport to those living over 3 miles from their catchment secondary school. (current entitlement is more than 2 miles). 

The Council will be conducting a statutory consultation on the proposal to alter the qualifying distance for free secondary school mainstream transport to those living over 3 miles from their catchment secondary school. (current entitlement is more than 2 miles). 

The proposal will be open to statutory public consultation from Monday 15 January to Friday 1 March 2024. Public meetings will take place during the week of the 29 January 2024. 

Details on this proposal will be contained in a Consultation Proposal Document, including how to feedback any comments and how to book a place at a public meeting.  

The proposal document will be available via the following link from 15 January 2024. 

Comments, complaints and consultations – South Lanarkshire Council 

Diary Dates 

 A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

 Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church  

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 22nd December 2023

Star Workers for week ending 22nd December  

Room 1 – Jaxon for Star Creator 

Room 2 – Jan for Star Phonics 

Room 3 – Ivy Mc for Star Effort 

Room 4 – Logan for Star Effort in STEM 

Room 5 – Shay for Star Writer 

Room 6 – Ben for Star Worker 

Room 7 – Jenna for Star Worker 

Room 8 – Finley for Star Effort 

Room 9 – Max for Star Effort 

Room 10 – Anaya for Star Enthusiasm  

Values Winners for December  

Room 1 – Adrianna for Faith 

Room 2 – Eva for Respect 

Room 3 – Matthew for Friendship 

Room 4 – Matthew for Respect and Friendship 

Room 5 – Oliver Mc for Friendship 

Room 6 – Lola for Kindness 

Room 7 – Kaden for Friendship 

Room 8 – Faye for Kindness 

Room 9 – Shaun for Friendship 

Room 10 –Ethan for All Values  

Merry Christmas 

On behalf of all the staff I would like to extend our Christmas wishes and blessings to all our families.  Have a wonderful holiday! 

This morning we attended Mass as a school. Please note the following Christmas Mass times at St. Leonard’s. 

Vigil Mass Sunday 24th December at 5.00pm 

Midnight Mass at 12.00 midnight  

Christmas Day at 10.00am & 12.00pm 

Loaves and Fishes 

The food bank donations were uplifted on Wednesday morning.  Thank you for your generosity and kindness.  These donations will be greatly appreciated by those in need of some help over the coming weeks.  


The children thoroughly enjoyed their parties, and our thanks go to the PTA for supplying the snacks this year.  Santa popped in and left selection boxes for the children too. 

Café Noel 

Many thanks to those who attended our Café Noel on Tuesday.  It was a sell-out performance and the children very much enjoyed entertaining and showcasing their singing talents.  

Flu Catch Up Day 

The flu team will be visiting us again on Tuesday 9th January and will administer the nasal spray to anyone who was absent in December.  This will only be if you confirmed agreement for this to happen.  

Photo Gallery 

 Some photographs of recent events are in the Photo Gallery.  


Our choir were featured again yesterday on Celtic Music Radio singing ‘Silent Night’ (1hr 18 mins into programme) 


P1 Enrolment (Session 2024-25) 

Registration of children starting school – Is your child due to start school in August 2024?  

Parents/carers of children who are five years of age between 1 March 2024 and the end of February 2025 are required to register their child for starting school. 

To enrol your child at school you are asked to complete an online registration form which will be available from Monday 8 January 2024.  Your catchment school will be in touch with you to arrange a discussion between Monday 15 January – Friday 19 January. 

Please visit our catchment area checker to select your catchment school and register your child. 

School catchment area maps – South Lanarkshire Council 

 The child’s full birth certificate and 2 official proofs of residency (preferably no older than 6 months) to confirm residency within your catchment area.  Enrolment cannot be confirmed without these documents.  

Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Week ending 15th December 2023


A massive well done to P1-3 for their fantastic Nativity performances this week.  They have been rehearsing a lot over recent weeks and were amazing! Thank you to all the staff for preparing the children so well and organising the event. 

Christmas Lunch 

Thank you to our catering staff for providing a lovely Christmas lunch on Thursday.  Everyone enjoyed the festive treat! 


Our Choir had the pleasure of visiting residents at Forefaulds Care Home this afternoon.  They sang a range of Christmas Carols and were made extremely welcome.   

The Choir also featured on Celtic Radio this week.  You can listen to them via this link 


The introduction and song are featured 24 minutes into the recorded programme.  

 Loaves and Fishes 

The food bank donations will be uplifted on Wednesday morning.  Thank you for your generosity and kindness.  Donations can still be handed in on Monday or Tuesday if you are attending the Café Noel.  

Phone Calls 

We are asking for your help in avoiding phoning the office during the period of 12pm – 12.30pm.  During that time, we are administering medication to a high number of children and the office personnel are unavailable to take calls.  

Christmas Door 

Room 10 were the proud winners of the Class Christmas Door Competition this year. Well done to them! They have received a trophy and treat from the PTA. 


Huge thanks to our PTA and many volunteers who attended last night’s discos. The children had a fantastic time. Thank you to parent, Bryan Martin for providing his DJ services free of charge.  

P1 Enrolment (Session 2024-25)

Registration of children starting school – Is your child due to start school in August 2024?  

Parents/carers of children who are five years of age between 1 March 2024 and the end of February 2025 are required to register their child for starting school. 

To enrol your child at school you are asked to complete an online registration form which will be available from Monday 8 January 2024.  Your catchment school will be in touch with you to arrange a discussion between Monday 15 January – Friday 19 January. 

Please visit our catchment area checker to select your catchment school and register your child. 

School catchment area maps – South Lanarkshire Council 


The child’s full birth certificate and 2 official proofs of residency (preferably no older than 6 months) to confirm residency within your catchment area.  Enrolment cannot be confirmed without these documents.  

End of Term 

A polite reminder that the school will close at the earlier time of 2.30pm on Friday.   

We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Diary Dates 

 A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Mass Times 

Please note the following Christmas masses in the parish. 

Vigil Mass Sunday 24th December at 5.00pm 

Midnight Mass at 12.00 midnight  

Christmas Day at 10.00am & 12.00pm 


Week ending 8th December 2023

Parental Engagement Session 

Thank you to Room 6 parents and carers for attending this week’s Parental Engagement Literacy Session.  


Please note that the doors will not open for entry until 1.45pm on Tuesday and Wednesday. We look forward to welcoming you along to ‘It’s a Baby’. The children have been rehearsing and are super excited! 

Christmas Lunch 

Christmas Lunch orders should now have been placed. The only options available on the day are Turkey, Steak Pie and Vegetarian. These must be pre-ordered before the day. No sandwiches are available. If your child has not ordered a Christmas Lunch then they are required to bring a packed lunch on Thursday.  

Loaves and Fishes 

Donations for the food bank can be handed in at the beginning of next week. Thank you for your kind donations.  

P1 Enrolment (Session 2024-25)

 Children who are age 5 between 1 March 2024 and the end of February 2025 are required to register their child for starting school in August 2024 by completing an online registration form which will be available from Monday 8 January 2024 via the SLC website. 

We will issue the direct link nearer to the time.  

Documents required for the online registration: 

The child’s full birth certificate and 2 official proofs of residency (preferably no older than 6 months) to confirm residency within your catchment area.  Enrolment cannot be confirmed without these documents.  

Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Mass Times 

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  


Week ending 1st December 2023

Star Workers for week ending 24th November  

Room 1 – Paige for Star Worker 

Room 2 – Joshua for Star Listener 

Room 3 – Levi for Star Independent Worker  

Room 4 – Kian for Star Writer 

Room 5 – Zayn for Star Maths 

Room 6 – Kate for Star Attitude 

Room 7 – Ella for Star Literacy 

Room 8 – Jakub for Star Effort 

Room 9 – Lauren for Star Maths 

Room 10 – Spencer for Star Literacy  

Star Workers for week ending 1st December  

Room 1 – Lewis for Star Happiness 

Room 2 – Connor for Star Listener 

Room 3 – Kayden for Star Acting  

Room 4 – Lucas B for Star Maths 

Room 5 – Aiden C for Star Literacy 

Room 6 – Roman for Star Worker 

Room 7 – Caitlin for Star Effort 

Room 8 – Dylan for Star Maths 

Room 9 – Marsella for Star Maths 

Room 10 – Marcus for Star Writing  

Values of the Month Winners 

Room 1 – Mairead for Honesty  

Room 2 – Ciaran for Kindness 

Room 3 – Ivy C for Respect 

Room 4 – Chloe for Kindness 

Room 5 – Mila for Kindness 

Room 6 – Darcie for Kindness 

Room 7 – Murron for Friendship  

Room 8 – Caleb for Respect 

Room 9 – Karol for Kindness 

Room 10 – Floyd for Friendship  

Parental Engagement Sessions

Many thanks to all who have made it along to our recent P1 and P6 Parental Engagement Sessions.   As well as the Cooking Sessions. 

Some photographs of the P1 Book Bag Event and comments have been uploaded to our We Love Reading section of the website.  


Christmas Fayre 

A huge thank you to our PTA for organising an incredible Christmas Fayre.  Also, to those who helped out on the day and in the lead up to the event.  Many hands make light work!  It was greatly appreciated.  Further thanks go to all who attended and supplied tombola items.  An amazing £4211.07 was raised on the day. 

PTA Disco 

Due to the high amount raised this term, the forthcoming disco on Thursday 14th December will now be a free event for all children. 

P1 – 3 – 6.15pm – 7.15pm 

P4 –7 – 7.25pm – 8.25pm 

An online form has been created for booking a space for your child at the disco.   

We kindly ask that the form below is completed  


The PTA Facebook page is: St Leonard’s Primary School & Nursery  

PTA Email: st.leonardspta@yahoo.co.uk 

Extra-Curricular Clubs  

Tuesday 5th December – Dance (final week) 

Wednesday 6th December – Athletics (final week)  

Food Bank Donation Week 

Next week we will be collecting for Loaves and Fishes.  During the week items can be handed in and will be uplifted on Monday 11th December. 

General food items, toiletries, household cleaning products and cat/dog food are always appreciated.  You may wish to donate some of the items contained on the Christmas lists below

Christmas Food 2023

Christmas 2023 gifts

Diary Dates 

 A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Mass Times 

 Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 17th November 2023

Star Workers 

Room 1 – Carrick for Star Inventor  

Room 2 – Grace for Star Worker 

Room 3 – Orlaith Rose for Star Respect 

Room 4 – Robbie for Star Literacy 

Room 5 – Sophia for Star Maths  

Room 6 – Caiden for Star Writer 

Room 7 – Cameron for Star Worker 

Room 8 – Isaac for Star Cooking 

Room 9 – Nicole for Star Attitude 

Room 10 – Ryan K for Star Effort  


 Our MISSIO collections are back up and running for this year.  Children are invited to bring in loose change to add to their class MISSIO box.  The MISSIO Champions will collect the money weekly and later in the year we will present a cheque to the charity. 

Further information on the Pope’s Charity for Children can be found on their website. 


Scottish Book Trust Bags 

Primary 2 and Primary 3 have been issued with their Scottish Book Trust Bags today.  These contain fantastic books and games.  On Wednesday our older pupils read the stories and played games with P2 and P3 to help familiarise them with the contents.  Some photographs have been uploaded to our Photo Gallery. 

Bookbug Primary 1 Family Bag Parental Engagement Session

P1 children will receive their Bookbug bag next week, to help support their reading, writing and counting skills.   

The bag will contain:   

  • Three picture books shortlisted for The Bookbug Picture Book Prize   
  • An activity book with fun ways to enjoy reading, writing and counting together   
  • A set of coloured pencils   
  • A whiteboard with a pen and magnetic numbers   
  • The Bongles and the Crafty Crows – a book about cyber resilience by Oscar Van Heek and Dean Queazy in partnership with the Scottish Government and Education Scotland. 

The children have been exploring the stories in class and they are excited to bring them home to share with you. We would like to invite you to come and try some of the activities with your child in their class before the bags go home. If you are unable to make this event then perhaps another member of your family (aunties, uncles, grandparents, older siblings) would like to come along.  

This event will take place in school on Wednesday 22nd November at 2.15 pm.  Please complete the attached Google Form for your child if you haven’t done so already.  This is a P1 only event. 


Parental Engagement Session Room 6 and Room 8

A reminder also of the following events: 

Room 8 – Wednesday 29th November at 1.30pm 

Room 6 – Wednesday 6th December at 9.30am  

Kids Cooking Parent/Carer Session  

Pupils in P5, P6 and P7 have been working with Chef Robert on the Kids Cooking programme this month and would like to invite parents and carers to share in their final showcase session on Thursday 23rd November at the following times: 

P5 – 9.30am 

P6 – 11.10am 

P7 – 1.30pm  

Extra-Curricular Clubs  

The following clubs are operating this week (20th November) 

 Monday 3pm – 4pm – P6 Football Club  

Tuesday 3pm – 4pm – P4 and P5 Dance Club  

Tuesday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 Netball Club  

Wednesday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 Athletics Club  

Important Message from Bishop Toal 

Bishop Toal has asked schools to disseminate this message to parents and carers and is seeking as many people as possible to contribute a: 

Response to Scottish Government Consultation on Relationships Sexual Health and Parenting Guidance 

The Bishops’ Conference has made the following statement: 

 “The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland is both disappointed and confused at the decision by the Scottish Government to delete all reference to Catholic schools in its: Guidance on the Delivery of Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) Education in Scottish Schools” document.  We strongly request the re-insertion of the paragraphs relating to Denominational Education from the previous iteration of the guidance, which would reflect both the legal protection for schools with a Religious Character, and the previously supportive position of Scottish Government for Catholic schools.” 

It is vitally important that the Catholic Education Community has a strong and united voice in responding to this consultation, requesting the same action as the Bishops, so as to ensure that our sector is represented and our views heard.    

A voluminous response to this consultation by the Catholic Education community is necessary before the closing date of the 23rd November and we are asking for your help in achieving this. 

I have attached 3 papers to assist in responding. 


You can read the revised document here: Delivery of relationships, sexual health and parenthood education in Scottish schools: draft guidance – gov.scot (www.gov.scot) 


  • Follow this link and complete the consultation on line using the skeleton responses in the attached WORD document.  
  • You can cut and paste these, changing any of the content to best suit your individual response.  
  • Note you do NOT need to answer every question.  However, Questions 1 and 6 are vital. 



  • Open the letter template attached. 
  • Change any content by typing on the Word document – including your name and address. 
  • Note you do NOT need to answer every question.  However, Questions 1 and 6 are vital. 
  • Print your final document. 
  • Please note that you MUST print and complete the first page the RESPONDENT INFORMATION FORM and include this with any posted responses. 
  • Post responses to: 

RSHP Teaching Guidance Consultation 

Area 2B North 

Victoria Quay 


EH6 6QQ 

***Posted responses must reach Scottish Government by 23rd November.  We therefore recommend posting by Monday 20th*** 

Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Mass Times 

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  


Week ending 10th November 2023

Extra-Curricular Clubs  


The following clubs are operating this week (13th November) 

Tuesday 3pm – 4pm – P4 and P5 Dance Club  

Tuesday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 Netball Club  

Wednesday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 Athletics Club  

Diary Dates 

A polite reminder that the school and nursery are closed on Monday 13th November for an Inservice Day.  

 Please find attached a copy of our November/December Events.  This includes our Festive Dates as well as Parental Engagement Sessions for Room 6 and Room 8.  A copy will also be uploaded to the News Section of the App for future reference. 

Festive Dates 2023

 We ask that you take note of these dates, if relevant to your child. 

Mass Times 

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  


Week ending 3rd November 2023

Star Workers 

Room 1 – Rory for Star Inventor 

Room 2 – Arabella for Star Effort 

Room 3 – Finn for Star Independent Worker 

Room 4 – Daniel for Star Sentences  

Room 5 – Aidan W for Star Writer 

Room 6 – James for Star Worker 

Room 7 – Liam for Star Worker 

Room 8 – Jamie McG for Star Maths  

Room 9 – Una for Star Writer 

Room 10 – Sophia S for Star Worker at the Book Fair  

Values Winners  

Room 1 – Olivia McK for Friendship 

Room 2 – Juliette for Friendship 

Room 3 – Andrew for Respect  

Room 4 – Callan for Respect 

Room 5 – Conor for Respect 

Room 6 – Toby for Honesty 

Room 7 – Callan for Kindness 

Room 8 – Mya for Respect 

Room 9 – Nicole for Respect 

Room 10 – Lucy May for Kindness  

Extra-Curricular Clubs  

 The following clubs are operating this week (6th November) 

 Monday 3pm – 4pm – P7 Football Club  

 Tuesday 3pm – 4pm – P4 and P5 Dance Club  

Tuesday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 Netball Club  

Book Fair 

Thank you so much to everyone who entered our Book Fair Week Competition.  The standard of entries was incredibly high, and the judges had a difficult time selecting only one winner per class. 

Rm 1 – Zara 

Rm 2 – Callum  

Rm 3 – Ivy C 

Rm 4 – Lucas 

Rm 5 – Aidan 

Rm 6 – James 

Rm 7 – River 

Rm 8 – Jamie Mc 

Rm 9 – Bella 

Rm 10 – Kai  

The Book Fair is closed now, and no more purchases should be made online.  Books will be issued on Monday or Tuesday next week to anyone who is awaiting a copy. 


Lesley from Loaves and Fishes visited us this week during Assembly.   

They are hosting a Coffee Afternoon on Saturday 4th November, 12pm – 4pm at 34-36 Singer Road, Kelvin Industrial Estate, G75 0XS.  Simply take along an item of food to donate and enjoy a refreshment and cake.  There will be stalls available for the children to enjoy.  

Parents’ Night 

Many thanks for your attendance at this week’s Parents’ Night.  We appreciate your efforts and patience with some of the technical glitches with the new booking system via ParentPortal.  Hopefully most people are signed up now and it will be smooth sailing from here! 

P1 Evening Times Photograph 

The photograph of P1 will feature in The Evening Times Newspaper on Thursday 9th November.  

Order form information is attached:

Primary photo order forms_167

Industrial Action 

Please note the following letter in relation to planned Industrial Action on Wednesday 8th November. 

2023-11-02 Parent-Carer (primary schools-nurs)

SAMH Workshops

Please note the following information from SAMH (Scottish Association of Mental Health) who are running some workshops.  These are not in conjunction with ourselves, however you may find them very beneficial to attend.

Upcoming free online mental health workshops for parents and carers delivered by SAMH:

06/11/2023        Listening To & Supporting My Child                       1.00pm

06/11/2023        Managing My Wellbeing                                           6.30pm

08/11/2023        Mental Health Awareness                                        10.00am

09/11/2023        Understanding & Managing Stress & Anxiety       7.00pm

14/11/2023        Listening To & Supporting My Child                       1.00pm

15/11/2023        Mental Health Awareness                                        1.00pm

16/11/2023        Managing My Wellbeing                                           11.00am

16/11/2023        Understanding & Managing Stress & Anxiety       12.30pm

Spaces are limited so please click on the following link to secure your space: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/samh-lets-connect-east-kilbride-69531939193#events

We will also be hosting free in-person workshops at Calderglen High School over the coming weeks. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided! These will be held on:

–          Mental Health Awareness – Wednesday 15th November, 10-11.30am

–          Understanding and Managing Stress and Anxiety – Thursday 23rd November, 10-11.30am

–          Managing My Wellbeing – Wednesday 29th November, 10-11.30am

–          Listening to and Supporting My Child – Thursday 5th December, 1-2.30pm

Book your space here: https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/in-person-workshops-2809529?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=odclsxcollection&utm-source=cp&aff=odclsxcollection

Diary Dates 

We will issue notification in next week’s blog with regards to our Festive Dates. 

 A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Mass Times 

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  


Week ending 27th October 2023

Star Workers 


Room 1 – Niamh for Star Helper 

Room 2 – Logan for Star Worker 

Room 3 – Aria for Star Effort  

Room 4 – Henry for Star Science and Art 

Room 5 – Keegan for Star Helper 

Room 6 – Jacob for Star Effort 

Room 7 – Payton for Star Effort 

Room 8 – Adrianna for Star Effort  

Room 9 – Leo for Star Effort  

Room 10 – Kai for Star Manners  

Extra-Curricular Clubs  


The following clubs are operating this week (30th October) 

 Monday 3pm – 4pm – P6 Football Club (P7 will be the following week due to indoor practice and capacity) 

 Tuesday – no clubs due to Halloween 

 Wednesday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 Athletics  


On Thursday the boys and girls enjoyed the Pantomime, Snow White which visited us at school.   

Book Fair 


Room 10 are running the Book Fair next week as their Enterprise Topic.

On Tuesday every class will have the opportunity to browse the Book Fair.

On Wednesday and Thursday, items will be available for sale to children during the day. 

Details on purchasing items online (this will link to the school) are outlined in the attached document. You may find this an easier way to purchase rather than your child doing so in school with cash. 
There is a QR code as well. If purchasing online via the QR code, then please send in the reference number and name of book with your child for uplift, otherwise we are unaware of what has been purchased. 

Book Fair Parent Guide

The Book Fair will be closed for purchase following Parents’ Evening and will be uplifted on the Friday morning.  

Items ordered will be issued to children that week or the following Monday.  There is a quick turnaround.  

The school receives commission on items purchased and we use this to further enhance our class and school library stock.  

We appreciate your support with this venture. 

We will also be running a competition. P1-3 Design a Book Cover and P4-7 Create a Comic/Graphic Novel Strip. Entries must be returned by Wednesday and the winners can select a book from the Book Fair that day. Some classes have opted to send it home for completion and some will do it in class.  


This week at Assembly we welcomed Jacqueline Morrison to discuss her job as an Innovator. Jacqueline was a former pupil (in the 1970s) of St. Leonard’s and had contacted us regarding a visit. She described her job to the children and is eager for more children to follow careers in the STEM industry (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). We were delighted to accept her kind donation of an award that she received earlier this year. Jacqueline won the Innovate UK, Women in Innovation Award for Developing an Improved Installation Technique for Offshore Wind Turbines. The award will be displayed proudly in the school, and we hope that Jacqueline will return to see some of the fantastic STEM work going on in the school.  


A reminder that children are welcome to come to school on Tuesday wearing their Halloween costume. No masks should be worn, or props of any kind brought to school. Costumes must be age appropriate. 

The winner of the PTA Guess the Skeleton Name Competition was Layla in Room 6. 

Samuel in the nursery won 2nd prize, Kalli in Room 7 won 3rd prize and Leo in Room 7 won the 4th prize. The PTA will be in touch with prizewinners.  

House Points 

Well done to everyone for working incredibly hard last term to earn points for their House. Points are awarded for a range of reasons, e.g. fantastic effort, manners, kindness, positive attitude. 

Results are as follows: 

St. Bernadette – 4960 

St. John Bosco – 4579 

St. Joseph – 4334  

St. Bernadette – 4221 

The winning house, St. Bernadette will receive their treat in a couple of weeks! 

Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Mass Times 

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 13th October 2023

Star Workers 


Room 1 – Blake for Star Worker   

Room 2 – Juliette for Star Artist 

Room 3 – Cody for Star Maths 

Room 4 – Orla for Star Artist  

Room 5 – Ellie for Star Worker 

Room 6 – Lola for Star Maths 

Room 7 –  Karla for Star Worker and Listener 

Room 8 – Eghosa for Star Effort 

Room 9 – Nathan for Honesty  

Room 10 – Ryan R for Star Writer  

Extra-Curricular Clubs  

 The following clubs are operating this week (23rd October) 

 Monday P5 lunch time club  

 Monday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 Football Club 

Tuesday 3pm – 4pm – P4 and P5 Dance Club  

Tuesday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 Netball Club – please note this is to be confirmed due to a staff meeting.  We are trying to source another coach so the club can remain on.  

Wednesday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 Athletics  


Primary 5 had a fantastic time on Tuesday at their retreat which was held in the Church Hall.  

Social Media/Messaging Systems  


We would ask that parents and carers remain vigilant to social media and messaging systems used by children. It was brought to our attention this week that inappropriate chat and photographs of staff have been shared by some pupils.  

We were alerted by several pupils who were concerned about the content and would encourage all children to raise concerns directly with their parents. 

Parents should always raise any significant concerns over any content with the police if deemed appropriate. 

Under Child Protection Guidelines staff will not view children’s phones. As always, our policy is for phones to be switched off and remain in bags, until outside the school gates.  

Active Schools 

Please note that Room 9 and Room 10 require PE kit for Monday 23rd October as they will be participating in a session with our Active Schools Coordinator that morning. 

Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Mass Times 

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 6th October 2023

Extra-Curricular Clubs  

 The following clubs are operating this week (9th October) 

 Monday P5 lunch time club  

 Monday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 Football Club 

Tuesday 3pm – 4pm – P4 and P5 Dance Club  

Tuesday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 Netball Club  

Wednesday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 Athletics  


On Monday 9th October, we ask that all children come to school in shirt and tie.  Year group photographs will be taken on the day for the PTA Calendars.  Orders and samples of the Calendars will be available in due course. 

Also, the Evening Times will be taking the P1 photograph on the same day.  We will advise when this will be published in the newspaper once we are notified (week commencing 6th November).  

Events next week  

The diary is very busy next week with lots of events.  P5 are attending a retreat on Tuesday in the Church Hall led by staff from Motherwell Diocese. 

We will welcome Rosslyn from St. Leonard’s Library to an assembly on Tuesday as she is presenting the Summer Reading Challenge Certificates.    

The football festival on Wednesday will be attended by some of our P6 players.   

P7 will be participating in a Coding Computing lesson with staff from the high school on Wednesday afternoon.  

Our netballers are due to attend their festival on Thursday and on Friday we have an athletics tournament.   

A reminder that we have a Make the Rules Day on Thursday 12th October.  A monetary donation to PTA funds is appreciated.   School Children can choose to:
Bring a teddy to school
Wear an Oodie
Wear brightly coloured tights/socks
Wear their own clothes (no football colours permitted)
Wear a hat
Furthermore, we will be attending Mass on Friday.  Please join us if you can. 

Go Fresh Theme Day 


On Thursday 12th, there will be a Go Fresh Theme Menu on.  The following items will be on offer that day, not the usual menu: 

  • Blue – Chris Corns Tray (sausage pastry, chicken poppers, chips and sweetcorn) 
  • Red – Becky Broccoli Tray (cheese and tomato pizza, macaroni cheese, chips and broccoli) 
  • Green – Colin Carrots Tray (ham baguette and grated carrot) 

All meals will be served with Sally Strawberry and Alan Apple fruit salad, as well as Paula Pineapple Sponge.  

Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Mass Times 

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 29th September 2023

Extra Curricular Clubs (week commencing 2nd October)

Monday (lunchtime) P5 multi-sports

Monday 3pm Football

Tuesday 3pm Dance

Tuesday 3pm Netball

Wednesday 3pm Athletics


Sample photographs have been issued today, along with an order form and price list.

Please return order forms to the school and payment should be made via ParentPay.  Should you require assistance then please contact the school office.

Year group photographs will also be available and samples will be with us next week should you wish to purchase these.  They are priced at £15 each.

P7 Caledonia Gladiators

Today P7 had the opportunity to work with a coach from Caledonia Gladiators. As you may be aware, a new basketball facility is opening at PlaySport in East Kilbride.

Further information on forthcoming events can be found at:


Some photographs have been uploaded to our Photo Gallery.


A polite reminder that all parents/carers are required to sign up for ParentPortal.  We still have a high number not yet signed up.  Our target date is for mid-October as thereafter we will be using this platform for main communication, including updating information and consent forms.

Furthermore, our Parents’ Evening on 2nd November will be only be bookable through ParentPortal.  The School Cloud used last year is no longer funded by SLC and ParentPortal must be used in order to book your appointment.  Appointments will be uploaded after the October break, therefore it is essential that you are signed up over the next two weeks.

Week ending 21st September 2023

Star Workers 

Room 1 – Lochlan for Star Effort  

Room 2 – Oli for Star Effort  

Room 3 – Orlaith Rose for Star Attitude 

Room 4 – Lucas for Star Diary Writing  

Room 5 – Conor for Star Effort 

Room 6 – Magnus for Star Worker 

Room 7 – Jenna for Star Worker 

Room 8 – Kalise for Star Maths 

Room 9 – Leo for Star Scientist 

Room 10 – Rebecca for Star Effort  

Crazy Hair Day  

Thank you for your donations to PTA funds through today’s Crazy Hair Day.  There certainly were some crazy hairstyles in school today!


Mrs Dorman will be absent from school for a few weeks and was happy for parents and carers to be notified. As many of you are aware, Mrs Dorman has been awaiting a heart procedure following recent illness and has been touched by the many messages of support she has received. We ask that you keep Mrs Dorman in your prayers, particularly on Tuesday as this is when the operation will take place. 

Given the short-term absence, there is no requirement to cover Mrs Dorman’s absence. However, I ask for your patience in awaiting any call backs or responses. Both Principal Teachers are class committed and I will endeavour to respond to any queries as quickly as possible. SLC policy is 5 days. 

Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

A polite reminder that we are closed on Friday 22nd and Monday 25th September.  

Industrial Action 

The proposed Industrial Action is due to take place next week, resulting in school closure from Tues 26th – Thursday 28th September.   

Class teachers have sent home a few items of work to be completed should we be closed. 

Announcements will be made on the news if the strike is called off,  in which case we will re-open on Tuesday at 9am.  

Mass Times 


Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 15th September 2023

Star Workers 


Room 1 – Karleigh for Star Helper  

Room 2 – Finlay for Enthusiastic Learner  

Room 3 – Maxwell for Star Effort  

Room 4 – Inayah for Star Helper  

Room 5 – Filip for Star Maths 

Room 6 – Mia for Star Effort  

Room 7 – Finley for Star Effort  

Room 8 – Lucia for Star Helper  

Room 9 – James for Star Effort  

Room 10 – Isabella for Star Friend 

 This is Our Faith 


We have a new This is Our Faith page on our website https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/glowblogs/stleonards/this-is-our-faith/ 

 Please check it out! 


Thanks to Pali for working with us this week whilst taking the photographs.  Proofs will be issued soon.   


Extra-Curricular Clubs  


The following clubs are operating this week (18th September) 

 Monday P5 lunch time club  

Monday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 Football Club 

Tuesday 3pm – 4pm – P4 and P5 Dance Club  

Tuesday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 Netball  

Wednesday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 Athletics  

Crazy Hair Day  

There will be a Crazy Hair Day on Thursday 21st September. A monetary donation would be appreciated to go towards PTA funds. Children should still wear uniform on this day.  

 Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

A polite reminder that we are closed on Friday 22nd and Monday 25th September.  

Also, that planned Industrial Action on the 26th – 28th September means that the school and nursery will be closed.

See the attached letter.

2023-09-15 Parent-Carer (schools-nurs) Industrial Action


Mass Times at St. Leonard’s Church


Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  


Week ending 8th September 2023

Star Workers 

Room 1 – Hayley for Star Helper  

Room 2 – Callum for Star Attitude  

Room 3 – Caitlin for Star Attitude  

Room 4 – Amelia for Star Attitude  

Room 5 – Aaron for Star Maths 

Room 6 – Oliver J for Star Attitude  

Room 7 – Callan for Star Attitude  

Room 8 – Macie Leigh for Star Reader 

Room 9 – Lillie for Star Worker 

Room 10 – Floyd for Star Literacy  


The following children received a certificate for achieving Value of the Month (August).  A celebration of hot chocolate/soft drink and biscuit will take place over the coming week.  

School Values –  Kindness, Respect, Faith, Honesty, Friendship and Love  

Room 1 – Zara for Friendship 

Room 2 – Alfie for Love 

Room 3 – Max for Love  

Room 4 – Charlie for Respect and Love 

Room 5 – Jude for Kindness 

Room 6 – Ben for Faith  

Room 7 – Caoimhe for Friendship  

Room 8 – Max for Friendship  

Room 9 – Ava G for Respect  

Room 10 – Aaron for Friendship  

Parent Council AGM 

Election results are as follows: 

Chair – Mhairi Eshghi 

Vice-Chair – Marianne Doherty 

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th October at 6.30pm.  


Election results are as follows:

Chair – Fiona Kelly 

Vice-Chair – Emma Miller 

Secretary – Tracy Cassidy 

Treasurer – Julie McWee 

The next meeting is on Wednesday 25th October at 7pm. 

 The following PTA Event dates have been set: 

 Christmas Fayre – Saturday 25th November 10am – 1pm 

 Summer Fayre – Saturday 1st June 10am – 1pm 


The photographer has been booked to take individual and year group photographs. 

 We ask that children wear a shirt and tie on the following dates: 

 Monday 11th, Tuesday 12th and Thursday 14th September.  

PE Days Update 

We have had to make a few adjustments to our PE timetable.  Please note the following allocated PE days.   

Please note though that this week we have volleyball taster sessions on Monday for the following classes so PE clothes are required to change into. 

Room 8, Room 7 and Room 6


We attended our first Mass of the school year today to celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Father Joe celebrated Mass with us as Father Dominic is currently on holiday.  The children sang the hymns beautifully.  Our older children were fantastic buddies to our P1 children on their first trip to Mass as a school.  

Extra-Curricular Clubs 

Monday P5 lunch time club  

 Monday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 football club 

There is no athletics this week due to a staff meeting.  

Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Mass Times 

Saturday Vigil – 6pm  

Sunday – 10am, 12pm and 5.15pm  

Week ending 1st September 2023

Star Workers 


Room 1 – Theo for Star Helper  

Room 2 – Ciaran for Star Helper 

Room 3 – Stark for Star Manners  

Room 4 – Declan for Star Reading  

Room 5 – Alfie for Star Worker 

Room 6 – Oma for Star Worker 

Room 7 – Kaden for Star Attitude  

Room 8 – Vaila for Star Attitude  

Room 9 – Sofia P for Star Manners 

Room 10 – Lucy May for Star Achievement  

P7 Residential 


P7 pupils and parents are invited to an information talk on Wednesday 6th September at 6pm in relation to the residential trip.  A trip has been booked to Inverclyde National Sport Training Centre from 7th – 9th February 2024.   


A polite reminder that our PTA AGM will take place on Wednesday 6th September at 7pm.  We are always keen to have new members join.  

Sacrament Dates 

Please note the following dates.  

First Confession (P3) – Monday 25th March from 6pm.  Appointment slots will be allocated nearer the time. 


First Communion (P4) – parents have the option to select either Saturday 27th April or Saturday 11th May.  Mass will be at 10am.  A letter will be issued to P4 in relation to this and opportunity to note your selected date.   


Confirmation (P7) – a date has not been allocated yet by The Diocese of Motherwell.  We will update you once we have this.  




We will be attending whole school Mass on Friday 8th September, the Feast of Our Lady.  Please join us at 10am if you can do so.  


Extra-Curricular Clubs 


Monday P5 lunch time club  

Monday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 football club 

Thursday 3pm – 4pm – P6 and P7 athletics  

Diary Dates 


A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

Week ending 25th August 2023

Star Workers 


Room 1 – All of Room 1 for Star Attitude  

Room 2 – All of Room 2 for Star Attitude  

Room 3 – Callie for Star Attitude 

Room 4 – Zanelle for Star Worker (settling into new school) 

Room 5 – Alfie for Star Attitude 

Room 6 – Orlaith for Star Helper  

Room 7 – Dominic for Star Attitude  

Room 8 – Luis for Star Attitude (settling into new school)  

Room 9 – Ava for Star Attitude 

Room 10 – Nathan for Kindness to Others  


Senior Pupil Leadership  

This week our senior pupils have been elected by their peer’s following delivery of some amazing speeches! Congratulations to those elected and a huge well done to all who put themselves forward for the different positions. Over the coming weeks we will continue to elect for further roles and responsibilities within the school.  

Head Boy – Michael H  

Depute Head Boy – Ryan R 

Head Girl – Nicole  

Depute Head Girl – Marsella  



St. John Ogilvie (green)  


House Captain – Una  

Vice-Captain – Max  


St. John Bosco (blue)  


House Captain – Lauren  

Vice-Captain – Kalise  


St. Joseph (yellow)  


House Captain – Ethan Mc  

Vice-Captain – Somto  

St. Bernadette (red)  


House Captain – Oliver  

Vice-Captain – Mya  



Many thanks to those who have completed and returned the various bits of paperwork that came home earlier in the week. If you haven’t done so, please return these by Monday. 

Overspill Car Park 


Please ensure that you are parked in a marked bay. Immediately next to the pavement (from school playground gate to school car park gate) should never be used to park cars or drop off.  

Also, we kindly ask that if you are waiting by the gate and fence area that you stand in, as many children are finding it difficult to remain on the pavement due to several adults blocking the path or standing immediately in front of the gate. We also ask that if you have a dog to keep this on a short lead away from the gate. Thank you for your cooperation. 


Please ensure that your child’s name is on every item of clothing and belongings, this includes shoes and lunch boxes.  A significant number of items are not labelled, and this makes it difficult to relocate the owner.  Our lost property box is already growing with nameless items. 

Also, we ask that children bring a jacket to school daily.  They will be outside for breaks unless the weather is extremely wet.  


We discourage the bringing of toys from home as this can cause a distraction to children, problems if toys go missing or are shared/swapped with others.  

New Lunch Menu 


A polite reminder that the new lunch menu starts on Monday 28th August.  

P1-5 receive a free meal and P6-7 are charged £2.05. 


Parent Council AGM 


A polite reminder that our Parent Council AGM will take place on Wednesday 30th August at 6.30pm. We are always keen to have new members join.  



We will be attending whole school Mass on Friday 8th September, the Feast of Our Lady.  Please join us at 10am if you can do so.  


Diary Dates 

A list of diary dates can be found in the Diary section. 

New Term

Please see attached a copy of our Welcome Newsletter.

Next week we will begin our weekly blog post update.

August 2023 newsletter final

SchoolAttendanceLeaflet St Leonard’s



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