Online CLPL Playlists & Links

IOP Scotland Online CLPL Playlists –

Google Apps for Education (G-Suite)

Microsoft Teams & Office 365

IOPS CLPL – Support for Probationer & Early Career Teachers

IOPS CLPL – Teachers Supporting Probationer & Early Career Teachers

Language in Science

NASA in Aberdeen

Evidence-based teaching

Coaching N5 Physics

Coaching Higher Physics

Coaching Advanced Higher Physics

Coaching BGE Physics

IOPS CLPL/Domains – Electricity

IOPS CLPL/Domains – Waves

IOP CLPL/Domains – Matter

ASE Conference Scotland 2021

IOP Stirling Meeting 2021

IOP CLPL – Climate Change

IOP Scotland Online CLPL Sessions –

IOP Scotland Teacher Network Support During Covid-19 – 21st April 2020

IOP Scotland Teaching physics remotely using MS tools – 12th May 2020

IOP Scotland Teaching physics remotely using Google tools – 13th May 2020

IOP/SSERC Virtual Summer School: A Remarkable Century of Physics – 19 May 2020

IOP Scotland – Using Isaac Physics – 25th May 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Teaching Physics Using Microsoft Teams – 28th May 2020

IOP/SSERC Virtual Summer School: Diagnostic Questions – 26th May 2020

IOP/SSERC Virtual Summer School: Physics of Climate Change – 2nd June 2020

IOP/SSERC Virtual Summer School: Cognitive Load Theory – 9th June 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Teaching Physics Using Microsoft Forms – 11th June 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL : Teaching Forces – 16th June 2020

IOPS Online CLPL – Teaching Forces Demonstrations

IOP Scotland CLPL : Google Classroom – Assignments & Feedback – 18th June 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Teaching Earth and Space – 23rd June 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Teaching Physics Using Microsoft Sway – 25th June 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Google Classroom – Virtual Experiments – 30th June 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: G-Suite – preparations for the new term – 6th Aug 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Teams – preparations for the new term – 6th Aug 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Language in Science an introduction – 13th Aug 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL : Support for Probationers and Early Career Teachers – 18th Aug 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Supporting Probationers and Early Career Teachers – 25th Aug

IOP Scotland CLPL: Smartphone practicals – 31st August 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: The Solar System – 1st September 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Support for Higher Physics – Session 1 – 1st Sept 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Coaching support for teaching AH Physics – 8th Sept 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Practical work in the COVID age – 9th September 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Making and using video – 10th September 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Language in Science – The Power of Per – 14th Sept 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Support for Probationers and Early Career Teachers – 15 Sep

IOP Scotland CLPL: Evidence-based Teaching: Cognitive Science – 17th Sept

IOP Scotland CLPL: Supporting Probationers and Early Career Teachers – 21 Sept

IOP Scotland CLPL: Support for Higher Physics – Session 2 – 22nd Sept 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Language in Science – SQA Speak – 29th Sept 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Support for Probationers and Early Career Teachers – 6th Oct

IOP Scotland CLPL: Exolife – a NASA in Aberdeen workshop – 6th Oct 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Coaching for AH Physics – Uncertainties – 7th Oct 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Evidence-based Teaching: Metacognition and Modelling – 22 Oct

IOP Scotland CLPL: Probationers and ECT – STEM opportunities – 27th Oct 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Support for Higher Physics – Session 3 – 3rd Nov 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: N5 Physics – Properties of Matter – 5th Nov 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Probationers and ECT – Forces – 10th Nov 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: AH Physics – Stellar Physics – 11th Nov 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Language in Science – Writing SQA style tests – 17th Nov 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Evidence-based Teaching: Misconceptions – 19th Nov 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Forces in BGE – 23rd Nov 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: The 3, 2, 1 of Newton’s Laws – 24th Nov 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Human Spaceflight – a NASA in Aberdeen workshop – 1st Dec

IOP Scotland CLPL: Higher Physics – Interference & Standard Model – 1st Dec 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Language in Science – Graphs – 8th Dec 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: AH Physics – GR & Curved Spacetime Part 1 – 9th Dec 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: Evidence-based Teaching – Cognitive Load Theory – 17 Dec 2020

IOP Scotland CLPL: AH Physics – GR & Curved Spacetime Part 2 – 13th Jan 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL: Mars 2020 – Perseverance and Ingenuity – 14th Jan 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL: Higher Physics – Electricity – 19th Jan 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL: Evidence-based Teaching – Effective Practical Work – 21st Jan

IOP Scotland CLPL/DOMAINS CPD: Probationers and ECT – Electric Circuits 26 Jan

IOP Scotland CLPL: An Overview of Particle Physics – 1st Feb 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL/DOMAINS CPD: Electric Circuits for BGE – 2 Feb 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL/DOMAINS CPD: Electric Circuits for National 4/5 – 3 Feb 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL: The Solar System – NASA in Aberdeen – 4 Feb 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL: AH Physics – Interference – 10 Feb 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL/DOMAINS CPD: Probationers and ECT – Waves – 9 Mar 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL: AH Physics – Electromagnetism – 10 Mar 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL: Evidence-based Teaching – CLT Part 2 – 11 Mar 2021

ASE Scotland Conf2021: The Science of Climate Change – 13 March 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL/DOMAINS CPD: Waves in BGE – 16th March 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL/DOMAINS CPD: Waves in National 4/5 – 17 Mar 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL/DOMAINS CPD: Probationers and Early Career Teachers – Matter – 4 May 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL/DOMAINS CPD: Matter in BGE – 11 May 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL/DOMAINS CPD: Matter in National 4/5 – 12 May 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL/Stirling Meeting: Astrobiology – 13 May 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL/Stirling Meeting: Physics in the NHS and beyond – 19 May 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL/Stirling Meeting: We are all star stuff – 20 May 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL/Stirling Meeting: From Scotland to Space – 25 May 2021

IOP Scotland/CLPL Stirling Meeting: Tomorrow’s World? Physics of 2121 – 27 May

IOP Scotland CLPL: Post-COVID Practical catch-up – 15 September 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL: Probationers and ECT – 23 September 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL: AH Physics Practical Work – 30 September 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL: Probationers and ECT – Practical Work – 3rd Nov 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL: Advanced Higher Physics – Practical Work Part 2 – 4 November 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL: Climate Crisis Classroom Cook-along – Part 1

IOP Scotland CLPL: Climate Crisis Classroom Cook-along – Part 2

IOP Scotland CLPL: Probationers and ECT – N5 Practical Work – 1st Dec 2021

IOP Scotland CLPL: SQA Assessment with Andy Shield – 11 Jan 2022

IOP Scotland CLPL: Probationers and ECT – Study Skills – 12 Jan 2022

IOP Scotland CLPL: Effective Web Research in Physics – 26 Jan 2022

IOP Scotland CLPL: Post-prelim improvement – 17 Feb 2022

IOP Scotland CLPL: Probationers and ECT – Marking – 23 Feb 2022

IOP Scotland CLPL: Analogies, Models, and Outdoor Learning – 24 Feb 2022

IOP Scotland CLPL: New to AH Physics – 6 Sept 2022

IOP Scotland CLPL: New to Higher Physics – 7 Sept 2022

IOP Scotland CLPL: New to Higher Physics 2 – 14 Sept 2022

IOP Scotland CLPL: New to AH Physics 2 – 5 Oct 2022

IOP Scotland CLPL: New to AH Physics 3 – 9 Nov 2022

IOP Scotland CLPL: N5 Physics Assignments – 28 August 2023

IOP Scotland CLPL: Higher Physics Assignments – 4 September 2023

IOP Scotland CLPL: Probationers and ECT – Effective Practical Work at BGE – 6  Sep 2023

IOP Scotland CLPL: N5 Physics core practicals – part 1 – 20 Sep 2023

IOP Scotland CLPL: Using Physics Education Research (PER) in your classroom 28 Sep 23

IOP Scotland CLPL: Teaching electricity in BGE – 04 Oct 2023

IOP Scotland CLPL: N5 Physics core practicals – part 2 – 01 Nov 2023

IOP Scotland CLPL: N5 Physics Assignments 27 Nov 2023

IOP Scotland CLPL: Higher Physics Assignments 11 Dec 2023

IOP Scotland CLPL: Using AI in Physics Education 16 Jan 2024

IOP Scotland CLPL : Alternative Pathways in Physics 31 Jan 24

IOP Scotland CLPL: Physics-based Careers and Subject Choice Advice 28 Feb 2024