Den building

Group and leadership
• Within our group, there was a group leader as she was the only one who had been involved in scouts when they were you so they naturally took the leadership role which the team was happy with.
• We knew she would be the most suited leader as she voiced the experience before we started gathering materials. We all worked together and it didn’t necessarily feel like a leadership, however she was the one that was able to tell us what would work and what wouldn’t and was able to guide us to making a den that would fit within the criteria.
• Our team worked really well as a group and we all managed to find tasks which suited our abilities. We were able to complete this task as a team and we had fun in the process.
• Personally, I work better in groups and so I felt that I was able to excel completing this task. I was able to communicate with all my team members well and we all managed to set small tasks which in turn made the challenge much easier to handle as it was sectioned off. The only thing I would say that I struggled with would be constantly referring to the instruction sheet we were given. I would often forget about it as I wanted to get stuck in straight away to help my team complete the task successfully and because of this I often found myself missing important points or questions during the process. However, this is something I have acknowledged and something I will be taking onboard during future tasks.

• I think the group was able to explain the task really well as we all sat down and made sure we were clear on the task before running off. This helped us stay on track and work as best we could.
• Due to the fact that the task was explained verbally as well as a task sheet being given helped my team clear up any confusion we may have felt before beginning the task.
• I feel like my group was successful in reaching all 5Ps. I feel like we could have worked a little more on postmortem because when the task was complete, we didn’t have time to properly analyse our structure and what could have made it better. In completing this task again, I would make sure to speak to my team to set out a designated time at the end for reflection and analysis to help us grow in our communication.

• The environment helped our communication as we were more relaxed and comfortable especially communicating with people we may not have before. The atmosphere was fun and relaxed and were all able to complete the task very well. We did not feel refined or enclosed and could do what we wanted within the rules that had been set out for us.
• This shows that it was different to a classroom environment where you can’t really be loud and excited within the setting. It provided a change of scenery for the class as well.
• We were lucky with the weather when doing this task as there was hardly any noise that would cause issues with communicating. If there was wind or rain when doing this it would cause us to adjust the volume of our voice and the tone we are using when engaging a group. Instead of being in the open space, we could utilise the bushes and walls around us to create an environment that we can all concentrate and listen well in, leaving no room for miscommunication errors.

• Our negotiations were successful as we had to have another team accept all of us into their den and we had to make sure both teams could fit as well. This was difficult at first as we assumed the teams had only made a den that would fit their team in it. However, we managed to find the right team and negotiated with them by telling them what each individual member would bring to the team as well as what we could offer them in return.
• This was challenging as every other team also had to negotiate something different and were often focused on their own discussions. We managed to locate the appropriate group and after we done so, we were aware that we should be open with other teams to allow them to complete the task as well