Monthly Archives: October 2019

Why I want to be a teacher..

In 2015 I left school at 17 with various unconditional offers to study Business Management at university level. After much deliberation I decided this was not the career path for me. This had been my plan for 5th and 6th year of high school, I hadn’t even considered any other possibilities. It became apparent I would need to find a job until I figured out what I wanted to do with my life. Two years working at a petrochemical plant and two years in a high street bank passed very quickly and I realised I needed to make a decision about my future before I wasted more years in jobs that I hated. I thought back to my time at school and tried to remember what I enjoyed the most. Quite quickly I concluded that what I enjoyed the most was a Sports Leadership programme I completed in 6th year, where I went to local primary school’s and taught the children PE lessons. I deliberated between PE teaching in a high school and primary teaching but after much thought I realised that the aspect of the programme I enjoyed was working with the primary children, not the particular sports lessons.