Useful Links

 Links For Parents, Carers and Practitioners.

Support for Learning At Home For Children With Additional Support Needs
Support for Parents, Carers and Children with Transition to Primary One

Web links for parents to access learning and relevant information while at home:

 Click the links to open in a new tab.

Click here for important information links about internet safety.

Our hub information for practitioner support has been moved here.


Useful Links

Lockdown Live Scroll down this page to find what live online learning is on offer this week.

Dug’s Discovery Den This page has all the Thinglinks for Dug’s Discovery Dens from Education Scotland.

Transitions 2020: Within Early Years and Going To School  a range of links, guidance, articles and support from the government Parentzone website on transition support for parents and carers of all children who are ‘moving on’ in 2020.

South Lanarkshire Council Psychological Services Twitter feed for daily help, advice and support for parents and carers in this time of crisis.

Weekly Newlsletter For Parents And Carers –  Find ideas, hints and tips for parents and carers, including activities that children can do on their own or families can do together, from Education Scotland.

The website (Living Life To The Full) have produced a leaflet for free courses, support, advice  for all parents and carers. LLTTF Coronavirus

Scotland Learns by the Scottish Government has a range of home learning ideas, updated weekly.

Play Scotland – 101 Ways To Play Campaign. Download booklets with ideas for indoor play and active play.

International Play Association Some useful advice about managing children at home during a crisis.  This has advice on aspects such as messy play at home, managing screen time, managing play that feels noisy and destructive, dealing with loss, illness and death and playing when you can’t get outside.

Parentline Scotland

Advice and help linked to being a parent in the current time of Coronavirus in Scotland. Practical help, links and information.

Parentzone Coroanavirus & Home Learning Advice

Scottish government advice , help, support and guidance. Parent and carer friendly.

Education Scotland Early Years

Information about early learning in Scotland.

South Lanarkshire Leisure And Cultural ServicesClick this link to download the weekly online timetable of events.

SPELL Lanarkshire – voluntary group which provides free support to parents and carers as well as all not-for-profit baby and toddler groups, nurseries and playgroups.

Scottish Child Minding Association – Supporting all aspects of child minding in Scotland.

Citizen’s Advice

Citizen’s advice page for early years parents and carers with wider information and advice linked to the current situation.

Every day is a learning day

Everyday’s a learning day.  Short summaries of brief ideas for children 0-3 years to develop their health and wellbeing and progress their mathematics and literacy skills.

Action For Children Help For Parents

A wide range of help, support, encouragement and advice for all.

Boredom busters

Boredom busters for young children.  Tips and tricks to keep children calm, entertained and engaged during long days at home.

Parent club Scotland

Lots of information for parents for children from 0 years old to teenagers.  Information about coronavirus now updated along with ideas for learning at home, having fun and keeping busy.

Supporting numeracy at home

Lots of ideas about how to embed numeracy and mathematical learning through home learning and real life contexts.

Hungry Little Minds

This site is by the UK government and has so many home learning ideas for babies, toddlers and young children.

Early Years Scotland Ideas for parents across different learning areas.

BBC technology resource

Substantial range of free games, programmes, songs and stories designed for early years.  These resources are a fun way of engaging your child in literacy, language and other curricular areas.

BBC Emotional wellbeing for children

These programmes will help with develop conversations and learning for young children around feelings.  Designed to aid with children’s emotional development.

BBC Rhymes and songs

This is where you will find lots of nursery rhymes and counting songs.  Perfect for developing mathematical knowledge and literacy skills.

Songs, stories and movement games with the BBC

Loads of fun stories, songs and movement games which will help educate and entertain young children.  Fun for all the family!

BBC movement and literacy games

Movement and literacy games to develop a range of skills in young children.  Plenty here to keep wee ones busy.

Cbeebies creativity

Online drawing, painting and design games especially for young children.  Will enable the development of various creative and fine motor skills.

CBeebies watch

Provides an extensive range of songs encouraging children’s language skills through music.

Cbeebies games

Simple online games for young children to help keep them engaged and entertained.

BBC Mindfulness Activities

Reading tips

Handy one page guide from Scottish Government regarding quality story times at home.

Home literacy

Further information on how to develop literacy at home and what you can do as a parent, for children from 0 – 16 years.

STEM learning

Develop your child’s learning in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths):  Ideas for fun science experiments at home in conjunction with a responsible adult.

Home science

Further science experiments to try at home with a responsible adult.  Lots of fantastic learning opportunities.

Learning with a toddler

Do you have a toddler?  This link provides information and ideas about how to develop their play schemas.  Fascinating resource with ideas suitable for children aged 2 – 5 years…. Or older!

Kitchen activities

Fantastic range of kitchen-related fun activities for children from 2 – 5 years old.  Keeps them busy and gives them lots of real life learning opportunities too.

20 Activities For Lockdown – A leisure company have created this website with home learning opportunities and ideas.

Ball games for toddlers

Great ideas to keep toddlers entertained by playing ball games.  Good resource for developing movement skills and spatial awareness for your wee ones.

Family fun games for home

Ideas for fun family games that everyone can take part in.  Free and easy to access.

Learning with babies

This guide will help you keep your baby engaged and learning.  Following these ideas will also help to build crucial attachment bonds and develop relationships.

Online games and learning

A range of online interactive games, designed to develop mathematics and numeracy skills in children from 3 – 11 years old.  Something for everyone!

University Of Chichester Home Learning Booklet For Parents – click the link to download the pack which helps promote home learning and development for 0-5. Created for parents and carers with lockdown in mind.

Games and activities online

This website provides stories, games and various other learning opportunities.  Designed for young children, these resources will develop language, literacy and mathematical thinking.

Child Bereavement UK

Child Bereavement UK supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement.

What’s Up With Everyone – How to deal with mental health issues.

NHS Lanarkshire – Occupational Therapy – supporting young children develop fine motor skills.

MoneyMap – CAB Scotland site for support and ways of dealing with a range of money troubles.

Support For Children With Additional Support Needs

Call Scotland – a range of useful information, links and resources

Enquire – advice for parents and support for young people

Augmentative and Alternative Communication – support, resources and learning resource

Autism Toolbox – Coronavirus links and support for parents and carers

Scottish Autism – Meaningful resources on everyday routines, learning and questions

Scottish Autism – Information sheet about dealing with the current situation

National Autism Society – Dealing with Coronavirus and other tips and resources

Education ScotlandSupport for parents and carers needing help dealing with complex ASN needs at home.

SENSE – Making Play Inclusive – Document with tips and information for parents and carers.

Internet safety

Parent Guide to setting up youtube kids for home computers

Staying safe with 0-5 age group online

Smartie The Penguin – internet safety story

Think U Know – home activity packs

  • Practice putting on and taking off own shoes and jacket.
  • Helping to set the dinner table  and clear up after meals.
  • Practice making a sandwich or preparing a snack.
  • Practice pouring your own drinks .
  • Find out what your school uniform looks like, can you draw it?
  • Try on your school uniform when it arrives.
  • Why not take a walk to your new school to see what it looks like? 
  • Practice the journey to and from school. How do you cross a road safely? 
  • What items will you need for school? Can you prepare or choose these? 
  • Practice using pencils, rulers, scissors, rubbers.
  • Make some labels together. Talk about why everything needs to be labelled.

Discuss what a school day might include: 

Talk about school routine- lining up outside when the ball rings, hanging up your jacket in the cloakroom, sitting at a desk, break time, lining up when the bell rings and returning to the classroom, getting ready for gym, lunch time in the dinner hall, what happens at assembly, looking after your belongings, what happens after school.

  • Spend time listening to stories and discussing what happened in the story 
  • Practice mark making using pencils, pens, crayons, chalk, paintbrushes etc 
  • Have fun playing a memory game – Select 4 or 5 items place them on the floor then cover these with a towel or sheet. Ask child to close their eyes and remove one of the items from under the towel. Remove the towel and encourage them to identify the missing item.  
  • Explore numbers while out and about- identifying numbers on number plates, door numbers, bus numbers, bus timetables, etc.
  • Practice using money in shops.
  • Explore words within the environment- e.g cereal boxes, labels on favourite snacks, shop signs and familiar labels.

Useful Links – Starting School

BBC: How to help your child transition from home to school

BBC: Communicating with your school during the pandemic

How to deal with children’s anxieties surrounding covid-19 and starting school:

Starting School, from Education Scotland

Supporting children with starting school, even without the usual transition (due to the pandemic)

Planning for transitions, how schools plan support

Helping your child to become independent

The Communication Trust – Resources for parents

PACEY, preparing for school guide

Returning to school: 7 tips to help your primary-age child cope | Parent Info

Suggested-transition-activities-for-preschools, useful help from NCCA

Nursery rhymes and songs to practise with your child at home

Transition to primary school – Tips from Place2Be

Activities for 5-8 years | Words for Life from National Literacy Trust

Children 1st Parentline – Parenting Help, Advice & Support | Children 1st

Starting primary school | Top Ten Tips for parents and families | Parenting across Scotland

Starting primary school – Family Lives

I Am Absolutely Too Small For School by Lauren Child story video

Starting School by Janet and Allen Ahlberg story video