Shannon Duffy UWS ITe ePDP

Reflection Through University

My First Week of University Life


Throughout my first week of university i have had many mixed emotions. To start off i have had a great laugh and actually looked forward to attending which is a great start and makes me feel very motivated knowing i can come in and enjoy university. The experience so far has been very surreal as it is very different from school. One of the things i love about university so far is that it includes a lot of practical work for example in Angela’s workshop for situated communication we learned the various types of communication from doing them ourselves which makes the theory work to follow much easier as we can relate with our own experiences. Through this work shop i also learned my own little habits i have whilst communicating such as fidgeting as i listen to others which i now know to work on.

I am also really enjoying Mathematics and Literacy which i didn’t expect as at first i was really nervous as i didn’t enjoy mathematics during my time in school. For example getting the opportunity to do pre study before lectures is really good as i feel prepared and more aware of what i am learning in the lecture. These lectures have also reminded me how we often forget the simple steps in life that we began with and proved to me how much we have to break down information to the very root in order for primary children to learn and understand.

Overall this week at university i have realised how much i actually have grown as a person and how much the education system has changed even in the slightest since i attended primary school. I have been able to identify challenges i might face further down the line such as explaining number systems in mathematics as this is not my strong point and for situated communication my stance as i often stand cross legged and fidget so i can now see where i need to improve for the future weeks to come to set me up for my placement and the rest of university.

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