From the workshops and videos from the independent tasks I have realised that self and peer feedback are both extremely important to progress as a person and in Teaching. Video reflection is important as it allows you to look back as many times as you want to pick up on little flaws that you may not have noticed yourself doing at the time such as swaying or fidgeting. It is also important to use video for feedback in order to use evidence and explain for better understanding of where you’re going wrong.
Video feedback would be good to use for forthcoming placements as this will allow me to Progress and change things I am doing in the classroom as I go. This also means I can identify this myself and build up my critiquing skills which will set me up for giving feedback to the class pupils of each placement too.
When working on the independent tasks with my partner we had similar answers such as pace and clarity being strengths and as for weaknesses this was a little harder to recognise and we had to work a little together to figure out types of weaknesses.
I found these independent study tasks pretty easy as I find it easy to pick out other peoples flaws however when it comes to critiquing myself it’s a lot harder as I cannot see myself. Identifying strengths and weaknesses of others is always something I have found easier than finding strengths and weaknesses for myself.
The difference between feedback and judgment is feedback is constructive Critisism where you use both what the individual did well and what they didn’t do so well and both comments are used in a positive expression and often ideas on how to improve are given. Whereas for judgements these are usually negatives of what a person can’t do and sometimes aren’t expressed in the nicest of ways and no examples of further improvement are given.
if I had to chose one idea to take forward to placement for feedback and reflection it would be using 2 stars and a wish. Both teacher marked and peer marked. This allows both myself and the children to improve their reflective feedback skills. This is also a very positive method as there are always 2 things that the person did well in and one for further improvement.
I am really looking forward to my 2 weeks school experience. I am excited to learn different teaching methods and maybe create some ideas of my own and hopefully be able to share some of my ideas and contribute to the observation as much as I can. Although I am nervous that I may not be able to control the class if left alone as I am new to the children and I often struggle to be ‘strict’ or seen as an authority like figure.