Personal audit & transferable skills

This is my MA2 audit of my skills. I have reflected on my learning and development during MA1 and have updated my audit in preparation for my Learning from Life placement.

This table represents the skills I feel I have developed: My experiences in MA1 have consolidated my goal-setting ability. I am able to reflect on my practice and set appropriate goals which will enhance my development. I have used this skill to identify areas of my practice that need development and have used this information to set meaningful goals for my MA2 placement.


Interpersonal Communication Technical



 Commitment  Speaking in public  Search the web  Work on own initiative
 Meeting deadlines  Loyalty  Poster presentations  File storage  Research
 Goal setting  Time management  Present projects  Drive a vehicle  Summarise data

This table represents the skills I feel I am currently developing: In preparation for my Learning from Life placement, I have had to spend time constructing a CV and covering letter. I feel my skills and knowledge of this have developed greatly and I look forward to receiving feedback on them.


Interpersonal Communication Technical


Approaching others

 Motivating others  Construct a CV  Using a spreadsheet  Task organisation
 Being flexible  Giving feedback  Listen to views of others  Use work-related technology  Reflect on own learning
 Being creative  Speaking concisely  Work accurately  Managing databases  Organise and plan

This table represents the skills that I need to focus on in order to become a well-rounded professional teacher: after reflecting on the information in this table, I am very happy that I choose to do the ‘Discovering Mathematics’ elective this year. I hope that when I next update my skills audit, I will be able to transfer some of the mathematics skills into the table above.


Interpersonal Communication Technical



Acting as a leader  Write a technical report Numerical information Analyse data
 Building-social networks Persuading by argument  Debating skills Understanding numerical terms Think critically
Balance family/study life Produce computer graphics Reason objectively

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