Reflection on Placement

2 weeks ago, I started placement in a school in Wishaw and it was one of the most rewarding experiences I have had to date. Working within a Primary 3/4 class was both exciting and challenging, however, I would not change this opportunity at all. This placement allowed me to pick up some new teaching strategies which I will use in my future career and also allowed me to work on my own communication skills. From taking a small reading group outside for some comprehension to teaching an Art lesson to the full class, my confidence has grown and I was able to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses which I will work on in the coming years of the course.


A strength that I identified when I was on placement was my eye contact. This was a surprise to me as throughout high school and college, it was something I really struggled with however when in the classroom setting I ensured that I was giving eye contact to all individuals when I was talking and explaining specific information. I also was able to use my eye contact to engage individuals who would get distracted and pull them back into the class discussion or activity.  I would also say a strength that was highlighted while on placement was my use of pitch and tone. I was able to easily adapt the pitch of my voice depending on the situation as well as my tone. When enthusiastic and promoting positive energy, I was able to make my pitch higher and my tone more optimistic. An example would be when I was rewarding a reader in my group who usually struggles to make it through paragraphs. He was able to complete the page and I showed the praise he deserved. I can also deepen the pitch and lower the tone when giving out verbal warnings as instructed by the class teacher. This allowed children to identify the mistakes that they had made and promoted that they should try harder.

Area of Most Progress

The area in which I would say I had the most progress while on placement was my confidence with speaking in front of a large group and also making decisions where I felt confident within my own abilities. As mentioned in the introduction, I was able to teach one afternoon for the curricular area of Expressive Arts. This allowed me to talk in front of a class of 25 pupils which is a skill I never thought I would be able to achieve quickly. I was able to talk with a good volume and also a good pace allowing children to understand all the information I was giving them. In terms of making decisions, I quickly realised that I would have to make my own decisions and try to stick with my judgement. This was an experience which allowed me to make many decisions such as when to note a concern, give out verbal warnings and also ensuring I was praising when all children had achieved something that they were individually capable of. I was also able to make decisions for my reading group and during my lesson. This was rewarding.

Area requiring progress

A skill I still need to master in my enunciation and not using words like ‘aye’, ‘like’ and ’em’. I quickly learned while in placement that I don’t always pronounce my ‘d’, ‘t’, ‘ing’ and ‘en’.  This sometimes confused the children as they were used to hearing fully enunciated words within the classroom which enabled them to understand instructions. I also noticed my use of ‘like’ and ‘aye’ within the first few days of placement. This was mostly when explaining tasks to children or answering questions. I will be able to work on these skills within the next few years of the course.

Action Plan

My action plan for these communications skills are to continue working on my confidence as I know I will be different in front of a group of adults and different in front of a group of children. This comes through practice, so I am going to try speak up more in group situations. I also need to start pronouncing my letters and will practice this with daily conversations and when doing some presentations over the course. Finally, I will try to increase my vocabulary by reading more books and trying to get rid of terms such as ‘like’ and ’em’ when explaining answers or information. These are all achievable and I will try my best so that when I am next out on placement, I can provide the best practice.

Developing communication skills & self-evaluation

For Situated Communications, My Partner and I watched three videos which showed the importance of feedback, giving feedback and self evaluation. After writing notes on these videos, we compared notes to spot differences and similarities.

1. How closely aligned were your notes on strengths and areas for improvement with your partner’s?

Myself and Chloe had taken similar notes when observing the second video as we came up with the same strengths and areas for improvement. We both agreed that the teacher had good knowledge and applied it well as he would speak directly to the class, however, for improvement, we agreed that he needs to work on his pitch and tone and also ensure that he has good body language as at times he doesn’t look approachable.

2. Did anything surprise you in

a – The videos? I was surprised at how much technology could actually help you to improve your own skills and allow you to pick up the positives of your lesson. It also helps to see where developments can be made.

b- Your partner’s notes/observations? As our notes were quite similar, I wasn’t as surprised at Chloe’s notes.

3. How easy or difficult did you find these tasks? Discuss why you gave the answer you did.

I thought the tasks were not that difficult as I was able to apply my knowledge from Situated Communications and use it it to benefit my answers. I could take knowledge gained from Angelas workshops and apply them to the task.

4. Are you clear about the difference between feedback and judgement?

Yes, Feedback is giving both the positives and the negatives of the lesson, task, activity etc. and ensuring that the person being observes knows where they can improve. Judgement is when you give only the negatives and look down on the person being observed and do not offer solutions to help.

5. If you could only take ONE, what ONE IDEA would you like to hang on to from these tasks to take with you into your forthcoming placement?

An idea which I would like to hang onto for placement would have to be that its okay to receive criticisms to help you achieve better practice. Any positive or negative feedback which is given while I am on placement will be taken well and applied in the future to ensure that I am giving the children the best education in which they deserve.

6. How are you feeling about placement?

Before placement, I was quite nervous as I didn’t know what to expect as every school is different. I was nervous about my confidence and was also very excited to begin. As I have already had a week’s placement, I can say that the feedback I have already received is helping to shape me into a better teacher in the future and that I really wish that this placement block was longer as I am loving every minute of it. I am using my communication skills every day to ensure that the children receive the best practice.

Communication in an Outdoor Enviroment

This week in Situated Communications, We had a workshop which took place in wooded area beside the university. This was a workshop where communication was necessary as there was team work involved but also we had to use our communication wisely as we were in an environment that was different to previous workshops and lectures. The main task was to build and create a den in teams of 6 or 7 and use our communication skills to discuss the task within our groups but to also communicate outside of our groups through communication and presentation.

In terms of group and leadership, I personally don’t think that our group had a team leader as well all contributed our thoughts and ideas and worked together to ensure that all thoughts were taken into consideration. I think we chose this style as many of us had never worked together before and by working together without someone leading allowed us to get to know each other more and feel more comfortable in the group setting. I personally don’t feel like anyone was excluded from the group because of this method as I have previously mentioned, everyones thoughts were listened to and we all made decisions together ensuring that no one was feeling left out and to make us all as equal as possible. My challenge in this setting was that I had only really communicated with 2 or 3 of my team members and I know that sometimes I can be quite awkward and struggle to communicate in new surroundings, however I think I done quite well as I had communicated with every member within the first 5 minutes of the activity and this has made me feel more confident for future group tasks.

During this task, we were paired with another group where we had to present our den and explain our thought process and how we worked as team. While listening to the other group, I think they explained quite well as they made their main points clear which allowed us to make connections between what they were saying and the den in front of us and also they projected well in the outdoor environment. Their explanation was clear as they used volume, fluency and expression which helped me to engage into their presentation. I think the group just needed some extra preparation time as they hadn’t allowed themselves enough time to plan out their points between them and get a general plan of who was explaining which part of their den and teamwork.

In the context of the outdoor environment, our communication skills were not effected greatly as the weather was good and their was no high winds or rain, however, when using the equipment and moving twigs and logs etc. the noise could be quite loud so we had to project our conversations. When comparing to a classroom environment, we made a point about how timing would have been slightly different and also there would be more materials within the classroom which may have benefitted our creation. If the environment had been windy, I think talking would have been more difficult as the sounds would have been distracting and you would have to have a greater volume so that others could hear you well. When listening I think the environment could distract you as you may be looking at other teams and seeing their dens and also the wind or rain would be very distracting as you may want shelter and also the noises may be louder than on a sunny day.

A part of this task was to negotiate with other groups. Our group tried twice and failed both times. The first time, all groups already had all the materials that they needed and we had nothing to offer them that they wanted and it was hard to persuade them. The second time, we tried to negotiate team members help and none of the groups were needing help as it was nearing the end of the task. I think the most challenging thing about these negotiations was that there was limited materials and groups had already chosen materials which they knew were essential for their dens and that the timing of your negotiation had to be perfect as if you left it too late, teams were not willing to try and negotiate back.

Overall, I enjoyed this workshop and I feel my communications skills have benefitted greatly as I have started to become more confident when talking to others.

First Year

I have now attended University for 2 weeks, Week 1 was Induction while Week 2 was classes, attending various lectures and workshops while also making many friends who I will be with for the next 4 years. Already I am enjoying my time at UWS and I cannot wait to see what the year brings as there are subjects which are different from what I have previously studied at school and college (such as Spanish as I have previously learned French) and some which are similar like Situated Communications. These new experiences will help me to further my knowledge and help me to become the best teacher I can be.

I am really looking forward to going back into a placement as the past 2 years in NC Early Education and Childcare and HNC Childhood Practice, I attended placement twice a week from September until June. These were both great experiences as I had to create lessons for groups of children at Nursery Level, Primary 2 and the Primary 4/5’s. I am excited to get back into the classroom and have first hand experiences working with children. I also like to see the differences between the school environments as last year my school took part in the PAThS Curriculum which I had never experienced before. I also like to gain knowledge from teachers which will help me to adapt my own teaching methods. I can already tell that I will enjoy this experience in October/November.

I cannot wait to see what the rest of the year brings!



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