In today’s art workshop we were introduced to multiple images that had short descriptions on the back of them. In groups, we discussed what we thought the pictures meant and discussed if we thought they had a deeper meaning behind them (discussion in video below). We used the Taylors Model of Assessment as a guidance to discuss our thoughts on the pictures.
I found this challenge particularly difficult as I struggled to grasp the concept of our picture. It was a console table with multiple lamps placed on top in various different colours and sizes. In the beginning I had no clear initial thoughts on the meaning of the picture. However, after giving the picture a closer look, we realised that the lamps had eyes on them which gave the painting a really eerie feel. The colours of the lamps were dull and rusty which gave the picture a dark feeling. The eyes on the lamps gave a feeling that you were being watched reinforcing the eeriness of the picture. I realised that sometimes you have to dig deeper to gain a deeper understanding of a picture/painting and it will not always be obvious. This allows the audience to analyse and come to their own conclusion about what they think the meaning of the picture is. I think this is really interesting as not everyone will have the same opinion as people will view things differently. Diarmuid had explained that there must be a problem at the centre of everything you do in the arts. I think this would be a good task to do in schools as it pushes pupils to critically think and look at art with more depth.
In music we got introduced to the website Charanga. Julie showed us all the useful tools and activities we can find on the site. I thought this was really useful as the website had great explanations and included many visual aids which I thought was really helpful. I liked how the site breaks down everything into simple steps that are easy to follow along to. The website even included set lesson plans for all year groups. I thought this was great as I struggle with music as I have very little musical background. This put me at ease knowing that I have access to websites like Charanga that are there to help teachers deliver music lessons.