DT Introduction – A New Start To Technology

Tuesday 10th January 2017

Introduction to the Module

Today I started a new module, which is Digital Technologies. I chose this module as I want to learn more about how technologies can be used in a classroom perspective. I also want to gain more scope of knowledge to take into the classroom. I am also not very computer orientated or technological minded which is where I need to develop, to teach in a modern classroom. I want to use technology effectively and efficiently in my teaching techniques. I feel that this module will develop my limited current knowledge of studying Higher Administration and Information Technology and also Higher Business Management. The module will also give me access to an unlimited access of resources to use in the classroom to make lessons fun and interactive. I also feel this module will make me more experienced with the use of technology. In the classroom I will be more prepared and able to work with, understand and use technology other than wasting time not knowing or understanding how technology works.


Some may ask the question ‘what does digital technology even mean? And why is the government investing so much time and money into digital technologies?’ These are two extremely important questions. In the digital world, digital technology can be described in such terms as:

  • Multimedia;
  • Mobile devices;
  • Social media;
  • Online games;
  • Blended and virtual learning;
  • Game-based learning;
  • Collaborating locally and globally;
  • Assessment and reporting online (e.g. class tests and homework);
  • Using technology to create, collaborate and connect

As we progress through the module, I will analysis each of the above points and whether they would effectively used in the classroom and if they fill a void that is currently missing in children’s learning and/or whether it enhances and improves learning for the children. I will also analysis whether I agree to the following statements made by the government to why they think the time and money should be invested into digital technologies:

  • Raises attainment and achievement
  • Focuses on ‘closing the attainment gap’
  • Fosters a creative, ambitious and interest in life-long learning
  • Engages learners
  • Develops the young workforce.

As someone who grew up only using minimal technology at primary school I look forward to seeing how technology has now evolved since 2010 when I left primary school. I look forward to seeing if this module will enhance my own understanding of technology, as I do not consider the use of technology to be one of my strong points. I look forward to posting about my journey with the strengths and challenges I will be presented with and if my technology is developing through the coming weeks. I hope you join me in my journey and see if I am developing and gaining a wider scope of resources and knowledge through digital technologies.

Christopher 🙂


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