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Society and Youth Culture

In society and lifestyle today, we focused on the differences between society and culture and we learned about youth culture. We talked about how youth culture can change over time and we also compared the differences and similarities between youth cultures. We looked at 4 theorists: Piaget, Maslow, Erikson and Kohlberg, and we learned how they related to subcultures in society. During the tutorial, we went into further detail about the different youth cultures and commonalities between them. I felt this allowed me to deeper understand the information we got from the lecture and put it into practice by working in groups to answer questions.

Prejudice and Ideology

The first input for prejudice and ideology was very educational. I learned the difference between being prejudice and discrimination as before I could have easily gotten them confused with one another and was able to relate it to society and lifestyle. I learned that someone can be prejudiced towards a certain group but not discriminate against them. In the tutorial, I thought it was good how we thought of historical examples and linked them to the world today.

I learned that there are 5 agents which influence prejudice and ideology. These are Media, family, peers, education and technology. I know that they can influence and have an impact on our thoughts about certain subjects and areas. Answering questions about this during the tutorial helped me to further understand the meaning of prejudice and ideology.

One thing that I am not fully confident on is secularisation, however I will engage in further reading to deepen my understanding.

Health Impacts

There are many factors that can have a negative effect on our health and it is important that we are aware of these. The 5 factors are Stress, LIfe Events, Loneliness, Economic Circumstances and Risk Behaviours.

There are many ways in which we can support ourselves in order to have a healthier lifestyle.

EXCERCISE  REGULARLY                                                                                     Having a healthy lifestyle requires at least a little exercise every week. it is recommended that you should engage in 30-60 minutes of exercise at least four times per week.

SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVE FRIENDS                           Surrounding yourself with positive people will have a positive effect on you and the way you look at things. It will also make you happier with a more positive vibe.

HAVE CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS                                                                          When people have close relationships they feel less threatened, less alone and more confident and in control. Knowing that you have someone you can rely on provides a feeling of security and hope.

SENSE OF TOUCH                                                                                                     Reaching out and receiving a hug, or even a massage can lower your blood pressure and decrease stress levels. This will make you more comfortable and a little more relaxed.

GET RID OF NEGATIVE PEOPLE FROM YOUR LIFE                           Having positive mental health is an important factor in living a healthy life. You do not need toxic people in your life who will put you down and not support you.

These are all things that we can do on a daily basis in order to support outselves in leading a healthy lifestyle wich makes us more positive for the greater good.

Holmes Rahe Inventory

I scored 88 in the Holmes Rahe Inventory which puts me in the 150 points or less category. This means that I experience a relatively low amount of life changing events and am less likely to encounter with health breakdowns. I was very pleased with this score because it means that I am less stressed. Howver, being 18 years old means that I don’t have a great amount of life experience so therefore, I did not expect to receive a higher score. I have never experienced a divorce, moved house, or been fired from a job which are seen to be common stresses in life.

The signs of stress that appear to be in my life are changing school, which I used referring to moving on to University after my school time was up. This was stressful and nerve wracking for me because it was a completely new chapter in life for me and I would have to go out of mycomfort zone in order to speak to new people and make new friends. Also, taking on a loan in order to pay for and run my car can be very stressful to me. I try to combat stress by going to bed at a reasonable time so that I can get more sleep. I also try to engage in physical activity at least once or twice a week because it allows me to feel much better afterwards. Even something as simple as taking a hot bath helps me to relax and become less stressed.

Are Scottish people healthy?

In my own opinion, I find it hard to determine either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for the answer to this question. I am aware that Scotland is well known for its unhealthy foods such as irn bru, deep fried mars bars, tablet and shortbread, however this does not mean that we are totally unhealthy. Scotland has a lower life expectancy than other countries, but it has increased by about 7 years in the last 34 years, so surely this is evidence  that we are trying to change our health habits. I believe that yes, some people’s diets may not be very good but I don’t think it’s fair to brand everyone as unhealthy as there will be many people who are very healthy and eat well.

The Glasgow Effect

The Glasgow Effect is the low life expectancy and poor health of people living in the area. Poor health is often related to low levels of income. A study shows that the most deprived areas of Glasgow, Manchester and Liverpool are very similar, however in Glasgow, premature deaths are 30% higher. The life expectancy of men in Glasgow is almost 7 years below the national average and for woman it is 4 years below. alcohol consumption, smoking and obesity are all factors leading to poor health which is why the mortality rate is lower.


Inclusion and Equality

Yesterday was our first class on Inclusion and Equality. At the beginning of the lecture, we were asked to work with a partner and discuss the meaning of Inclusion and the meaning of Equality. I had thought that the two meant roughly the same thing, however, I soon learned that they had different meanings. I found out that inclusion helps the policies that support diversity and also give individuals a voice and choice. This is important because if we fail to promote this may lead to oppression. People who are at an advantage ignore the life experiences of those at a disadvantage because they do not have to deal with those realities.

Equality is making sure that each individual has fair equal rights. Equality often gets mistaken as meaning ‘sameness’ and not ‘fairness’.

I found yesterday very useful as I learned a lot which I was not aware of. I learned the real meaning of Inclusion and Equality. To further my knowledge of this I will engage in further reading.

Religion, Culture and Unchurched Spirituality

Today’s class was very interesting and educational. I learned a lot about new scholars and went into more depth regarding unchurched spirituality. I learned that Max Weber was a German Philosopher who believed that religion  is important in our lives, whereas, Karl Marx believed that religion is the ‘opium of the people’. He said that it is the drug that deadens the soul. He also believed that religion’s promise of a greater life after death was a capitalist illusion.

I found the videos and information about Jehovah’s Witnesses very useful as I was not aware that they do not wish to receive blood transfusions for medical treatment.

Today has made me further aware of religious aspects I had not known before. In order to find out more, I will engage in further academic reading.

Personal Response to ‘Room’

Personal Response to ‘Room’


I do not particularly read very often, but when I do I struggle to put the book down. I enjoy reading fictional books that are similar to ‘Room’, because I like the thriller-like storyline that is told. I enjoyed reading ‘Room’ although I faced challenges at some points. When I first began to read the novel I found myself getting very confused with Jack’s language. For example, “Ma leans out of Bed to switch on Lamp, he makes everything light up whoosh.” At first, I thought that the ‘he’ that was being referred to was a man that was in the room with Jack, who he gave the nickname ‘Ma’. I also found that I was not able to skim my eyes over the text in order to read it that little bit quicker because of the language that was used to convey the character of Jack. At times I found myself having to read over the same sentences a few times to be able to make sense of it. I think that it is very clever in the way that it has been written from the perspective of Jack and used the same language that he would. It is written in the way in which a 5 year old boy would speak, and even more so, the way in which Jack speaks as we know he lacks some knowledge and understanding of word order and other grammatical rules. I had not previously considered how a fictional book could have been used in academic study. Reading ‘Room’ has greatly increased my understanding of language acquisition and language development. I am aware that some of Jack’s language would be the same as any other 5 year olds language, however I am also aware that in order for language to develop and keep growing, you have to interact with lots of people and lots of different things in the world. I have definitely recommended to others who have the same reading interests as me to have a go at reading this novel as I informed them how much I enjoyed it. I feel that reading this novel has developed my reading skills because I had to have patience to read it, I was not able to glance over the words on the page. I was required to carefully read it thoroughly in order to fully understand the story that was being told. It has encouraged me to read other novels and get back in to reading as I feel very relaxed when I sit down to read a book, and reading more and more will help me to further develop my reading and language skills.