Reality Check

I received an Unconditional offer to study at the University of Dundee at the beginning of March 2016. So I had a long wait between receiving my offer of acceptance and finally packing my car and uprooting my life. I hope you understand, therefore, that the reality check of actually being at university has been rather overwhelming for me.

As I mentioned previously it has been a whole two years since I waved goodbye to the world of school. The world of textbooks an deadlines and studying – for a while there I believed I was done with that part of life forever. We never know, of course, where life may lead us, and here I am, thrown back into that world from which I was so eager to flee.

My tranquil life of coffee making has been thrown up in a whirl, and while I am feeling more fulfilled than at any moment in the past two years, I am most certainly feeling more challenged also. I forgot the difficulties I have with sitting in a class, therefore my first two hour lecture was most certainly a challenge. It has made me decide I will print all lecture material prior to attending – otherwise loss of focus shall be a constant challenge. I felt so intimidated by reading lists that until half and hour ago I hadn’t even looked at them. Reminding myself that this is what I want, I gathered my courage and ventured into the library to print and read the materials I need.

The course and daily structure of my life has changed dramatically in the past few weeks, and I am beginning to understand what people mean when they say university can be overwhelming. This is me making the choice, however, not to be overwhelmed, and to embrace my new reality.


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