Newton Farm Primary School and Nursery Class

Room 4


Room 4 had a busy week learning lots of new things. 

In literacy, we learnt the ‘igh’ trigraph. The children enjoyed using the magnetic boards to make new words. Our writing lesson this week focused on using adverbs to describe how different characters spoke in a story. In numeracy we are learning about money, recognising coins and making different amounts. We have been learning how to grow plants and each child planted their own broadbean. We are all excited to look after them and watch them grow. 

Please see below what some of the boys and girls have enjoyed:

LH – We learnt the names of the coins.

EMcK – We grow our own beanstocks. 

MMcG – We learnt how to grow a bean stock.

OK – We learnt a new sound ‘igh’.

SMcG – We created a beanstalk in our classroom for our Fairyland display. 

JC – We have been rebuilding Fairyland.

MMP – We used adverbs

HW – We added coins together.

Thank you for reading our blog. 

Miss Laird and Room 4


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