This week we have been busy practising our skills in subtraction and revising our times tables. We have been learning about less common 2D shapes and describing their properties using mathematical language including right angles, vertices and parallel lines. Ask us the names of some polygons.
We finished our block of Scottish Country Dancing today with a special celebration with Room 26. We were very impressed by their rendition of ‘To a mouse’ – well done Room 26! We plan on sharing the Scots comics we made last week with them soon.
This week we were also learning about the nurture principle ‘the classroom offers a safe space’. We had a great discussion about all the ways in which we feel safe in school and how learning about and expressing our emotions can help with this. We are looking forward to sharing this, along with our ‘Islands of Personality’ at the special assemblies next week for Nurture and Children’s Mental Health Week.
We rounded off the week with a special visit to Room 11 this afternoon where we took part in a Peer Play Observation. Not only was this great fun, but we were also very impressed by the amount of skills we observed being developed. Well done Room 11!
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Room 27, Miss Higgins and Miss Macfarlane