Happy Friday!
This week in Room 6 we have been learning the ‘ou’ phoneme (found, sound, mouse, house). We have also continued to learn the 2,5 and 10 times table and different strategies we can use to remember these. We started Gymnastics in P.E, big shout out to our amazing Gymnasts who modelled some excellent examples of different jumps we can do. We also had a special letter delivered by a Dragon, and he has asked us to help him save Fairyland! We are all so excited to help him.
Today we had our pupil voice groups, and we all learned something new!
LJ- I learned how to animate my voice on the chromebooks.
LW- We spoke about how everyone is different.
CS- I learned how to plant bulbs that will turn into flowers.
We have all had a fabulous week. Special shout out to our star reader of the week Rishaan.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Homework was supposed to go out today but we were so busy chatting about all of the fantastic learning that we forgot! I will send it home on Monday!
Miss Livingstone