Observation Task

I found certain aspects of the observation checklist easy to identify  and other parts tricky. It was easy to see certain qualities in the teacher e.g enthusiasm and tone of voice,  however it became more difficult to  know whether the teacher used gestures to enhance their teaching all of the time or not.

My partners notes were similar to mine as we both agreed that the teacher is enthusiastic about what he is teaching as he varies his tone and shows expression. We both believed that the teacher could improve by using more open body language to address the class. The teacher sometimes speaks quite fast and doesn’t always speak loud enough so to improve he could project his voice more and not speak as fast.  I didn’t find anything from my partners notes surprising and I didn’t find anything from the video surprising.

Feedback is constructive and offers both positive and negative aspects whereas judgement is purely forming an opinion about someone without taking into consideration all factors.

From this observation task I have learned how important feedback is as it allows us to be aware of what we are good at and what we need to work on.  By giving constructive feedback it allows individuals to strive for better next time if there are areas for improvement.

I am really looking forward to going on placement but I am nervous too. Going on placement will give me so much more confidence and I know I will learn so much.