Climate Change

Since I can remember, the words ‘climate change’ have always been a controversial and topical issue. Many individuals have very strong opinions on this topic – which is to be expected – when this issue is the reasoning for extreme natural disasters, a rise in temperature and the endangerment of our animals. A huge debate, and potentially the most prevalent debate, is whether climate change is caused by nature or if it is man made. Recently, we discussed the recent tragedy of hurricane Irma. It travelled through Florida and the Caribbean and was to blame for taking many lives, homes and possessions. This tells us that despite the cause of climate change, it is a real issue that is happening and needs to be prevented.

Carbon Footprint

After using the WWF carbon footprint measure, I had a score of 183%. This was very surprising to me as it is a very high score. I think part of this is because I live at home and have never taken responsibility in energy saving measure in my own home. I also care share to university due to the price of public transport. If the government were to decrease the price of public transport, I would reduce my carbon footprint.


The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009

This act is an Act of the Scottish Parliament to set a target for the year 2050. There is an intermediate target for 2020, and a target to also provide annual targets. These targets aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to educate on advice for Scottish Ministers relating to climate change and provides baselines for emissions. The Scottish Ministers must ensure that the net Scottish emissions account for the year 2050 is at least 80% lower than the baseline.  To me, I think its great to see that our country are taking actions to in trying to reduce the effects of climate change. For example, the introduction of the 5p plastic bag charge in October 5th 2015. This scheme predicted that their would be a carbon savings of £13 million (2017). If I am being completely transparent, I never knew that this scheme would make as much of an impact. To think that such a small charge could potentially aid in saving the planet is an unquestionable change that is rightly implemented. From now on, I will always remember a bag for life and save the use of even more plastic bags.

As a future influencer in education, I will make sure to fully involve and expose my children to the dangers of climate change and help them with tips to aid in this prevention.

References- (2017). Carrier bags: why there’s a charge – GOV.UK. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Oct. 2017].

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