They’re sitting quietly with chairs tucked in
The lunches are done and the register complete
The daily timetable has all been discussed
But what does learning look like?
The jotters are out and the pencils are sharp
The learning intention is up on the board
The textbooks are there if we need a fallback
But what does learning look like?
Times tables recited and learned by heart
The Es&Os covered, highlighted and starred
Each reading group heard and the homework is set
But what does learning look like?
The wall displays perfect with no room for error
Partner work is only allowed if you whisper
If you’re finished just turn to the next page of work
But what does learning look like?
Attainment to uphold and gaps to close
A pile of marking that never ends
A ‘teacher face’ put on like a mask
But what does learning look like?
Jimmy came in with a cut on his knee
Lucy’s dog passed in the night
Abdhul has a new baby brother
Maja learned to ride her bike
Aedan loves football but hurt his ankle
Kayleigh can’t wait to do her turn at show and tell
Sarah is tired and hungry today
Max doesn’t want to be here at all
Esther loves music and is learning violin
Grant had a fight on the street again
Kris is excited to use the Ipads
Mary is anxious about leaving dad
Eric is quiet but happily so
Harry is still in ‘holiday mode’
Lola is sneezing and full of the cold
Anna just needs a hand to hold
Eddie is freezing
Sally, too warm
But what does learning look like?
Each child is unique and so learning is too
What I learn will not be the same as you
What can look like learning may be built on ideals
So what are the more pressing questions here?
Are your children safe, happy, secure?
Were they welcomed as they came in the door?
Can they trust each other and have their voices heard?
Are there times to be noisy, creative and free?
Is the ethos ‘us’ or ‘them and me’?
Are they seen as a person or behaviours displayed?
Are they challenged and given the time to play?
Is learning dictated or stemming from questions?
Is everything done in the children’s best interest?
But what does learning look like?
Different every day
With the child at the centre steering the way
Relationships embedded and a team that is strong
Mistakes are to grow from and not seen as wrong
Learning will happen in many which ways
What did learning look like in your classroom today?

Image available at: (accessed 29.01.19)