Online Unit 1C- The Benefits of Active Learning and Co-operative Working

What are the benefits of active learning and co-operative working? In order to answer this question it is important to understand what the term ‘active learning’ actually means. When doing a bit of research on the topic, I found a video which gives a good explanation for people who have never heard of active learning before.

As the video explains, active learning is about getting more involved in your studies by discussing topics with peers, in lectures or online. I think that one of the main benefits of this approach is that you are able to be more focussed and engaged in what you are learning. Not only are you able to confirm what you know by speaking it aloud or writing it down but you have the opportunity to hear someone else’s take on the topic.

I personally enjoy taking part in group discussions as it enables you to voice thoughts that you have had on particular topic areas and allows others to add their views, meaning you learn something from one other. I have found that something sticks in my head more if I have had the opportunity to talk to someone about it.  Active learning makes me feel like I have contributed to the lecture rather than just having sat back and listened to someone talk for an hour.

Co-operative working tasks encourage people to get to know one another, make links and form a support network that is really beneficial, particularly if you are struggling with an area of your studies. It also makes your time at university more enjoyable if you are working alongside friends that you can work collaboratively with.

Overall, active learning and co-operative working are easy ways to make studying seem less of a chore and allow people to express their views in an open environment, where people are ready to teach one another as well as being taught by tutors and lecturers.

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