Tag: RTC

accessibility webinar, man in wheelchair

10 May 16:00, This is iPad: Accessibility Features


Having an accessibility need can be a daunting prospect for learners. Having an Additional Support Need that isn’t visible c`an impact pupil confidence and ability to take part in classroom activities. Accessiblity features on iPadOS can benefit all learners. Especially those with SEN/ASN.

  • What are some of the built in features that can support learner needs?
  • What are some of the ways these features can be used to enhance learning & teaching?
  • How can these be used?

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Find more information about Apple Regional Training Centres here: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/glowblogs/digilearn/professional-learning/platforms/apple-rtc/

24 April 16:00, Level up teaching & learning w/iPad

Level up your teaching & learning with out of the box iPad features

In this session we will look at ways in which we can use hilt in features of iPad and iPadOS to have an impact on teaching & learning practice.

Find more information about Apple Regional Training Centres here: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/glowblogs/digilearn/professional-learning/platforms/apple-rtc/

Join the session using this link

IPad Toolkit featured Image

The iPad Toolkit

IPad Toolkit banner Image

Getting an iPad can be a scary experience. Even worse when you are asked to use it in your teaching practice. The iPad Toolkit aim to help you get the most out of your new device with only out of the box features and apps.
Knowing how to use your iPad is only part of the conversation. Knowing where to use your iPad – especially in class – is just as important. This guide will give you some ideas on ways to get creative with iPadOS features and apps. All of these are integrated into your iPad and can be used – Out of the Box.

Developing ideas with animation using Keynote Advert

27 March 16:00, Develop ideas using animation with Keynote

Animating ideas is an excellent way for pupils to visualise and share their knowledge. From animations describing the journey of Jacobite soldiers, to story boarding ideas for a creative writing project. Using out of the box tools and features, pupils can easily visualise the story they wish to tell and share their understanding in a modern and exciting way.

Find out more: Create Editing Effects

Sign up using this Eventbrite link: Eventbrite signup

Podcasting in the classroom Advert

13 March 16:00, Podcasting in the Classroom

Podcasts are a great way to share the learning journey taking place in school or at home. The beauty of podcasting is that it doesn’t need to be a face to face activity as they can be recorded remotely, edited easily and shared from any location.

Podcasts can easily become part of any learning activity. They can help staff and students reflect, review and reinforce their learning in a number of key areas. They also provide excellent opportunities for collaborative and cooperative learning approaches. Planning and producing a Podcast doesn’t need to take a lot of work but can be a excellent way to develop literacy skills in pupils. For staff, sharing a podcast can be an excellent way to showcase the excellent work taking place in your classroom, introduce new topics for learners, or cohost with like minded teachers looking to make an impact on student creativity.

Podcasting can be carried out with ease and little equipment. An iPad, a microphone, an app and an idea are all you need to get started with producing a series of informative podcasts that show that everyone truly can create.

Find out more: Podcasting with iOS

Sign up using this Eventbrite link: Eventbrite signup

Accessibility Webinar Advert

20 February 16:00, Accessibility features to support learning & teaching

Having an accessibility need can be a daunting prospect for learners. Having an Additional Support Need that isn’t visible c`an impact pupil confidence and ability to take part in classroom activities. Accessiblity features on iPadOS can benefit all learners. Especially those with SEN/ASN.

  • What are some of the built in features that can support learner needs?
  • What are some of the ways these features can be used to enhance learning & teaching?
  • How can these be used?

Find out more on the Accessiblity: Apple Support

Sign up using this Eventbrite link: Eventbrite signup

Classroom Management advert

06 February 16:00, Classroom Management with iPad

Classroom management can be difficult with or without technology. This session aims to give staff the tips and techniques that they can use to ensure that learning & teaching is enhanced rather than hindered. Learn how to use the Apple Classroom app to guide learning, share work, and manage student devices — all from the same app. Manage individual, group, and whole-class activities with just a few taps and discuss the methods for managing whole class deployments of shared iPad. How do you cope when multiple pupils have access to the same device? What strategies do you employ? What hasn’t worked?

Find out more on the Apple Education Community: Apple Teacher

Sign up using this Eventbrite link: Eventbrite signup