P6 Pupils at Noblehill Primary School are European Runners Up in the Microbit Do Your Bit Challenge

During Term 4 of last session, P6 pupils at Noblehill Primary School in Dumfries and Galloway took part in a Micro:Bit Global Challenge.  Their challenge was to design a ‘gadget’ which would support the work currently being undertaken  around the world to support climate change.  The pupils chose Verity, Lilly and Sophie’s design ‘Shell Cam’ as the winners and this was entered into a global competition.  Shell Cam was designed to be hidden somewhere on the beach and video all the different species that spent time there.  This information would then be sent back to scientists so they could track the movement and number of species. 

We have recently heard the amazing news that the design was chosen as runner up in Europe!!! 

3 learners holding microbits and design for do your bit project

The success has been posted on the Micro:Bit webpage along with the answers to a few questions that our amazing team had to give: 

How do you feel being runners-up in Europe?
– ‘Amazed, surprised, actually can’t believe it, it’s just WOW!’ 

Why did you choose to tackle the problem of animals becoming extinct?
– ‘A lot of animals are becoming extinct and food chains are being damaged so we wanted to think of a way to help.’ 

How long have you been using the micro:bit?
– ‘We have only used them 3 or 4 times but we loved them.’ 

 How has taking part in do your:bit inspired you?
– ‘We want to know more about what the Micro:Bits can do as well as help the environment.’ 

What will you create next?
– ‘Maybe a similar kind of thing but more for plants/ flowers, different types of nature.’ 

Well done team, Noblehill are very proud of you!
Lindsey Kirkwood, Principal Teacher, Noblehill Primary School


Using QR codes and ‘Thinglink’ for homework and resources – Early Years

Williamsburgh Primary School Using QR codes and ‘ThingLink’ for homework and resources, to encourage children to lead their learning, develop digital literacy skills, and overcome written communication barriers Aileen Mackey Early Learning and Childcare Officer gw17mackeyaileen@glow.sch.uk  Twitter @mackey_aileen


Click on link 👇




Communicate – Gaming

Gaming is one of the most popular past times in the world. The amount of money spent playing games is more than that spent on video-on-demand (VOD), such as Netflix, or music streaming like Spotify combined. There are many aspects to gaming beyond playing the games, including livestreaming, esports or gambling.

Learners should be aware of the risks of inappropriate content in games, the pressure to make purchases (lootboxes, FUT, skins), and the risks associated with playing multiplayer online games whether friends or strangers.


The risks:

  • sharing or receiving content that is inappropriate, offensive or harmful
  • being groomed or exploited
  • being bullied
  • sharing private information

Becoming cyber resilient is the first step to being safer online. Talk to your learners about the devices and accounts that they use to access online information:

  • Make them aware of any potential risks, such as grooming or cyberbullying and greifing
  • Ensure they have privacy and security settings enabled on their games consoles and apps when playing online
  • If content is harmful – do they know how to report it?

Being more cyber resilient reduces the risk of internet safety issues arising. We all want the internet to be a more welcoming space for children and young people and that is why we promote this positive message of safe, smart and kind.

With your learners:

  • Discuss the risk of playing inappropriate games, or with inappropriate players, such as randomly matched adults
  • What is the difference between trolling, griefing and bullying?
  • Look at how they can be kinder when playing cooperatively

Communicate – Social Media

Communicating online carries greater risk than just consuming or creating content because it involves other people and their ability to influence or affect our behaviour.
Platforms such as social media are designed for communicating with others, inviting them to comment on your posts, pictures and videos.

The risks:

  • sharing content publicly with no restriction on who can see, share or comment on it
  • sharing or receiving content that is inappropriate, offensive or harmful
  • being groomed or exploited
  • being bullied
  • receiving inappropriate images or messages 

Becoming cyber resilient is the first step to being safer online. Talk to your learners about the devices and accounts that they use to access online information:

  • Make sure they are aware of how to create a stronger password and enable 2FA
  • Ensure they are aware of privacy settings, such as who can see and comment on posts, or how many notifications they receive
  • Ensure that only people they follow/friend are able to direct message (DM) them
  • Check that they are aware of the risks of grooming, cyberbullying and scams
  • Show them how to report concerns on the platform

Being more cyber resilient reduces the risk of internet safety issues arising. We all want the internet to be a more welcoming space for children and young people and that is why we promote this positive message of safe, smart and kind.

With your learners:

  • Are they aware of the risk of grooming – what it looks like, how it happens and how to report it?
  • Ensure that learners are aware of the risks of social media comments and posts – could they be offensive, harmful or bullying to someone else?
  • What does your content say about you – are you creating a smart and kind public presence?

Communicate – Social Media

Communicating online carries greater risk than just consuming or creating content because it involves other people and their ability to influence or affect our behaviour.
Platforms such as social media are designed for communicating with others, inviting them to comment on your posts, pictures and videos.

The risks:

  • sharing content publicly with no restriction on who can see, share or comment on it
  • sharing or receiving content that is inappropriate, offensive or harmful
  • being groomed or exploited
  • being bullied
  • receiving inappropriate images or messages 

Becoming cyber resilient is the first step to being safer online. Talk to your learners about the devices and accounts that they use to access online information:

  • Make sure they are aware of how to create a stronger password and enable 2FA
  • Ensure they are aware of privacy settings, such as who can see and comment on posts, or how many notifications they receive
  • Ensure that only people they follow/friend are able to direct message (DM) them
  • Check that they are aware of the risks of grooming, cyberbullying and scams
  • Show them how to report concerns on the platform

Being more cyber resilient reduces the risk of internet safety issues arising. We all want the internet to be a more welcoming space for children and young people and that is why we promote this positive message of safe, smart and kind.

With your learners:

  • Are they aware of the risk of grooming – what it looks like, how it happens and how to report it?
  • Ensure that learners are aware of the risks of social media comments and posts – could they be offensive, harmful or bullying to someone else?
  • What does your content say about you – are you creating a smart and kind public presence?

Create – Images and Video

It is possible to create content that isn’t shared online but more of our images and video is shared online. Sharing content publicly has higher risks than private content. If it is shared publicly then there is greater risk of images being shared without permission or commented negatively on.

Privately created content has less inherent risk – if it is private to your device or account and no one can access it, then it is less likely to be shared against your wishes, or commented on negatively. However, even private and un-shared content can still be stolen from hacked accounts – a suitably strong password, 2-factor authentication, or even biometric security should be used to keep the account as secure as possible.

The risks:

  • feeling pressured to create content – appropriate or not
  • creating content that is inappropriate, offensive or harmful
  • having media, private or not, shared without permission

Becoming cyber resilient is the first step to being safer online. Talk to your learners about the devices and accounts that they use to access online information:

  • Ensure they have a secure login, such as password or 2-factor authentication
  • Have they set up account recovery details in case their account is hacked
  • Explore their social media profile – what is public and private? Are they aware of any risks or benefits?

Being more cyber resilient reduces the risk of internet safety issues arising. We all want the internet to be a more welcoming space for children and young people and that is why we promote this positive message of safe, smart and kind.

With your learners:

  • If the content is being created in response to someone else’s content or request – what are their motivations; is there a potential for harm?
  • Ensure that learners are aware of the risks of social media content – could it be be offensive, harmful or bullying to someone else?
  • What does your content say about you – are you creating a smart and kind public presence?

Create – Social Media

It is possible to create content that isn’t shared online but more of our images and video is shared online. Sharing content publicly has higher risks than private content. If it is shared publicly then there is greater risk of images being shared without permission or commented negatively on.

Privately created content has less inherent risk – if it is private to your device or account and no one can access it, then it is less likely to be shared against your wishes, or commented on negatively. However, even private and un-shared content can still be stolen from hacked accounts – a suitably strong password, 2-factor authentication, or even biometric security should be used to keep the account as secure as possible.


The risks:

  • feeling pressured to create content – appropriate or not
  • creating content that is inappropriate, offensive or harmful
  • having media, private or not, shared without permission

Becoming cyber resilient is the first step to being safer online. Talk to your learners about the devices and accounts that they use to access online information:

  • Ensure they have a secure login, such as password or 2-factor authentication
  • Have they set up account recovery details in case their account is hacked
  • Explore their social media profile – what is public and private? Are they aware of any risks or benefits?

Being more cyber resilient reduces the risk of internet safety issues arising. We all want the internet to be a more welcoming space for children and young people and that is why we promote this positive message of safe, smart and kind.

With your learners:

  • If the content is being created in response to someone else’s content or request – what are their motivations; is there a potential for harm?
  • Ensure that learners are aware of the risks of social media content – could it be be offensive, harmful or bullying to someone else?
  • What does your content say about you – are you creating a smart and kind public presence?

Create – the Cyber Resilience Internet Safety Teacher Toolkit

Our aim

This page aims to provide clear and concise information about popular platforms where children and young people create online content. It is intended to provide knowledge and understanding for educators, so that they are more confident planning, delivering and assessing cyber resilience and internet safety learning.

How to use this page

For children and young people, the internet is an important part of their daily lives and educators need to understand the role of online devices and platforms in their lives. The internet is part of their cultural capital and key to engaging them with meaningful and relevant learning contexts.

  • Ask them about their online activities and behaviours – what do they create?
  • Let them lead the learning – can they teach you something?
  • Engage with their ideas and answers – how can you use their knowledge and experiences to inform their learning?

cyber toolkit spending money online

Consume: spending money online


More and more of the money we spend is spent online or digitally. Whether that is debit card or Go Henry, mobile contactless with Google or Apple Pay, or online payments like PayPal and even cryptocurrency.
Learners need to understand the benefits and risks of using digital money and online accounts to make purchases. Do they understand the amount of targeted advertising that they are exposed to? Are they aware of when a social media ‘influencer’ is being paid to promote products to them?


back to Consume

Internet safety risks and considerations


In order to spend money online, learners usually need access to:

  • an internet-connected device
  • funds, such as a bank account, credit card or game funds card


When supporting learners with this area, it is important to consider who controls their access to these opportunities and resources:

  • Is there a risk of this occurring in school?
  • How is that enabled?
  • Are there steps that could be taken to reduce the risk of this?


If it is an out-of-school risk:

  • How can the school support with this?
  • Is support required for families or learners?
  • Who can support with this: Community Learning and Development or Police Scotland?
Potential risks

Being more cyber resilient reduces the risk of internet safety issues arising. We all want the internet to be a more welcoming space for children and young people and that is why we promote this positive message of safe, smart and kind.

Topics to explore with learners might include:

Cyber resilience guidance


The first potential vulnerability when spending online is the device not being securely set up. Check with learners that they have:

  • a screenlock that requires a passcode or biometric (face or fingerprint) to log in to stop unauthorised access (hacking)
  • the latest operating system (usually iOS, android or Windows) installed as this usually fixes potential security vulnerabilities
  • antivirus software installed, turned on and updated to reduce risk of viruses or ransomware
  • installed apps from approved providers, such as App Store or Play Store to avoid malicious content
  • only using secure websites that have the padlock symbol and https in the address bar

When setting up and using accounts with access to funds, such as shopping, gaming or streaming, users should:

  • stick to well-known platforms that other people use regularly, such as supermarkets and apps from the app store or Play store
  • use review sites, such as Trustpilot, when using a new or less well-known app
  • consider using a separate email account form the one used to access their bank
  • use a stronger password including three random words and not share this with anyone
  • use 2FA or additional security features when available
Report and support

Anyone who believes they have been a victim of scams, fraud or theft should report it to Police Scotland by phoning 101.

Whether a victim or not, all potential scams should be reported to the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) who will investigate and then remove or block the scams so that others do not fall victim. 

If money has been stolen, or personal details accessed from a financial account, then contact the bank or service provider immediately and then update login details such as email address, password and 2FA.
call police on 101


Resources for younger learners

The National Cyber Security Centre infographic for Shopping Securely Online

There are downloadable resources on the MoneySense website about How to Pay for Things and How Can I Keep My Money Safe? – Money Sense Teaching Resources

Resources for older learners

All Scottish secondary schools received copies of the Your Money Matters textbook. These resources (chapters 5 and 6) can be used to cover the contexts of spending and managing money online. Your Money Matters Scotland – PowerPoints

Online course with badges – learn how to setup, spend and manage online spending Transacting | Digital Wings (uk.barclays)


Phishing: Spot and report scam emails, texts, websites and… – NCSC.GOV.UK

cyber toolkit spending money online

Consume: spending money online


More and more of the money we spend is spent online or digitally. Whether that is debit card or Go Henry, mobile contactless with Google or Apple Pay, or online payments like PayPal and even cryptocurrency.
Learners need to understand the benefits and risks of using digital money and online accounts to make purchases. Do they understand the amount of targeted advertising that they are exposed to? Are they aware of when a social media ‘influencer’ is being paid to promote products to them?


back to Consume

Internet safety risks and considerations


In order to spend money online, learners usually need access to:

  • an internet-connected device
  • funds, such as a bank account, credit card or game funds card


When supporting learners with this area, it is important to consider who controls their access to these opportunities and resources:

  • Is there a risk of this occurring in school?
  • How is that enabled?
  • Are there steps that could be taken to reduce the risk of this?


If it is an out-of-school risk:

  • How can the school support with this?
  • Is support required for families or learners?
  • Who can support with this: Community Learning and Development or Police Scotland?
Potential risks

Being more cyber resilient reduces the risk of internet safety issues arising. We all want the internet to be a more welcoming space for children and young people and that is why we promote this positive message of safe, smart and kind.

Topics to explore with learners might include:

Cyber resilience guidance


The first potential vulnerability when spending online is the device not being securely set up. Check with learners that they have:

  • a screenlock that requires a passcode or biometric (face or fingerprint) to log in to stop unauthorised access (hacking)
  • the latest operating system (usually iOS, android or Windows) installed as this usually fixes potential security vulnerabilities
  • antivirus software installed, turned on and updated to reduce risk of viruses or ransomware
  • installed apps from approved providers, such as App Store or Play Store to avoid malicious content
  • only using secure websites that have the padlock symbol and https in the address bar

When setting up and using accounts with access to funds, such as shopping, gaming or streaming, users should:

  • stick to well-known platforms that other people use regularly, such as supermarkets and apps from the app store or Play store
  • use review sites, such as Trustpilot, when using a new or less well-known app
  • consider using a separate email account form the one used to access their bank
  • use a stronger password including three random words and not share this with anyone
  • use 2FA or additional security features when available
Report and support

Anyone who believes they have been a victim of scams, fraud or theft should report it to Police Scotland by phoning 101.

Whether a victim or not, all potential scams should be reported to the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) who will investigate and then remove or block the scams so that others do not fall victim. 

If money has been stolen, or personal details accessed from a financial account, then contact the bank or service provider immediately and then update login details such as email address, password and 2FA.
call police on 101


Resources for younger learners

The National Cyber Security Centre infographic for Shopping Securely Online

There are downloadable resources on the MoneySense website about How to Pay for Things and How Can I Keep My Money Safe? – Money Sense Teaching Resources

Resources for older learners

All Scottish secondary schools received copies of the Your Money Matters textbook. These resources (chapters 5 and 6) can be used to cover the contexts of spending and managing money online. Your Money Matters Scotland – PowerPoints

Online course with badges – learn how to setup, spend and manage online spending Transacting | Digital Wings (uk.barclays)


Phishing: Spot and report scam emails, texts, websites and… – NCSC.GOV.UK