Category: google

Google For Education on Tour – Duncanrig Secondary School

Duncanrig Secondary

Join Google for Education at Duncanrig Secondary School in South Lanarkshire to see Google Workspace for Education and Chromebooks in action. The day will open with a keynote from the team, followed by a choice of sessions – including the opportunity to spend time in the classroom and see how pupils use the tools.

Download the flyer for more information and registration details

Google Certification Programme

Google for Education Certification Programme: September – December 2022

Sign up here

Scotland’s Learn with Google Programme launched in May and had more than 250 educators complete their Google Certified Educator (GCE) training. The programme is back, with Level 1 sessions kicking off in September and Level 2 sessions in November.  

These are fully-funded and supported Google for Education learning pathways to achieve the Level 1 and 2 certifications.  The programme includes weekly live webinars with Google Certified Trainers, Coaches or Innovators and access to an online support hub for self-directed learning. The sessions are focussed around pedagogy and the Scottish Curriculum – so whether you are looking to develop collaboration or creativity with your learners, we’ve got you covered. 

Certification allows you to distinguish yourself as a digital leader and be recognised for the work you’ve done. Signing up for this programme does not mean you must rush to complete certification. When you are ready, you can request a free-of-cost exam voucher and sit an exam at your convenience, with up to 180 minutes to complete an exam. You will receive results straight to your inbox and can join the community to celebrate!

Find out more & sign up for the programme here:

google docs word processor

What is Google Docs?

Google Docs is a tool for creating text documents and can be used to:

  • Create a page of text but can also contain tables and images
  • Support accessibility, with translation, voice typing and text reading
  • Share documents with Glow users and externally with parents and the community

google workspace logo


Find out how to access Google Classroom and Docs in Glow and how to add it to your Glow Launch Pad for quick and easy access.


Find out how to create Google Docs, save your work and type with your voice.


Suggestions on how you can create more engaging worksheets for you learners with text boxes, numbered questions and interactive diagrams.


See how learning tools in Google Docs can make learning more engaging for learners, including AI to find information, translating text to different languages and having Docs read aloud.

Other Google Workspace apps

Upcoming Google Workspace workshops

google sites web page builder

What is Google Sites?

Google Sites is a tool for creating web pages and websites:

  • Sites can contain a range of media, inlcuding text, images, video and sound
  • Sites can be shared with Glow users and externally with parents and the community



google classroom

What is Google Classroom?

Google Classroom is a digital hub for collaboration.

  • Classroom can be used for communicating with learners, creating and sharing lessons, and assessing learning
  • Find out how you can make the most out of Google Classroom within Glow by watching the videos below

google workspace logo


Joining and creating a Class


What is Stream?


What is Classwork?


Creating Topics in Classwork


Creating an assignment on Classwork


Other assignment types


Using rubrics for assessment


Adding and Accessing from your Glow Launchpad

What is Google Drive?

What is Google Drive?

Google Drive is an online cloud storage tool

  • Drive allows you to store documents online to be accessed anywhere and on any device
  • Drive allows you to share documents and work on them collaboratively

google workspace logo


Find out what Google Drive is and how to create new files.


Find out how to share files from your Drive.


Find out how to change the layout and appearance of files and folders in your Drive.

google jamboard whiteboard

What is Google Jamboard?

Google Jamboard is a collaborative whiteboard tool

  • Jamboards allows users to create spaces to share thoughts and ideas
  • Jamboards can contain text, images, post-it notes and ink
  • Jamboards can be shared with Glow users and externally with parents and the community

google workspace logo


What is Jamboard? How can you use it in the classroom with learners?


How to create a new Jam and an overview of Jamboard features in Glow.


How to add images and use the tools for text, shapes and drawing in Jamboard.


How to create a link for Jamboard collaboration and how to use this with Classroom assignments.


How to share a link for a Jam to Microsoft Teams assignments.

Upcoming Google Workspace workshops with

google forms quizzes

What is Google Forms?

Google Forms is a tool for creating surveys and quizzes

  • Forms allows users to create surveys and self-marking quizzes
  • Forms can be shared with Glow users and externally with parents and the community
  • Forms automatically collates data which is displayed in interactive graphs
  • All this data can then be exported into Sheets for further analysis


Find out how to create a new Form in Google Workspace.


Find out how to add images and videos to questions and also how to duplicate questions to quickly create a Form.


Find out about the different question types and how to setup Forms to check answers and even provide feedback to support learning.


Find out how to share Forms you create and the settings you can control about who can access and share the Form.